Person Data Table

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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Marc
  • Siffert
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2023 Marc Siffert After starting out as a rock bassist, he discovered the double bass at the age of 19 and won a Gold Medal at the Conservatoire National de Région de Montpellier 7 years later… then Conservatoire Supérieur de Genève, prize from the Charles Cros Academy… Endowed with this classical formation, he played with the Skokie Valley Orchestra of Chicago, among others, the Orchester National de France or even the Capitole but he will very quickly be attracted by contemporary creation
  • Unavailable
  • Marc
  • Swadel
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA97 Marc Swadel is a New Zealand film director, cinematographer, writer and producer. He is most well known for his music based output, spanning TV, music promo and feature film.
  • New Zealand
  • 171.77990019594,-41.838875221513
  • Marc
  • Teyssier
  • Presenter
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Creative Technologist, from Interaction Designer to Research. Marc develops creative hardware and software experiences that bring technology closer to human nature. Marc leads the Resilient Futures research group at De Vinci Innovation Center, dedicated to creating simple sustainable technologies.
  • Unavailable
  • Marc
  • Tomko
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Marc-André
  • Cossette
  • Artist-Performing and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Concordia University
  • PhD Can­di­date
  • ISEA2022 Marc-André Cossette is a transdisciplinary artist and PhD Candidate at Concordia University working on the relation between technology and performing arts using sound, visual, interaction design and Artificial. His work has been presented both in Canada and internationally, notably at Tangente Danse (Canada), Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), El Matadero (Spain) and CMMAS (Mexico).
  • Unavailable
  • Marcel
  • Pié
  • ISEA2022 Marcel Pié, filmmaker, animator and university professor
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 2.177432,41.382894
  • Marcel
  • Zaes
  • Presenter and Composer-Director-Choreographer
  • ISEA2016 Marcel Zaes (IT), a composer whose compositional method is always starting from the physical qualities of the sound itself, in a post-Griseyan sense, acts as a “listener” to Manzoni’s piano playing. Watching and observing the sonic pianistic space, he waits for the subtle artifacts produced out of Manzoni’s playing: the pretended “silence” between two notes which is never silent, the release phase of single notes, the other strings which start to resonate even when they are not played,
  • Unavailable
  • Marcela
  • Antipan Olate
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Bremen University of Arts (Germany)
  • ISEA2023 Marcela Antipán Olate is a designer and artist interested in technology as expressive media. In her practice, she combines concepts that are indistinguishable from the arts, sciences, or other fields. Within that framework, one of her main interests is the critical reflection on technological objects of daily use and their symbolic and technical connections in relation to politics, economies, ecologies, and cultures. With a background in graphic design, functionality, and speculative n
  • Germany
  • 10.018343294857,51.133481343993
  • Marcelina
  • Wellmer
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Marcelina Wellmer is operating at the edge of video, installation and painting. The works are dealing with the relation of humans and technology and with the interference of information and media, crossing the border from analog to digital and vice versa. Important exhibitions 2012-2015: Re-new / Digital Arts Festival / Copenhagen / Denmark; Paraflows 7, Reverse Engineering / Vienna / Austria; Transmediale 2012 / Dark Drives, HKW Exhibition / Berlin / Germany; Resonant Bodies / Ins
  • Unavailable
  • Marcella
  • Lista
  • Presenter
  • Centre Pompidou
  • ISEA2023 Marcella Lista is a French curator and art historian. She is chief curator at the Centre Pompidou.
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Marcello
  • Giordano
  • Presenter
  • Input Devices and Music Interaction Lab, McGill University, and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
  • ISEA2015 Marcello Giordano & Deborah Egloff, Input Devices and Music Interaction Lab, McGill University Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology,  Montreal, Canada
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Marcelo
  • Moscheta
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA 2018 Marcelo Moscheta (b. 1976, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil) The common thread running through Moscheta’s work is a great fascination for nature, together with his willingness to travel and experience the landscape. This experience of traveling and living in difficult environments stimulated his interest in depicting the memory of a place in his works, developing a classification procedure like that of an archaeologist questioning the boundaries of territory, geography and physics throug
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Marchien
  • Veen
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • University of British Columbia
  • ISEA2015 Marchien Veen is an interdisciplinary artist working in a variety of media including textiles, digital art, drawing, installation, and sound. Her practice focuses on process and healing through futile labour and prolonged repetition. She received her BFA in Visual Art from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
  • Unavailable
  • Marco
  • Barotti
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Marco Barotti is a media artist based in Berlin, Germany. After music studies at the Siena Jazz Academy, he began merging sound with visual art. His work is driven by a desire to invent an artistic language in which a fictional post-futurist era is expressed through kinetic sound interventions in natural and urban environments. His installations merge audio technology, consumer objects and waste into moving sculptures triggered entirely by sound. The primary focus of his work is to cre
  • Berlin, Germany
  • 13.38333,52.51667
  • Marco
  • Donnarumma
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Artist-Performing
  • Unavailable
  • Marco
  • María
  • Gazzano
  • Presenter
  • Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Bogotá
  • ISEA2017 Marco María Gazzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • 12.646361036443,42.504153917067
  • Marco
  • Sosa
  • Curator
  • Zayed University
  • College of Arts and Creative Enterprises
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2014 Marco Sosa is a qualified architect , he was born in El Salvador, grew up in London and is currently working as an associate professor in the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises (CACE), Zayed University, Abu Dhabi Campus, United Arab Emirates.
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 54.3706,24.4748
  • Marcos
  • Cuzziol
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Marcos
  • Lutyens
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Marcos Lutyens’s (UK, 1964) practice centers on the investigation of consciousness to engage the visitor’s embodied experience of art. Exhibitions of infinite scale and nature have been installed in the minds of visitors. Investigations have included consciousness research with social groups such as the third-gender Muxhe, Raeilians, synaesthetes, border migrants, space engineers and mental architects to explore how unconscious mind-sets shift across cultures and backgrounds. Lutyens
  • Unavailable
  • Marcus
  • Bastos
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Cassia Aranha, Marcus Bastos, Ana Elisa Carramaschi, Lali Krotoszynski, Silvia Laurentiz, Monica Moura & Dario Vargas, Realities Group, Brazil
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Marcus
  • Lytuns
  • Artist-Performing
  • los angeles, california, United States of America
  • -118.2439,34.0544
  • Marcy
  • Wacker
  • Presenter
  • University of California at Davis
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2022  Biographies for students Niloufar Abdolmaleki, Hafsa Akter, Diana Araiza Soto, Cristina Gomez, Valentyna Hrushkevych, Justin Marsh, Fatema Mostafa, Alejandra Ruiz, Pachia Vang, Ofelia Pulido, Marcy Wacker, Edward Whelan, Iris Xie, Rova Yilmaz can be found on the UC Davis website:
  • Unavailable
  • Marea
  • Atkinson
  • Presenter
  • University of South Australia
  • ISEA2014 Marea Atkinson, AU, Adjunct Lecturer and Researcher at the School of Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia. Marea Atkinson main research area focuses in writing and artwork on light and darkness, the relationship between art and astronomy and the correlation between the terrestrial and celestial, Atkinson’s has presented her research at numerous international events.
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Marek
  • Blottiere
  • Presenter
  • National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
  • Student-researcher
  • Marek Blottiere is a student-researcher in Science and Technology Studies (STS) interested in AI development in Canada. In parallel to his studies, he joined the Campus team of the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) in 2020. As a service agent, he participates in the accompaniment and training of adults and children to new technologies (Djing, Mapping, VR, etc.). Blottiere is currently in his last year of a master's degree at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) and wa
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Marek
  • Hatala
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • School Interactive Arts and Technology
  • _Director and _Professor
  • ISEA2015 Marek Hatala.  Dr. Marek Hatala is a Professor and Director of the School Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, CA. He received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Technical University in Kosice (Slovakia). His research is driven by the problems arising between the computing systems and their users.
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Marga
  • Trip
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN)
  • SISEA (1990) Post Academic Student, SCAN, Groningen, NL
  • Groningen, Netherlands the
  • 6.6503,53.2683
  • Margarita
  • Benitez
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Kent State University
  • Fashion
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA 2018 Margarita Benitez is the Fashion Technologist and an Associate Professor at The Fashion School at Kent State University, USA. Her and Markus Vogl's current research explores 3D printing and transformation of the human form through concepts of biomimicry, interactive sound and visual installations, open source tools for artists and explorations for 3D printed fauna habitats. Their work has been showcased via exhibitions and presentations on 6 continents.They have won several awards and
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Margarita
  • Osipian
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Margaux
  • Missika
  • Presenter
  • PXN
  • ISEA2017 Margaux Missika, Upian, France
  • Upian, France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Margit
  • Rosen
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • ISEA2023 Margit Rosen studied art history, political science, philosophy and media arts at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG), and the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). In 2016 she was appointed Head of Collections, Archives & Research at ZKM. Margit Rosen taught at HfG | University of art And Design Karlsruhe, at CAFA Beijing and is a faculty member of the Master's program MediaArtHistories at the Danube University K
  • Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 8.403419,49.006871
  • Mari
  • Ohno
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Mari Ohno is a Japanese sound artist and researcher, based in Tokyo. She composes with matter to explore the boundary between the natural and the artificial, which is becoming increasingly blurred around us. She reinterprets natural elements and processes from post-anthropocentric view and harnesses the unexplored potentials of matter for her sonic and visual expression. Her practice represents the interdisciplinary explorations of co-composition between natural and artificial matter
  • Unavailable
  • María
  • Boto
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University College of Ghent
  • Ghent, Belgium
  • 3.725012,51.053829
  • María
  • Castellanos
  • Vicente
  • Presenter
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • ISEA2023 María Castellanos Vicente (ES) is an artist and PhD in Fine Arts. She is currently working as a postdoc researcher at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, in the framework of FeLT Project: Futures of Living Technologies. ISEA2022 Currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at Oslo Metropolitan University, in the framework of FeLT –Futures of Living Technologies–She holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctorate from the University of Vigo (SP), with an Extraordinary Phd Award 2016. He
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Christou
  • Presenter
  • Grenoble University
  • Teaching Assistant
  • ISEA2011 Maria Christou is a Ph.D. candidate and teaching assistant at Grenoble University. Her work deals with the issues brought up by the use of digital technologies to the cognition of the artistic experience. She examines how the new properties and relations between the participants of an interactive performance affect the embodiment of the situation. To do so she builds a methodology for the enactive analysis of such situations and she describes embodiment parameters by conducting quali
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Maria
  • Clara
  • Bernal
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Universidad de los Andes
  • Bogotá, Colombia
  • -74.0836453,4.6534649
  • Maria
  • Correia
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA 2022 Maria Correia is a PhD candidate and Killam Scholar in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program at the University of British Columbia. Her current research focuses on cross-cultural adaptive governance of complex social-ecological systems in the Okanagan valley of British Columbia, Canada.
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Del Mar
  • Navarro
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Griselda Gomez
  • Fries
  • Presenter
  • Universidad del Valle
  • ISEA 2017 Maria Griselda Gomez Fries, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • María
  • Heras
  • Moderator
  • Unavailable
  • María
  • José
  • Martinez de Pisón
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Lantin
  • Presenter
  • Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • _Director
  • ISEA2020 Maria Lantin is the Director of the Basically Good Media Lab at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, Canada. She has a deep interest in space and movement both physical and metaphorical, and this is woven through her work in immersive media and interaction. She takes pleasure in scanning the technological horizon for trends in human fascination – what is grabbing our attention and why. Formative experiences include a BSc and PhD in Computing Science (Dalhousie University a
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Maria
  • Lucília
  • Borges
  • Presenter
  • University of Ouro Preto
  • _Professor
  • ISEA 2022 Maria Lucília Borges is Associate Professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto – UFOP, Campus Mariana, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, PhD and Master in Communication and Semiotics by Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP) and Graduated in Graphic Design at State University of São Paulo (UNESP/Bauru). From her current position as permanent Professor at UFOP, since 2012, she has been teaching Aesthetics, Sound Art and Graphic Design to Journalism students, with whom s
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Maria
  • Luiza (Malu)
  • Fragoso
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2019 Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso is an artist with a PhD in Arts and Multimedia (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil, (2003) where she developed research on artistic experimentations in telematics. Post Doctorate at the School of Art and Communication of the University of São Paulo. Currently professor at the Visual Communication Design Department at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ. Thesis supervisor since 2005. Published the title >=4D. Computer Art in Brazil (2005). Coordinator
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • -46.6334,-23.5507
  • María
  • Luján
  • Oulton
  • Art, Electronic Theater, or Performance Jury
  • Game Arts International Assembly
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Mandea
  • Presenter
  • Bucharest National University of Arts
  • Department of Design
  • Doctoral Student
  • ISEA2023 Maria Mandea (b.1991, Bucharest) is a playful media artist and designer working within social contexts. Considering viewers as players and collaborators in the artwork, she challenges disciplinary and role boundaries. With a background in object design and, before that, in algorithm thinking, she creates objects that contain sets of rules for imagined situations in which players can become immersed. Her work's recurring themes are togetherness, reaching a common aesthetic decision wit
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • 26.1027202,44.4361414
  • Maria
  • Michails
  • Presenter
  • Arizona State University
  • ISEA2023 Maria Michails is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates human-powered installations that focus on culturally influenced attitudes toward the natural world and resource use. Michails has an MFA in Intermedia from Arizona State University (USA) and a BFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
  • Unavailable
  • María
  • Molina
  • Peiró
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2019 María Molina Peiró is a Spanish filmmaker and audiovisual artist, with a background in fine arts. She works in an open format, mixing film, experimental animation and new media. Her films and installations often unfold layered realities that connect humans, technology and nature. She is particularly interested in memory systems (from geology to digital memory) and the relation between cinema and science. Her current research focuses on humanity’s constant struggle with its temporal a
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Papadomanolaki
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Paula
  • Lorgia
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Paulina
  • Godoy Arteche
  • Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • The Catholic University of Valparaíso
  • ISEA2023 Maria Paulina Godoy Arteche: Visual artist and educator trained at the Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile. Diver and Humboldt archipelago observer since 2002.
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Paulina Gutierrez
  • Arango
  • Artist-Performing and Presenter
  • Caldas University, Colombia
  • ISEA2017 Maria Paulina Gutierrez Arango (Colombia) is a clothing and interactive designer. She has been working in arts and design since 2011. She is professional in fashion design and thesis student of MA interactive design. She has participated in young designer experience like Arts of Fashion Symposium in San Francisco 2010 and Colombiamoda 2008. She has worked in collaborative, individual and industrial projects in Colombia like Camilo Álvarez fashion designer, Taller Abierto, Casa Tres P
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • Maria
  • Ptqk
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Dr. Maria Ptqk (Spain) – ISEA2023 sub-topics co-Chair, researcher, curator and cultural producer.
  • Spain
  • -4.0556850152549,41.294855629568
  • Maria
  • Roszkowska
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Disnovation.Org
  • ISEA2023 is a research collective set up in Paris, France, in 2012, whose core members include Maria Roszkowska (pl/fr), Nicolas Maigret (fr), Baruch Gottlieb (ca/de) & Jerome Saint-Clair (fr). They work at the interface between contemporary art, research and hacking, and compose tailor-made teams for each investigation together with academics, activists, engineers, and designers. More specifically their recent artistic provocations seek to empower post growth imaginaries an
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Rui
  • Vilar-Correia
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Smigielska
  • Presenter
  • Institute of Technology in Architecture
  • Maria Smigielska (PL/CH) is an architect and researcher based in Zurich, currently working at Digital Building Technologies (DBT) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She is interested in enhancement of potentials for creation of architectural elements, design objects and mixed media installations, by using digital and interactive technologies for encoding and modulating materials properties, custom design and fabrication methods
  • Zürich, Switzerland
  • 8.541096,47.369733
  • Maria
  • Zolotova
  • Presenter
  • Maria Zolotova is a researcher and producer of projects in the intersection of art, science and technology. Her main interest lies in interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, in analysis how they open up new perspective, intersect with ecological and social systems. Maria lives currently in Austria and manages S+T+ARTS Prize at Ars Electronica.
  • Austria
  • 14.300143590764,47.607797829269
  • Marialya
  • Bestougeff
  • Presenter
  • Centquatre-Paris
  • Innovation Director
  • ISEA2023 Marialya Bestougeff (FR) is Innovation Director at CENTQUATRE (104)
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Mariam
  • Fahed
  • Al Zaabi
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mariam
  • Mohamed
  • Al Bin Ali
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mariana
  • Carranza
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • Unavailable
  • Mariannah
  • Amster
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Marianne
  • Decoster-Taivalkoski
  • Artist-Performing and Presenter
  • University of the Arts Helsinki, Centre for Music & Technology of the Sibelius Academy, and ImproLab
  • ISEA2017 Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski is a French interactive media and sound artist based in Finland where she teaches at the University of the Arts Helsinki, in the Centre for Music & Technology of the Sibelius Academy. She has been the Head of this centre since 2013. She opened in fall 2013 the Exploratorium on sonic and bodily gestuality introducing to artistic based research thinking and ethics, and using improvisation as a tool for experiments. In 2011 she was a founding member of
  • Finland
  • 26.199539005192,62.777753965294
  • Marianne
  • Louise
  • Lebon
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • ISEA2023
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Mariano
  • Leotta
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2012 Mariano Leotta, Italy, Director, ARTEREAZIONE+CONSONANT.
  • Unavailable
  • Mariano
  • Sardón
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
  • Electronic Art Degree
  • ISEA2022 Mariano Sardón (AR/ES) was born in Argentina. He is a professor and chair of the Electronic Art Degree at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He won the ARCO / BEEP Prize 2019 ARCO Art Fair, Madrid, the “Konex Prize” in Visual Art Category 2012 given by Konex Foundation, Buenos Aires, and the “Experimentation prize in Non-traditional supports and video 2008” given by the Argentinean Association of Art Critics. He studied Physical Sciences at the Univer
  • Argentina
  • -63.954193,-36.252002
  • Mariano
  • Sigman
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • University of Buenos Aires
  • Founder
  • ISEA2022 Mariano Sigman (AR) was born in Argentina and grew up in Barcelona, Spain. He obtained a master’s degree in physics at the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in neuroscience in New York. He moved to Paris to investigate decision making, cognitive architecture and consciousness. In 2006 he founded the Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires, an interdisciplinary group integrated by physicists, psychologists, biologists, engineers, educational scientists,
  • Unavailable
  • Marie
  • du
  • Chastel
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Kikk Festival Belgium
  • Namur, Belgium
  • 4.866189,50.466528
  • Marie
  • Fraser
  • Curator
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
  • Art History
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2020 Marie Fraser is professor of art history and museum studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal and a member of Figura, centre de recherche sur le texte et l’imaginaire. She holds a Ph.D. in Art History from the Université de Montréal. Her research generally has to do with the transformation of narrative and temporal systems in contemporary art. As a member of CIÉCO, she focuses more specifically on event-related usages that call for bringing collections up to date and affect how hi
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.57338,45.50025
  • Marie
  • Griesmar
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2018 The complexity and poetry of water and the under-water world are a decisive inspiration for Marie Griesmar’s art practice. She started diving at the age of nine and has been a committed observer of marine life ever since. Thanks to her diving skills, she sees water as a new space for creativity and creation. During her residency at KAUST, Griesmar investigated the aesthetics of underwater ecological constructions in the Red Sea. Inspired by the diversity of the organisms – their functi
  • Lausanne, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 6.63333,46.53333
  • Marie
  • Lelouche
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Born in 1984 in Saint-Junien, France Marie Lelouche graduated from the École de Beaux Arts de Paris, the Sorbonne University, and Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains. She is currently pursuing a doctorate at the Université du Québec in Montréal and at Le Fresnoy on the subject of Post-digital sculpture. Interested in the evolution of forms taken in their techno-cultural context, with a particular focus on remix practices, she has participated in several residency progra
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.699536,50.56181
  • Marie
  • Michél
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Marie
  • Stéphane
  • Maradeix
  • Presenter
  • Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso
  • Général Delegate
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Marie
  • Verdeil
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Marie Verdeil is a french designer based in the Netherlands. She recently graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven, NL. Her practice is based on empirical and empathic research and often results in creating tools, methods or experiences, rather than ready-made solutions. In her work, she uses hacks and subversion in an attempt to shift our relationship with Technology. She also wonders what design can do to challenge our beliefs & habits in a finite, ecologically threatened wo
  • Belgium
  • 4.633575,50.438696
  • Marie
  • Vicet
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Marie Vicet (FR) Modern art history researcher.
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Marie-Eve
  • Bilodeau
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Manager
  • ISEA 2022 Marie-Eve Bilodeau recently completed her master’s degree in electrical engineering at École de Technologie Supérieure in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Her research focuses on human-computer interaction and the design of tangible interfaces for the field of audiovisual arts. She holds a technical degree in audiovisual electronics and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. Marie-Eve has worked in the field of media, audiovisual and interactive arts. She previously worked as an FP
  • Unavailable
  • Marie-France
  • Veyrat
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Marie-Hélène
  • Boyd
  • Artist-Performing
  • Actor
  • East Sussex, United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Marie-Julie
  • Bourgeois
  • Presenter
  • École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (ENSCI)
  • ISEA2011 Marie-Julie Bourgeois, ENSCI, France
  • FR
  • ,
  • Marie-Pier
  • Boucher
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • University of Toronto (U of T)
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2020 Marie-Pier Boucher works on the impact of science and technology at an interplanetary level with a specific focus on the design of habitats for sustaining life in extreme environments. She is co-editor of Being Material (MIT Press, 2019), Heteropolis (2013), and Adaptive Actions (Madrid) (2010). Her research residencies include: Johnson Space Center, NASA; Banff Center for the Arts; Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and; SymbioticA: Center for Excellence in Biological Art
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Mariejulie
  • Bourgeois
  • Presenter
  • Université Paris 8
  • Solar Fictions
  • PhD
  • ISEA2023 Mariejulie Bourgeois (FR) is a digital artist and PhD in Aesthetic science and art technology. In 2008, she received a Masters in New Media at the ENSCI (École nationale supérieure de création industrielle) with honors, in 2009, she followed the EnsadLab research program. In 2018, she has obtained a PhD on “Solar fictions” at the University Paris 8. She is teaching at Paris-Saclay University and she co-founded the CondéDesignLab in Paris.
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Marieke
  • van
  • Hal
  • Presenter
  • Bi­en­nial Foun­da­tion, Man­i­festa Foun­da­tion, and 1st Athens Bi­en­nial
  • ISEA2011 Marieke van Hal (NL) – mod­er­a­tor – is found­ing di­rec­tor of Bi­en­nial Foun­da­tion. She worked as Gen­eral Co­or­di­na­tor of Man­i­festa Foun­da­tion, di­rec­tor of the 1st Athens Bi­en­nial, and is co-ed­i­tor to­gether with Elena Fil­ipovic and Solveig Ovstebo of the An­thol­ogy “The Bi­en­nial Reader”, Van Hal lives in Athens.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mariela
  • Yeregui
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • -58.4370894,-34.6075682
  • Marietta
  • Ren
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Pierre Cattan & Marietta Ren,  France
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Marija
  • Avramovic
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2023 Marija Avramović (1989, Belgrade, Serbia) and Sam Twidale (1988, Hereford, UK) form art collective Xenoangel. They began working together in 2017 and, despite their very different artistic background and skillsets – Avramović has degrees in Painting and Fine Arts, while Twidale studied music while self-learning programming – they found points in common in their fascination for video games and other-worldly realities. With inspirations that span from post anthropocentrism to science fic
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Marille
  • Hahne
  • Presenter, Workshop Organiser/Presenter, and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Independent Filmmaker
  • ISEA2020 Hahne is professor in Filmmaking. For 25 years she taught at the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and was the director of their Master education program. She also lectured at the HFF, Munich and at the Goethe Institute, India. Since 1983, she has directed documentaries in Germany, the US and Australia and now specializes in films about Art and Science collaborations (AIL Productions and Neuromedia). ISEA2018 Prof. Marille Hahne is a documentary film director, sound and video edit
  • Unavailable
  • Marilyne
  • Lacombe
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • Coordinator
  • Unavailable
  • Marina
  • Bauernfeind
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Marina Bauernfeind is the Project Manager for at Museum Ulm (DE). She studied economics (B.A., MBA) in the South of Germany and Mumbai, India and is an expert on creative marketing. Her career started at the international publishing group Hubert Burda Media, followed by several years as a marketing freelancer before finally founding her own creative agency in 2014. With her switch to in 2020, she keeps pursuing her ideas for a digital future.
  • Ulm, Germany
  • 9.993434,48.3974
  • Marina
  • Garces
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 2.177432,41.382894
  • Marina
  • Hervas
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Universidad de Granada
  • Granada, Spain
  • -3.599534,37.1735
  • Marina
  • McDougall
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2006 Marina McDougall is an independent curator.
  • Unavailable
  • Marina
  • Monsonís
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art Kitchen Lab
  • Direcotr
  • ISEA2022 Marina Monsonís is a visual artist who works with hybrid processes of micro-social transformation rooted in territories, collectives, and communities with a focus on marine science, place-based design, gastronomy, graffiti, radical geography, critical ethnography, and oral histories. She is the director of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art Kitchen Lab and based in Barcelona, España.
  • Unavailable
  • Marina
  • Núñez
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2022 Marina Núñez is a multidisciplinary artist who works with different formats, including painting, video and new technologies, she holds a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca and a PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She currently combines her artistic career with teaching at the University of Vigo. With her recent works, Marina Núñez invites us to reflect on how our subjectivity and our lives are affected by the interferences between the hum
  • Unavailable
  • Marina
  • Vujnovic
  • Presenter
  • Monmouth University
  • Department of Communication
  • ISEA2015 Marina Vujnovic, Department of Communication, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, US
  • West Long Branch, New Jersey, Canada
  • -74.0176,40.2904
  • Marine
  • Agogué
  • Presenter
  • HEC Montréal
  • Department of Management
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2023 Marine Agogué Associate Professor, Department of Management, École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal (HEC)
  • Unavailable
  • Marinos
  • Giannoukakis
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • De Montfort University, UK.
  • ISEA2015 Marinos Giannoukakis is a digital artist interested in real time immersive performance. He is working on a Ph.D at De Montfort University (UK) with Bret Battey and John Young, where he researches real time narrative strategies with real time audio and game engines. He is based in Leicester, U.K.
  • Leicester, United Kingdom
  • -1.13333,52.63333
  • Mario
  • Panizza
  • Presenter
  • Roma Tre University
  • ISEA2017 Mario Panizza, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • 12.48278,41.89306
  • Marío
  • Santamaría
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Mario Santamaría (Burgos, 1985) works across a wide range of media by frequently using photography, video, performance, websites and online interventions. He was a finalist in the Post-Photography Prototyping Prize of the Fotomuseum Winterthur and part of Watched! Surveillance, Art and Photography at the Hasselblad Foundation. He has been artist-in-residence at HISK (Ghent), Hangar (Barcelona) and Kunststiftung (Baden-Württemberg), among others. His work has been shown at centres such as CaixaFo
  • Unavailable
  • Marion
  • Aïdara
  • Presenter
  • Senegal
  • -14.820879970136,15.22144697302
  • Marion
  • Bösen
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2018 Marion Bösen is a German artist. Her first exhibition was Druckwerk - Haut der Stadt at Städtische Galerie Bremen im Buntentor in Bremen in 1992, and the most recent exhibition was Animal turn at Syker Vorwerk - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Syke in 2019.
  • Bremen, Germany
  • 8.80889,53.07694
  • Marion
  • Laval-Jeantet
  • Presenter
  • University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2023 Marion Laval-Jeantet is an artist, writer and transcultural psychiatrist. She is Associate Professor in University Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Marion
  • Roche
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Marion Roche was born in 1990 in the south of France. She is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher in philosophy, working and living between Lyon, Berlin, and Tuscany. After a master of philosophy she gathered various experiences in the art, cultural and social fields in Berlin. From 2010 to 2013 she was involved as a metal sculptor and the president of the association ArtProTacheles, in charge of the Tacheles sculpture parc (Mitte), after the closing of the place she built and fou
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Marios
  • Samdanis
  • Presenter
  • University of London, UK
  • ISEA2011 Marios Samdanis is a PhD candidate at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK. His research relies on the intersection of innovation studies, new media studies and organization studies, focusing on diverse art and design fields, such as visual arts, fashion, sculpture, architecture and performance. In particular, he aims to understand how the effect of digitalization remediates each art and design form, leading to artistic innovations and new organizational forms. His paper ‘fashi
  • United Kingdom
  • ,
  • Mark
  • Brown
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA013 Mark Brown (AU) is a Sydney-based sound, installation and photomedia artist exploring the phenomenology of space, architecture and acoustic atmospherics. His practice has evolved into a poetic response to site, critiquing the history and function of architecture by documenting and making manifest unseen and unheard phenomena in space.
  • Australia
  • ,
  • Mark
  • Cauvin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2013 Mark Cauvin is a composer and performer who creates music that is an imaginary playground of wacky worm wrapped in a void of strange sounds. He composes for musical instruments, sound objects, lights and moving images, and during performance his double bass transforms into a piece of furniture, an amplifier or a water drum.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mark
  • Chang
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Mark Chang, Department of Art and Art History, University of California, Davis, USA
  • Unavailable
  • Mark
  • Farid
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • The University of the Arts
  • Fine Arts
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2023 Mark Farid (UK) is an internationally recognised Artist, Researcher, and Lecturer in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. He specialises in the intersection of the virtual and physical world, and the effect new technologies have on the individual and their sense of self. Mark’s work embodies hacker ethics, such as a focus on privacy policies, use of surveillance technologies, and campaigning for data privacy and protection. His work forms a critique of soci
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Mark
  • Goldman
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mark
  • Gross
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • University of Colorado
  • ISEA2015 Hyunjoo Oh, Jiffer Harriman & Mark Gross, University of Colorado, Boulder, US
  • Boulder, Colorado, United States of America
  • -105.2705,40.015
  • Mark
  • Hursty
  • Presenter
  • University of Sunderland
  • ISEA2015 Mark Hursty, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK ISEA2014 Mark Hursty, University of Sunderland, UK, is a researcher at the International Institute for Research in Glass at the National Glass Centre of the University of Sunderland, UK. His project concerns the creative use of digital fabrication and press‑moulded glass.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Mark
  • J. de
  • Graaf
  • Presenter
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Industrial Design
  • ISEA2015 Zelf Koelman, Mark J. de Graaf & Hans J. Leeuw, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Netherlands the
  • 4.3175,52.08417
  • Mark
  • Nelson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mark
  • Pilkington
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • American University of Sharjah
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2014 Mark Pilkington (UK) studied Fine Art before completing a MA in Photography at the Royal College of Art, London. He has taught photography at a number of UK colleges before moving to the UAE in 1997. He is Full Professor at the College of Architecture, Art and Design, The American University of Sharjah, where he teaches both practical and history of photography.
  • Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • 55.43333,25.35
  • Markus
  • Vogl
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Akron
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA 2018 Markus Vogl is an Associate Professor in Art at The University of Akron, USA. His current research with Margarita Benitez explores 3D printing and transformation of the human form through concepts of biomimicry, interactive sound and visual installations, open source tools for artists and explorations for 3D printed fauna habitats. Their work has been showcased via exhibitions and presentations on 6 continents. They have won several awards and are Fulbright Fellowship Alumni.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Marla
  • Jacarilla
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Marla
  • Schweppe
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • The Ohio State University
  • Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
  • -83.0007,39.9623
  • Marlene
  • Brandstätter
  • Presenter
  • University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2015 Mag. Marlene Brandstätter (University of Art and Design Linz, Austria, Interface Culture), lecturer, fine artist and computer scientist
  • Linz, Austria
  • 14.28333,48.3
  • Marne
  • Elmore
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Marnix
  • de
  • Nijs
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2013 Marnix de Nijs (Rotterdam, Netherlands / Beijing, China), an installation artist whose work Run Motherfucker Run is featured in ISEA2013 – see Running the City at COFA.
  • Rotterdam, Netherlands the
  • ,
  • Marsha
  • McDevitt
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • The Ohio State University
  • Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
  • -83.0007,39.9623
  • Marta
  • Ameri
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Marta
  • Gracia
  • Curator
  • Unavailable
  • Marta
  • Mikolajewska
  • Presenter
  • University of Lodz, Poland
  • ISEA2011 Marta Mikolajewska / Marta Heberle graduated cultural studies at the University of Lodz, Poland. She specializes in issues related to bioart and transhumanism. She is an author of theoretical texts concerning postmedia art. She also creates her own fashion design projects. Currently she also operates in an area of actions on the border of music and performance [ LH+].
  • Poland
  • ,
  • Marta
  • Pérez-Campos
  • Presenter
  • Marta Pérez-Campos (Zaragoza, Spain) is PhD candidate at the UPV/EHU University of Basque Country and Master Interface Culture at the Kunstuniversität Linz. Her great interest in language and communication has led her to focus her current research on our relationship with and through technological devices and to approach some technological processes from an artistic perspective.
  • Unavailable
  • Marta
  • Vega
  • Presenter
  • MACBA archive and library
  • Head
  • ISEA2022 Marta M. Vega is head of the MACBA archive and library. She holds degrees in Art history and Documentation from the University of Barcelona. Her previous experience in libraries includes the Biblioteca de Catalunya and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. She co-authored the e-pub on museum archives Folding the exhibition, MeLa Project, 2014.
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 2.177432,41.382894
  • Martha de
  • Francisco
  • Presenter
  • McGill University
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA 2017 Martha de Francisco is Associate Professor of Sound Recording at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. A native of Colombia, she has established a prominent international career for over thirty years as a record producer/engineer for classical music, frequently invited to produce recordings with the most distinguished soloists and symphony orchestras, for the most prominent music institutions and venues and for the major record labels. Her extensive discography consists of over 5
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Martha
  • Hunt
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Brighton College
  • ISEA2014 Martha Hunt & Aki Stuclholme are students at Brighton College, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
  • Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
  • 55.68,24.2
  • Martha
  • Jane
  • Ladly
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2015 Martha Ladly is a Professor of Design, teaching in the Digital Futures Graduate and Undergraduate Programs at Ontario College of Art & Design University (OCADU), Toronto, Canada, as well as the Inter- disciplinary Master’s Program. Dr. Ladly specializes in teaching and practice-based research in design, art, media, and technology. She is the former Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, at OCADU. Dr. Ladly is a senior researcher with the Mobile Experience Lab and a Network Investigator
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Martha
  • Radice
  • Presenter
  • Dalhousie University
  • Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • ISEA2011 Martha Radice.I am a social anthropologist in Dalhousie University’s Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology (Nova Scotia, Canada) whose work focuses on the social, spatial and cultural dynamics of cities. I use ethnographic methods to investigate people’s activities and interactions in urban public spaces such as commercial streets, public libraries and  multiethnic neighbourhoods. My research interests include public sociability; immigration, ethnicity and interethnic relat
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Martí
  • Ruiz
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of Barcelona
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 2.177432,41.382894
  • Martin
  • Brain
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Bricelj
  • Baraga
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA 2018 Martin Bricelj Baraga is an artist who has exhibited worldwide including ICA in London, Sonar in Barcelona, Columbia University in New York, FACT Liverpool, Kinetica ArtFair, Centro cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires, Kunsthaus Graz, and many others. ISEA2015 Martin Bricelj Baraga (Slovenia), visual and media artist and cultural activist. His works, audiovisual performances and several collaborations research the relation between man and machine, social aspects of contemporary pop cu
  • Slovenia
  • 14.694076398125,46.169458488803
  • Martin
  • Fröhlich
  • Presenter
  • University of the Arts
  • Immersive Arts Space
  • Operative Lead
  • ISEA2020 Martin Fröhlich studied Mechanical engineering and Media art at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. His work oscillates between arts and technology, and ranges from computer animations to interactive art spaces, from experimental digital music interfaces to video mapping software, to spatial augmented reality toolsets. His recent works include the “Mossprinter” (2011), a mechatronic device that prints moss onto house walls; “MeshWarpServer” (2012), a v
  • Zürich, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 8.54,47.37861
  • Martin
  • Jarmick
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Khechara
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2022 Martin Khechara is an Associate Professor for engagement in science technology engineering and maths (STEM) at the University of Wolverhampton. A former research scientist he now has an international profile for his pedagogical research, as a public engagement practitioner and science communicator.
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Krickl
  • Presenter
  • Austrian National Library
  • ISEA2023 Martin Krickl is a research data librarian and project manager for the Austrian National Library’s Labs at the department Research and Dataservices. He worked as a metadata librarian in the department for old books as well as in a research project on historical travelogues (Travelogues – Perceptions of the Other, 2018-2021). He studied German and Italian literature at the University of Vienna. He is author/co-author of papers related to classification of library documents by means of M
  • Austria
  • 14.300143590764,47.607797829269
  • Martin
  • Messier
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Université de Montréal (Canada)
  • ISEA2015 Martin Messier’s work takes shape through the relationship between sound and material; he gives life to sound through various objects such as alarm clocks, sewing machines, film projectors, pens and self conceived machines. He pushes the everyday imaginary into new terrain, magnifying and reinventing their functions, flipping the customary hierarchy, making sound the driving force of movements. Messier has presented his multidisciplinary  work at esteemed events around the world, oft
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Martin
  • Patrick
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Massey University
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2023
  • Palmerston North, New Zealand
  • 175.610247,-40.356535
  • Martín
  • Rodríguez
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Martín Rodríguez (USA/CA) is a multi-disciplinary artist and curator. His work draws connections between the intrinsic communications in sound to create experiences that engage in the present. His performances, installations, and interventions utilize unconventional techniques to expose the rhythms, harmonies, and melodies found in the cracks of the radio spectrum. Notably, Rodríguez’s work has been presented by the Musée d’art contemporain Montréal, MUAC (CDMX), Darling Foundry, Spekt
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Shook
  • Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • ISEA2017
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Tomitsch
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Curator
  • University of Sydney, Australia and Design Lab
  • Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning
  • ISEA2013 Dr Martin Tomitsch is a lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney and a researcher in the Design Lab, an interdisciplinary group that spans a range of fields from interaction design and electronic arts to computer science and social science.
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Martín
  • Vélez
  • Artist-Performing and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Martín Vélez As part of my academic research, I started to incorporate my own physical condition into the creative process of art making. In that process I discovered techniques that allow us to control our vital signs, particularly meditation. Meditation is the practice of self-awareness and has effects in how we engage with our daily situations. Its practice can help people build strongest connections with their mind and body which can be used to create generative sound and visuals
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Martin
  • Zimper
  • Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Zurich University of the Arts
  • ISEA2013 Dr Martin Zimper (Zurich, Switzerland), a European pioneer of multiplatform storytelling, Social TV, and Transmedia; also an award winning television maker and journalist, and Director of CAST, Zurich University of the Arts
  • Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 8.54,47.37861
  • Martina
  • Huynh
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2022 Martina Huynh and Jonas Althaus founded studio Cream on Chrome; a socially-engaged experience design studio based in Rotterdam. By designing multimedia experiences and interactive spaces they explore new perspectives in the fields of economy, journalism, ecology and emerging technologies.
  • Unavailable
  • Martina
  • Mezak
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Martina Mezak is a multimedia artist. Her work is based on multidisciplinary research in the field of art and technology, which includes interactive audio and video installations, multimedia objects, as well as Internet-based, audio and video works. Her work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad (Ring Gallery, HDLU, Zagreb; Device_art 3.009, Zagreb; Device_art 2.006, Zagreb/Velika Gorica, Belgrade, San Francisco; Museum of contemporary art, Zagreb; Cultu
  • Unavailable
  • Martina
  • R
  • Fröschl
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Science Visualization Lab
  • The Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
  • Senior Researcher
  • ISEA2022  Martina R. Fröschl studied media technique and media design and wrote her thesis about computer-animated scientific visualizations of tomographic scanned microscopic organic entities. The depiction of realities and biological phenomena has ever since driven her creations. She contributed to various documentary and fictional productions for TV and cinema as visual effects and CG-artist. Her recent computer animations are based on scientific imaging data in collaboration with imaging ex
  • Vienna, Austria
  • 16.3725042,48.2083537
  • Martine
  • Neddam
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2022 Martine Neddam is an artist who uses language as raw material. Since she began as an artist her favorite subjects always were speech acts, modes of address, words in the public space. Since 1988 she has exhibited text objects (banners, plaques, shadows on the wall) in museums and galleries. She has also conceived many large-scale public commissions in several European countries : Netherlands, France, Great Britain. Since 1996, she has created virtual characters who lead an autonomous a
  • Unavailable
  • Martine
  • Stig
  • Presenter
  • Photographer
  • ISEA2022 Martine Stig (Nijmegen, 1972) lives and works in Amsterdam. She studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Art (The Hague) and at the University of Amsterdam, philosophy. Her work has been shown at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Aperture Foundation (NYC), Huis Marseille (Amsterdam). Her work is part of collections of Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), the Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam), H+F collection& ABN/Amro collection. She has a teaching position at the Master Institute of Visual Cultures, Den
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands the
  • 4.9,52.378
  • Marty
  • St
  • James
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2016 Artist. Forty of his video pieces have been archived by the British Film Institute in the UK including Mr and Mrs his first video work based on a television game show appearance and Metamorphosis (Headcake 1998). During the 1980’s a number of his video works were broadcast on national television including Timecode (Heartbeat 1988) shown in a number of countries worldwide. The Video Portraits of the 1990’s are some of his best known works including The Swimmer – an 11 monitor installati
  • Unavailable
  • Mary
  • Bunch
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • York University
  • Unavailable
  • Mary
  • Flanagan
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Dartmouth College
  • Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America
  • -72.288666,43.703622
  • Mary
  • Laube
  • Presenter
  • Visual Artist
  • ISEA 2016 Visual artist Mary Laube and composer Paul Schuette met at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (USA) in February 2013 on what was each their first residency. After returning home, they kept in touch making collaborative work remotely and getting together when they could for a few days at a time. They refer to their work together as the Warp Whistle Project.
  • Unavailable
  • Mary
  • Maggic
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Mary Maggic, USA
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Mary
  • Margaret
  • Moore
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mary
  • Tsiongas
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2014 Mary Tsiongas, Born (1959) in Trikala, Greece. Lives and works in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. She is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work often addresses human relationships to technology and the natural environment. Her new media work delves into themes of metaphysics, time, games, chance, and memory.
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of America
  • -106.651,35.0841
  • /
  • Maryna
  • Dykukha
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Maryna Dykukha is an interdisciplinary artist whose work takes different forms such as media art, video and animation, films, and photography. Her projects have been awarded the Palme d’Or for the Best Short Film in the 64th Cannes Film Festival, and have been presented in Glasgow Short Film Festival. Dykukha created this work In collaboration with the WRO Art Center . The artist is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 30.5,50.25
  • Maryse
  • Ouellet
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of Bonn
  • Unavailable
  • Mar­tinez
  • de Pisón
  • Ramón
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Maša
  • Jazbec
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Tsukuba
  • Empowerment Informatics
  • PhD Can­di­date
  • ISEA2017 Maša Jazbec, after finishing the study of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Education Maribor (Slovenia) continues her study at the post-graduate department of Interface Culture, at the University of Arts and Design Linz (Austria). During her study, she completes a residence at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences IAMAS (Japan). Her projects, exhibited as artworks, have always shown her understanding of new media as a research artistic practice, stemming from the tradition of th
  • Japan
  • 138.5922295495,36.386492821853
  • Masashi
  • Yamada
  • Presenter
  • Chukyo University
  • School of Engineering
  • ISEA 2016 Masashi Yamada, School of Engineering, Chukyo University, JP
  • Japan
  • 138.5922295495,36.386492821853
  • Massimo
  • Menichinelli
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • RMIT University
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • 144.963161,-37.814218
  • Matahiado
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Mateus R.
  • Miranda
  • Presenter
  • University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • ISEA 2018 Mateus R. Miranda, LART Laboratory of Research in Art and TechnoScience, University of Brasilia, Campus Gama (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazil
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Matheus
  • da Rocha
  • Montanari
  • Presenter
  • Universidade de São Paulo - ECA
  • PhD Student
  • Matheus da Rocha Montanari is a Brazilian artist and Phd candidate in Visual Arts at the University of São Paulo (BR), currently doing an internship at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES). He develops works at the intersection of art, science and philosophy, investigating ways to rethink technology after art and indigenous thought.
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • -46.633382,-23.550651
  • Mathias
  • Isouard
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Mathias Isouard, France
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Mathieu
  • Argaud
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017
  • Unavailable
  • Mathieu
  • Le Sourd
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2105 Montréal-based Maotik & Metametric combine the forces of digital artist Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) and musician and producer Jean-François Pedneault (Metametric). Mathieu Le Sourd is a master of generative visuals for interactive installations and multimedia performances. He designs his own audiovisual tools to create real-time immersive experiences such as DROMOS, presented in dome environments around the world. He holds a Master in Digital Arts from the IUA Pompeu Fabra in Ba
  • Unavailable
  • Matilda
  • Asuzu
  • Presenter
  • University of Denver
  • ISEA2014 Matilda Asuzu, University of Denver, US, is curious about cultural identities, how intercultural interactions morph them and the role of technology in these changes. She is hopeful about technology’s capacity for social change and realistically aware of its limitations in the face of human nature. Asuzu explores the social dynamics of culture and garners inspiration from her experiences of weaving together the cultures of her West African parents and that of American society.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Matsi
  • Modise
  • Presenter
  • SiMODiSA and Furaha Afrika Holdings
  • Founder and Chief Executive Officer
  • ISEA 2018 Ms. Matsi Modise is the MD of SiMODiSA, an industry association whose mission is to accelerate entrepreneurship by collaborating with policy makers to enhance the success rate of high impact, high growth entrepreneurs in South Africa. She is the founder and CEO of Furaha Afrika Holdings (Pty) Ltd, with subsidiaries including Furaha Solutions (a joint venture partnership with Work Force, a listed AltX-JSE company), Furaha investments & advisory. Her experience ranges from Inves
  • Unavailable
  • Matt
  • Ditton
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Matt
  • Horrigan
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Matt
  • Roberts
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Artist Matt Roberts has been featured internationally, including Taiwan, Brazil, Canada,  Argentina, Italy, Mexico, and in New York, San Francisco, Miami, and Chicago. He has shown in new media festivals, and recently received an award from the Transitio_MX Festival in Mexico City.
  • Unavailable
  • Matteo
  • Bittanti
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Matteo
  • Crivella
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Matthew
  • (eleet warez)
  • Hebert
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • San Diego State University
  • Art
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2015 Matthew Hebert has been working under the studio name eleet warez since shortly after completing his undergraduate studies in the mid-90s. The name is borrowed from hacker culture and suggests the technical sophistication, improvisational spirit, and freewheeling appropriation that is essential to his work. Matthew Hebert’s work has been exhibited at venues including The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, The Berkeley Art Museum, The Milwaukee Art Museum, The Museum of Craft and F
  • San Diego, California, United States of America
  • -117.1628,32.7174
  • Matthew
  • Azevedo
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2016 With degrees in sound recording technology and architectural sciences, Matt Azevedo brings the best of both worlds to his role as an acoustics consultant at Acentech. Outside the office, Azevedo is an active performer with a composition and performance practice based on custom-designed analog synthesizers and loudspeaker arrays. His most recent LP, Aokigahara, was released on Type Recordings in 2015.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Matthew
  • Blessing
  • Presenter
  • Composer
  • ISEA2020 Matthew Blessing is a composer, guitarist, and music technologist. Due to graduate this summer with a Doctorate in Experimental Music and Digital Media from Louisiana State University (USA), Blessing’s research explores new human-computer interfaces focusing on musical expression.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Matthew
  • Dols
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Matthew
  • Gingold
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Matt Gingold’s practice spans sonic sculpture, light installation, experimental documentary, creative code, and live audio-visual and performance art. From musique concrète to (sham) animism, neurobiology to artificial and unofficial intelligence, he is fascinated by the forces at the interface of body and machine. He has received awards including Prix Ars Electronica for Interactive Art (2012) and the Green Room Award for Best Video Design (2014), and exhibited at Medialab-Prado (
  • Unavailable
  • Matthew
  • Gwin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Matthew
  • Halpenny
  • Presenter
  • Concordia University
  • Senior Research Associate and Artist
  • ISEA2020 Matthew Halpenny is an interdisciplinary artist and research associate at Computational Arts, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. His research is conducted through the Speculative Life research cluster under the Milieux Institution for the Arts, Technology, and Culture. Halpenny’s artistic work primarily oscillates be-tween bio-art and embodied art, which focuses on the creation of works and dissemination of ideas related to systems theory, autopoiesis, perception, identity, and me
  • Montreal, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Matthew
  • Kenyon
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, Author, and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • University at Buffalo
  • Department of Art
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2014 Matt Kenyon is a new media artist who lives and works in Buffalo, New York where he teaches in the Art Department at the University at Buffalo. Kenyon is also part of PLATFORM, a socially engaged design studio in the Department of Art at the University at Buffalo. From 1999-2012, SWAMP operated as a collaborative between Kenyon and Douglas Easterly. Kenyon now runs SWAMP solo. SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) focuses on critical themes addressing the effects of gl
  • Buffalo, New York, United States of America
  • -78.878392,42.886717
  • Matthew
  • Martin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Matthew Martin is a recent graduate of Bachelor of Creative Technology at AUT. He works specifically with digital media and pushing experimental, emerging technology to their limits. Through his current projects he is gaining recognition in public spaces for creating interactive art installations based in Auckland, New Zealand. He is interested in finding alternative perceptions about modern technology by discussing the cultural mediums amongst other artists.
  • New Zealand
  • 171.77990019594,-41.838875221513
  • Matthew
  • Mosher
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • University of Central Florida
  • Games and Interactive Media
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2020 Boston (USA) native Matthew Mosher is an intermedia artist, research professor, and Fulbright Scholar who creates embodied experiential systems. He received his BFA in Furniture Design from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2006 and his MFA in Intermedia from Arizona State University in 2012. While in Phoenix, Arizona he co-founded the non-profit [nueBOX] residency program for emerging performance and installation artists. Currently, he is an assistant professor of Games and Interac
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Matthew
  • Ovendale
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2018 Matthew Ovendale, South Africa. Locating my life and art within the city of Durban South Africa I attempt to explore proactive strategies with which to challenge the various stagnant preconceived ideas that many of the cities inhabitants hold one another to.
  • Durban, South Africa
  • 31.0292,-29.8579
  • Matthew
  • Schilleman
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Matthew
  • Schoen
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Montreal’s Soundwich
  • Founding Member
  • ISEA2015 The work of Montreal, Canada, artist Matthew Schoen extends towards various media such as video, installation, and electroacoustic music. His work has been showcased in various festivals such as the New York City Electroacoustic Festival, the San Francisco Tape Music Festival and AKOUSMA. Schoen has previously collaborated with dance and theatre productions and is a founding member of Montreal’s Soundwich concert series, promoting young talent in experimental music.
  • Montreal, Quebec, United States of America
  • -90.246,46.428
  • Matthew
  • Sleeth
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2013 Matthew Sleeth (AU) lives and works between Australia and New York.  His practice encompasses a range of media, including photography, video, sculpture, printmaking and installation.  His works are concerned with “representation, mechanical reproduction and art made by machines” and he has a particular interest in systems and process.
  • Australia
  • ,
  • Matthias
  • Dörfelt
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2019 Matthias Dörfelt (1987, Hamburg, Germany) is a Los Angeles-based artist. He mainly works in software producing artifacts ranging from drawings, prints, animation, videos and interactive installations to robotics. In his works, he often trades control in favor of surprise because he strongly believes in computation as an expressive, playful and humorous tool. Dörfelt will continue to explore these aspects by infusing technology with flaws, naivety and weirdness. He believes in a media
  • Los Angeles, California, United States of America
  • -118.2439,34.0544
  • Matthieu
  • Couteau
  • Presenter
  • PhD Student
  • Unavailable
  • Matthieu
  • Vlaminck
  • Presenter
  • ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • ISEA2023 Matthieu Vlaminck, Media and Digital Art Conservator, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 8.403419,49.006871
  • Matti
  • Niinimäki
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Mattias
  • Arvastsson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Sweden
  • 17.675409433135,64.96487516217
  • Maude
  • Bonenfant
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Unavailable
  • Maureen
  • Liang
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2015
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Maureen
  • Matthews
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Mauri
  • Lehtonen
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Mauri Lehtonen is a filmmaker and a new media artist whose work varies in style from abstract structuralism to experimental pop mutations. He lives in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Unavailable
  • Maurice
  • Jones
  • Presenter
  • Concordia University
  • PhD Can­di­date
  • Maurice Jones (he/him) is a curator, producer, and AI policy researcher based in Montréal and Tokyo. Since 2016, he has been curating and producing MUTEK.JP in Tokyo. As MUTEK.JP's Artistic & Communications Director, he is committed to the promotion of electronic music and digital art in Japan within a global context. In 2021 he joined MUTEK’s Montréal headquarters in developing its market activities and the AI-related programming of the professional MUTEK Forum. Jones currently is a PhD
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.569807,45.503182
  • Mauricio
  • Chica M.
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2017
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • Mauricio
  • Guerrero
  • Presenter
  • Universidad Icesi
  • ISEA2017 Mauricio Guerrero. Sociologist, professor, and researcher with a masters degree in journalism. His academic interests are in the field of aesthetics, design, urban studies, and artistic representations. Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia
  • Cali, Colombia
  • -76.51972,3.44
  • Mauricio
  • Rivera
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2017
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088