“Robots on Humans: Symbionts or Parasites?” presented by Demers and Vorn
Session Title:
- Robots – Expanded Corporalities (artist talks)
Presentation Title:
- Robots on Humans: Symbionts or Parasites?
Presentation Subtheme:
- Symbiotic Imaginaries
In this Artist Talk, we are presenting a variety of Robotic Art projects that we have realized in the last thirty years and that involve machines in very close contact with humans (performers, viewers, etc.). This symbiotic theme is at the heart of our new participative project Godspeed, a large-scale performance where the audience is invited to wear robotic extensions, augmentations and prosthetics. Based on what we call speculative rituals of the machine, Godspeed is our way to wish “good luck” to humanity once we reach the point of singularity.