SISEA: Second International Symposium on Electronic Art

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Second International Symposium on Electronic Art


Groningen, Netherlands


11-16 November, 1990

Organised by:

Groningen University for Applied Sciences (Rijkshogeschool Groningen, RHG)


SISEA was organized by the Groningen University for Applied Sciences (Rijkshogeschool Groningen, RHG), in particular the departments for Visual Arts (Academie Minerva) and Music (Groningen Music Conservatory) and SCAN, the National Center for Computer Animation. SCAN started in 1988 as a post-academic education and research institute for computer animation and later became the Masters department of the RHG Art and Music Departments, under the name Frank Mohr Institute.

The ISEA conference, main art exhibition and the night of Concerts & Performances as well as the Film & Video Show were held in the Oosterpoort, the main Conference & Theater center of the city of Groningen.

Workshops were held both at SCAN and at the Music Conservatory. Several events were organised in public space, like in the temporary ‘Video Pavilion’ of architect Bernard Tschumi and on a large electronic public display on the central city square.

Organising Committee:

Click to Collapse the Organising Committee
  • Wim van der Plas, Executive Director
  • Eric Kluitenberg, Artistic Director
  • Ben Warner, General Advisor

Introductory and Welcoming Notes:

Title: Welcome (SISEA) Presenter(s):
Title: Welcome (SISEA) Presenter(s):
Title: SISEA: Report and Introduction Presenter(s):
Title: Introduction to Groningen Presenter(s):

Closing Remarks:

Title: Closing Remarks SISEA Presenter(s):

Informal Get-together:

Title: Official SISEA Reception Organiser(s):

Other Committees:

Click to Collapse the Other Committees

Committee of Recommendation

  • Henk Vonhoff, the Queen’s Commissioner in the Province of Groningen
  • Jos Staatsen, Mayor of the City of Groningen
  • Arie van der Zwan, Leading Economist

Steering Committee

  • L.H.B. Verstegen (Chairman of the Board, Gro­ningen Polytechnic)
  • A. van Hijum (Board Member, Groningen Polytech­nic)
  • G.J. Leijdekkers (Director, Department of Visual Arts, Music & Architecture Academie Minerva, Groningen Polytechnic)
  • H.J.M. van de Vijver (Director, Post Graduate Studies, Academie Minerva)

Technical Team

  • Martin Bartels (SCAN)
  • Erik Bijl
  • George Herfkens (Academie Minerva)
  • Fokke van der Veer
  • Jochem Vos (Academie Minerva)

Co-ordinator General Events

• Emmy Okkerse (RHG)

PR Co-ordinator

• Marlise Vroom (RHG)


  • G.J. Talens

SISEA Secretariat

• Heidi van der Plas-van der Wal

Registration Desk

  • Babs Warner

Graphic Design

• Bas W.M. Ekkers

The Organizing Committee wishes to thank: Tjebbe de Boer (RHG), Ton Kee (RHG), Babs Warner (SCAN), Susan Amkraut (SCAN), Robbert Bloemendaal and many others.

Electronic Theater Jury:

  • Simon Biggs -
    • National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN)
    • Australia
  • Eric Kluitenberg [
    • Netherlands
  • Ben Remkes -
    • Art Academy Minerva (Hanze University Groningen)
    • Netherlands
  • Ebe Treffers -
    • Art Academy Minerva (Hanze University Groningen)
    • Netherlands
  • Gerrit Velthuis -
    • Art Academy Minerva (Hanze University Groningen)
    • Netherlands
  • International Programme Committee:

    Additional Information:

    SISEA got a follow-up in the Rijksmuseum Twenthe in Enschede (, where interactive work of 7 of the SISEA exhibiting artists was shown, from November 18 – December 9.

    Additional Documents:

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