Person Data Table

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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Frédérick
  • Garcia
  • Presenter
  • Director of Research
  • ISEA2020 Frédérick Garcia is Research director at INRA and a member of the Applied Mathematics and Informatics division in Toulouse. He holds a Ph.D degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace of Toulouse, France (Supaero, 1993) and an Engineer degree from the same school (1989). Following artificial intelligence approaches, his research aims at developing methods for modelling, simulating and optimizing intelligent agents. His current
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Frederico
  • Pimpão
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Portugal
  • Portugal, Portuguese Republic
  • -8.5627305963896,39.600994658309
  • Fredy
  • Alzate
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Fredy Alzate is an Electrical Engineer specialized in acoustics and is a researcher and teacher in the arts faculty of the ITM (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín, Colombia).
  • Unavailable
  • Freya
  • Björg
  • Olafson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • York University
  • Assistant Professor and Artist
  • ISEA2020 Freya Björg Olafsonis an intermedia artist whose work has been presented internationally at museums, galleries, universities, festivals, archives, and conferences. Olafson has benefitted from residencies, most notably through EMPAC – Experimental Media & Performing Arts Center. In 2017 Olafson joined York University as an Assistant Professor and in 2020 she was a recipient of the Sobey Art Award.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Freya
  • Zinovieff
  • Presenter
  • University of Sydney
  • ISEA2014 Freya Zinovieff, The University of Sydney, AU
  • Unavailable
  • Friend Generator
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist Collective
  • ISEA2020 Friend Generator are Aidan Waite & David Han (York University, Toronto, Canada), two blokes interested in creating strange, playful and thoughtful media art experiences that are sometimes evocative, and sometimes absurd, but always look to push boundaries in unexpected ways.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Froso
  • Gaki
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • Unavailable
  • G.
  • Isla
  • Borrell
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2022 G. Isla Borrell is a doctoral student in theatre and performing arts at the École Doctorale Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts at Paris 8 University. Isla worked for several years in production design, props and set decoration for film and theatre before beginning postgraduate studies. Her thesis project, Data Theatre, la mise en scène des données à l’ère numérique, explores the creative potential of data on stage, particularly the use of live data feeds to generate image an
  • Unavailable
  • G. Mauricio
  • Mejía
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Arizona State University
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2020 G. Mauricio Mejía is a designer, scholar, and educator. He is an associate professor of design at Arizona State University, USA. His work focuses on design for transformation, change, transition, and futures. He explores emergent and strategic design practices such as visual sense-making, interaction design, service design, organizational design, and design futures. Dr. Mejía has published works in visual communication, interaction design, human-computer interaction, transdisciplinary
  • Unavailable
  • Ga
  • Zhang
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • China Central Academy of Fine Arts
  • Center for Art and Technology
  • _Director
  • Beijing, China
  • 116.3912757,39.906217
  • Gabi
  • Schaffzin
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2017 Gabi Schaffzin, Michigan State University, USA
  • Unavailable
  • Gabino
  • Carballo
  • Presenter
  • Landscape Architect and Project Manager
  • ISEA2023 Gabino Carballo (ES): Landscape architect and project manager with extensive experience in the application of nature based solutions, urban biodiversity promotion and green space design and management. He is also a board member of the Spanish association of public parks and gardens, with responsibility for communication and international relations. He has a long standing interest in art, design and their relationship with urban design and the environment.
  • Unavailable
  • Gabriel
  • Cevallos
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Gabriel
  • S.
  • Moses
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Scholar and Media Artist
  • ISEA2020 Gabriel, 1982, IL, is a Leipzig based scholar and media artist with a millennial complex. In other words, he is older than he appears and he exploits it. His deceptive looks helped him publish several graphic novels in Germany (Spunk, 2010, and SUBZ, 2011) and also showcase works in Ars Electronica (Linz), transmediale (Berlin), Lenbachhaus (Munich) and FILE (Sao Paulo). In 2014, his project Enhancement won 1st prize at the "Future Storytelling" contest in HKW (Berlin). Since 2018 he h
  • Leipzig, Germany
  • 12.38333,51.33333
  • Gabriel
  • Soucheyre
  • Presenter
  • Vidéoformes
  • ISEA2023 Gabriel Soucheyre is director of Vidéoformes, an international video art event  in Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • 3.081943,45.777455
  • Gabriel
  • Tremblay-Gaudette
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Unavailable
  • Gabriel
  • Vanegas
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator, and Moderator
  • ISEA2017 Gabriel Vanegas, Colombia ISEA2011 Gabriel Vanegas is a media artist and researcher, with a master in media art at the school KHM in Cologne-Germany. In his research work, he has founded, curated and directed “El Niuton magazine”, one of the first publication about media art in Latin America with more than 350 media artists around the world; he has also curated and published a book called, “Hybrid Beans”, Art as a manifesto of hybridization. In his artistic work experiments wit
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • Gabriel
  • Vigliensoni
  • Presenter
  • Artist and Musician
  • ISEA2020 Vigliensoni, aka Gabriel Vigliensoni, is a Montreal-based musician and producer from Chile. His artistic work is informed by formal musical training and extensive studies in sound recording, music production, new musical interfaces, and music information retrieval. Vigliensoni is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Goldsmiths University of London, doing research on the creative affordances of the deep learning paradigm in the context of assisted musical composition. Through his work, Vi
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Gabriela
  • Aceves
  • Sepúlveda
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA 2017 Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda is an Assistant Professor at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, where she directs cMAS, an interdisciplinary research and media creation studio. As both a practicing media artist and cultural historian, her work bridges the histories of art, media, and technology with Latin American, gender and women studies, and art and design practice. She is interested in exploring how
  • Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
  • -122.972546,49.24338
  • Gabriele
  • Gramelsberger
  • Curator
  • Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM)
  • Cologne, Germany
  • 6.95778,50.94222
  • Gabrielle
  • Goliath
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Multimedia Artist
  • ISEA 2018 Gabrielle Goliath (b. 1983, Kimberley, South Africa) is a multidisciplinary artist known for her conceptually distilled and sensitive negotiations of complex social concerns, particularly in relation to situations of gendered and sexualised violence. Drawing on music’s capacity to both commemorate and evoke nostalgic memory, her current research aims to explore the possibilities and ethical demands of ‘performing’ and making ‘shareable’ traumatic recall, specifically the lived and
  • South Africa
  • 23.913710676207,-28.378272190697
  • Gaël
  • Charbau
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Gaël Charbau (FR) art critic and independent curator (moderator), member of the MAIF Award for Sculpture jury 2023.
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Gaëtan
  • Robillard
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2023 Gaëtan Robillard (FR) is an artist and a researcher (currently postdoctoral fellow) living and working between the Greater Paris and Montreal, Canada. He produces data art and media based installations engaging with mathematical research, climatology and cognitive sciences. audible and touchable. He teaches at IMAC, Paris.
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Gair
  • Dunlop
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Galina
  • Mihaleva
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Galina Mihaleva, Singapore
  • Singapore
  • 103.80805258633,1.3516161224392
  • Galvin
  • Scott
  • Davis
  • Presenter
  • Protein boutique digital agency
  • ISEA2013 Galvin Scott Davis (Sydney, Australia), the creator of the #1 Top Lifestyle App, #1 Business App and #1 Kids Games on iPhone in Australia, and Founder and Director of Protein boutique digital agency.
  • Sydney, AU
  • ,
  • Garlos
  • Beuth
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Garnet
  • Hertz
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • Design and Media Arts
  • Canada Research Chair
  • ISEA2015 Garnet Hertz’s multidisciplinary work includes art objects, experimental product designs and academic research, and argues that the speculative and critically oriented methods of the arts and humanities can be used to design more evocative, thought-provoking and human oriented technologies. This work is informed by his extensive experience in multiple disciplines. His advanced training includes a BFA (1997), an interdisciplinary MFA in Art, Computer Science and Engineering (2005),
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Garnet
  • Willis
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist, Engineer, Composer, and Instrument Maker
  • ISEA2020 Garnet Willis is a Canadian interdisciplinary artist, audio engineer, composer and instrument builder. He combines his disparate skills as, designer, wood and metal-worker, sound engineer and electronics geek to produce multivariate artworks that tend to revolve around sound. Garnet’s interests bring him to Concordia, where his FRQSC funded PhD research investigates the crossroads between sensation, form over time, sentient matter, and material agency. He draws upon ideas borrowed from
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Garrett
  • Laroy
  • Johnson
  • Presenter
  • Arizona State University
  • PhD candidate
  • ISEA2020 Garrett Laroy Johnson works with responsive media environments to probe, condition, engender, and refract relations between technological determinations and productions of subjectivity. Trained as a musician and musicologist, questions of ensemble, materiality, expression, gesture, and vocality are central to his research. Johnson designs and creates digital-physical systems to compose with sound, light, and expressive materials in immersive and quotidian spaces alike. Johnson has pres
  • Arizona, United States of America
  • -111.42212798911,34.2202611707
  • Garry
  • Bradbury
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2013 Garry Bradbury has been an exploratory electronic musician/sound manipulator since 1979. His practice revolves around the exploitation of found sounds and application of programmable or automated methods to evoke a previously unimagined, convulsively beautiful musicality, both precariously delicate and nightmarishly brutal. This has usually entailed mucking about in a room with boxes, wires, pieces of tape, etc. This compulsion to collage is also evident in his visual works (video an
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Garth
  • Knight
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  •   ISEA2013 Garth Knight works with and photographs rope and bodies as sculptural forms, creating allegorical installations that combine Zen concepts and pagan mythology with the traditions of kinbaku bondage. His tableaux of intricate, decorative networks connect ideas of strength and pleasure with those of surrender and abandonment. His installations and performance focus on the ritual of making, becoming an act of meditation and a process leading to illumination. His works have be
  • Sydney, Australia
  • ,
  • Gary
  • Craig
  • Hobbs
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Gary Craig Hobbs, San José State University CADRE Media Lab (USA). Hobbs is an artist, writer, and filmmaker whose work addresses themes at the intersection of nature, culture, and technology. His research and creative praxis focus on issues of embodiment, affect, time, and space in digital art and culture, and has been presented at Harvard University and UC Irvine. Hobbs was awarded a University of California Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA) Emerging Fields grant for his t
  • Unavailable
  • Gastão
  • Frota
  • Presenter
  • Instituto de Artes of Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
  • ISEA 2018 Gastão Frota works with public Art propositions, performances and intermedia related to open source tools and activist context. He teaches Visual Arts at the Instituto de Artes of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil. Currently, he is a researcher at Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), Faculdade de Belas Artes, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, where he is PhD candidate on Multimedia. He holds a master degree in Visual Arts from the Pratt Institute (NY-USA).
  • Portugal, Portuguese Republic
  • -8.5627305963896,39.600994658309
  • Gavin
  • Baily
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • TraceMedia, Oxford University, UK, and UCL
  • ISEA2011 Gavin Baily is an artist and developer, and founder of TraceMedia. He has worked on arts, visualisation and research projects in various commercial and academic contexts. He studied Fine Art at Oxford University and Computer Science at UCL.
  • Unavailable
  • Gavin
  • Cole
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Geatano
  • Sabatini
  • Presenter
  • Roma Tre University
  • ISEA2017 Geatano Sabatini, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • 12.48278,41.89306
  • Geert
  • Vermeire
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2022 Geert Vermeire is a curator, poet and artist, moving constantly between Greece, Portugal and Brazil, with a focus on spatial writing, locative sound & performance and social practices.  He develops collaborative processes, departing from the ethical involvement of cultural action, together with other creatives and activists comprising ecologists, anthropologists, musicologists, engineers-software developers and multimedia artists. He manages walk listen create, a web portal and onl
  • Unavailable
  • Gemma
  • San
  • Cornelio
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Moderator
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 2.177432,41.382894
  • Gene
  • A.
  • Felice II
  • Presenter
  • University of Maine
  • ISEA2020 Gene A. Felice II is a new faculty member within Intermedia & New Media at the University of Maine where he is also developing his Coaction Lab for interdisciplinary collaboration with an ecologically minded approach. He bridges his research and practice across: Art, Science, Design & Education, developing a network of creativity, living systems, and emerging technologies. He has a hybrid practice at the intersection of nature and technology, developing symbiotically creative s
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Gene
  • Gort
  • Artist-Performing
  • University of Hartford
  • Professor Emeritus
  • ISEA2022 Gene Gort is a visual artist, video producer, and media programmer. Primarily working in moving image media, he incorporates video, digital imaging, and sound in installations, fixed media and new media performances.
  • Torrington, Connecticut, United States of America
  • -73.121221,41.800652
  • Genevieve
  • Tremblay
  • Presenter
  • Cultural Entrepreneurs
  • ISEA2015 Genevieve Tremblay, Cultural Entrepreneurs, Bellevue, Washington, US
  • Bellevue, Washington, United States of America
  • -122.1923,47.6144
  • Geoffrey
  • Lillemon
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Champagne Valentine
  • ISEA2011 Anita Fontaine & Geoffrey Lillemon a.k.a. Champagne Valentine have changed the art and advertising cosmos with their provocative and decadent creations. A fantastical entity, they shapeshift between commercial, fashion and luxurious realms while remaining attuned to ethical and contemporary art trends. Visionaries Geoffrey Lillemon and Anita Fontaine lead an agency of roguish superstars whose MO is to embed engaging layers of beauty inside reality. At the forefront of emerging inte
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands the
  • 4.9,52.378
  • Georg
  • Hajdu
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Georg Hajdu was born in Göttin­gen, Ger­many in 1960. He is among the first com­posers of his gen­er­a­tion ded­i­cated to the com­bi­na­tion of music, sci­ence and com­puter tech­nol­ogy. After stud­ies in Cologne and at the Cen­ter for New Music and Audio Tech­nolo­gies (CNMAT), he re­ceived his PhD from UC Berke­ley. In 1996, fol­low­ing res­i­den­cies at IRCAM and the ZKM, Karl­sruhe, he co-founded the en­sem­ble Wire­Works with his wife Jen­nifer Hymer, a group spe­cial­iz­ing i
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Georg
  • Trogemann
  • Curator
  • Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM)
  • Cologne, Germany
  • 6.95778,50.94222
  • Georg
  • Werner
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Georgakopoulou
  • Nefeli
  • Presenter
  • Université Paris 8
  • research team Digital Images and Virtual Reality (INREV)
  • PhD Student
  • Georgakopoulou Nefeli is an architect, designer and a digital artist. She is currently conducting her PhD at Paris 8 University (INREV) and is also a research assistant in the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). Her academic research focuses on the merge of science, technology and arts. Her work is based on concepts such as the use of materials as interfaces, mixed reality, robotic art, digital aesthetics and the use of AI in an arti
  • Paris, France, French Republic
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • George
  • Poonkhin
  • Khut
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Western Sydney
  • Creative Arts
  • Artist and design-researcher
  •   George Poonkhin Khut is an Australian artist and design-researcher working across the fields of electronic art, design and health. He holds a Doctorate of Creative Arts from the University of Western Sydney for his research into biofeedback-based interactive artworks. He has exhibited his work across Australia, the UK and Asia. Recent projects include Distillery: Waveforming at Queensland Art Gallery’s Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), for which he was awarded the National New Media Art
  • AU
  • ,
  • Georgia
  • Smithson
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • The University of Sunderland
  • Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
  • ISEA2019 Georgia Smithson was recently employed to steer the application for Arts Council England Accreditation for National Glass Centre and subsequently the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art. She is an AHRC-funded PhD researcher at the University of Sunderland, in partnership with Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art (NGCA).
  • Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Georgie
  • Pinn
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist and Producer
  • ISEA 2018 Georgie Pinn (Australia/UK) has seventeen years of experience working as an artist, director and producer of public cultural events, interactive installations, film, animation, theatre, sound composition, and education. Georgie’s creative practice is underpinned by her long-term research into empathy as a creative force for making connection across cultural, age and gender divides. Her projects have been presented in a range of public sites/events such as Federation Square, Robotro
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Georgina
  • Montoya
  • Vargas
  • Presenter
  • Universidad del Quindío
  • ISEA 2017 Georgina Montoya Vargas, Universidad del Quindío – Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • Georgios
  • Cherouvim
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2022 Georgios Cherouvim is a member of Grupo Synco. Grupo Synco is a collaboration between curator and researcher Bassam El Baroni (Aalto University, Finland) transdisciplinary architect Constantinos Miltiadis (Aalto University, Finland), multidisciplinary artist and animator Georgios Cherouvim (New York), and composer and sound artist Gerriet K. Sharma (Berlin). The group’s first co-creation is the CGI video work Cybersyn 1973/2023.
  • New York, United States of America
  • -73.9866,40.7306
  • Georgios
  • Tsampounaris
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2023 Digital Artist
  • Unavailable
  • http://Georgios Tsampounaris/
  • Georgy
  • Kuznetsov
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2023 The artist duo Recycle Group, created in 2006, is composed of Andrey Blokhin (born 1987 in Krasnodar, Russia) & Georgy Kuznetsov (born 1985 in Stavropol, Russia). They live and work in Paris. France.
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Gerald
  • Kogler
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2022 Ricardo Iglesias & Gerald Kogler are artists of reference in Digital Art. Their artworks are a complex metaphor regarding society and the web itself. They are pioneers in the field of interactive robotics. [Source:] Gerald Kogler (Linz, Austria, 1974), computer engineer specialized in digital cartography. His work focuses on the relationships between technology and social transformation through free software an
  • Unavailable
  • Gerald
  • Nestler
  • Presenter
  • Goldsmiths University of London, UK and Centre for Research Architecture
  • ISEA2015 Gerald Nestleris an artist and writer with a critical focus on what he terms the “derivative condition” of contemporary social relations and life, in which financial narratives shape the present by preconfiguring the future. At the same time, he works and collaborates on “aesthetics of resolution” as potential counter-strategies. Nestler graduated from the Academy of fine arts Vienna, Austria (1992) and subsequently conducted artistic fieldwork as broker and trader. He has exhibited
  • London, United Kingdom
  • -0.1275,51.50722
  • Géraldine
  • Piguet
  • Presenter
  • Academic
  • ISEA2020 Géraldine Piguet has a Master’s degree from the Department of Communication at the University of Montreal, Canada, as well as a Master’s degree in Cultural Policies and Management in Europe from Paris 8 University, France. In addition, she has been working for nonprofits for about ten years.
  • Unavailable
  • Gerardo
  • Della
  • Vecchia
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Bernardo Piñero, Claudia González, Gerardo Della Vecchia, Raúl Minsburg & Hamilton Mestizo, Argentina – Chile – Colombia
  • Unavailable
  • German
  • Alfonso
  • Nunez
  • Presenter
  • University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • ISEA 2018 German Alfonso Nunez, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Unavailable
  • Gerolamo
  • Gnecchi
  • Ruscone
  • Presenter
  • Goldsmiths University of London
  • PhD Student
  • Gerolamo Gnecchi Ruscone (IT/UK) is an architect, artist, and researcher, that work explores and challenges ways bodies, cultures, perceive and relate with watery environments. He is currently doing a PhD in Arts and Computational Technology at Goldsmiths University, UK. The PhD is supervised by Atau Tanaka and Graham Harwood and funded by CHASE.
  • Unavailable
  • Geronimo
  • Inutiq
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Geronimo Inutiq(Montreal, Canada) considers himself amongst other things a self-taught and independent electronic & electro-acoustic musician, and multi-media artist. Having been exposed to strong traditional Inuit cultural elements in his youth, as well as the exciting worlds of modern art, and broadcast & media through close members of his kin, he has been able to weave those reference points into his practice in innovative and crafty ways – allowing him to create on his
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Gerriet
  • Sharma
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2022 Gerriet Sharma is a member of Grupo Synco. Grupo Synco is a collaboration between curator and researcher Bassam El Baroni (Aalto University, Finland) transdisciplinary architect Constantinos Miltiadis (Aalto University, Finland), multidisciplinary artist and animator Georgios Cherouvim (New York), and composer and sound artist Gerriet K. Sharma (Berlin). The group’s first co-creation is the CGI video work Cybersyn 1973/2023.
  • Berlin, Germany
  • 13.38333,52.51667
  • Gerrit
  • Velthuis
  • Art, Electronic Theater, or Performance Jury
  • Art Academy Minerva (Hanze University Groningen)
  • Groningen, Netherlands the
  • 6.6503,53.2683
  • Gewölbekeller
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unavailable
  • Ghada
  • Da
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Ghyslain
  • Gagnon
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • École de Technologie Supérieure
  • Full Professor and Dean of Research
  • ISEA 2022 Ghyslain Gagnon (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, in 2008. He is currently a Full Professor and the Dean of Research with the École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada. His research interests include CMOS IC design, digital signal processing, and machine learning with various applications. Dr. Gagnon was also the Director of the LACIME Research Laboratory (2013–2020), a group
  • Unavailable
  • Giacomo
  • Bertin
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Padova
  • ISEA 2022 Giacomo Bertin is a Physic of Data student at the University of Padova who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics with a thesis in computational methods for drug discovery. He is a machine learning engineer and artificial intelligence developer who is part of the Professor Nikolic’s Syntropic Counterpoints project and co-founder of AI.R Lab, focused on computer vision and natural language processing.
  • Unavailable
  • Gian
  • Paolo
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Giandomenico
  • Paglia
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Giandomenico Paglia is an Italian multidisciplinarity artist. His compositions are often linked to the images of the photographer and video artist Gelidelune, his partner and  collaborator, and become a fusion of sound and image. In his work he balances simple chord sequences with complex harmonic and stylistic solutions.
  • Unavailable
  • Gift
  • Madziva
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • South Africa
  • 23.913710676207,-28.378272190697
  • Gijs
  • Gieskes
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Netherlands the
  • 4.3175,52.08417
  • Gilbertto
  • Prado
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Universidade de São Paulo
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2019 Gilbertto Prado is an artist and coordinator of the Group Poéticas Digitais. He studied Engineering and Visual Arts at the University of Campinas, Brazil and in 1994 obtained his PhD in Arts at the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Prado has participated in several art exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. Prizes include 9º Prix Möbius International des Multimédias (Beijing 2001) and 6º Prêmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia (2006). He works with art in networks and interactive insta
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • -46.633382,-23.550651
  • Gilda
  • A.
  • Assis
  • Presenter
  • University of Ouro Preto
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Gilles
  • Fresnais
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Gilles Fresnais was a member of the GRM [Groupe de Recherches Musicales, INA] from 1970 to 1974, and participated as an assistant in the electroacoustic music composition class at the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris, France, headed by Pierre Schaeffer. He actively participated in producing the “Autodafé” soundtrack as well as producing performances by Maurice Ohana at Lyon Opera under the direction of Theodor Guschlbauer and Claire Gibault, and worked on movie soundtrac
  • Unavailable
  • Gilles
  • Jobin
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Cie Gilles Jobin
  • Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 6.146601,46.201756
  • Gilles
  • Porte
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2017 Gilles Porte, La Générale de Production, France
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Gillian
  • Russell
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Gina
  • Cortopassi
  • Curator
  • Archiver le Présent
  • ISEA2020 Gina Cortopassi is a doctoral student and lecturer in art history at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is particularly interested in media and digital arts, and feminist and decolonial thinking. Her research focuses on the imaginaries of the future that emerge at the crossroads of these disciplines and practices, and she is interested in online curating. She is also the coordinator of the Canada Research Chair in Digital Arts and Literatures and the Laboratoire NT2 at UQAM. She
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Gina See
  • Yuen Wong
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2016 Gina See Yuen Wong, Experimenta
  • Unavailable
  • Gintas
  • Kraptavicius
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Gintas Kraptavičius a.k.a. Gintas K, is a sound and interdisciplinary artist living and working in Lithuania. As an active part of Lithuanian experimental music scene since 1994, Gintas now works in the field of digital experimental and electroacoustic music. His compositions are based on granulated sounds, new hard digital computer music, small melodies and memories. He has released numerous records on labels such as Crónica, Baskaru, Con-v, m/OAR, Copy for Your Records, Bôłt, Cre
  • Lithuania
  • 23.931537988245,55.487412582277
  • Giorgia
  • Scavo
  • Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Graphic Designer, Artist Director, and Adjunct Professor
  • ISEA2022 Giorgia Scavo and Angelo Stitz met as Visual Communication students at the Royal College of Art in London in 2016 and share an interest in the transitions between human and machines. They are former co-founders of the student-led program forum ‘F[r]iction’ started in 2017. Giorgia is focused on developing ongoing research about accidents and irregularities seen as openings to the unexpected. After she graduated at the Royal College of Art (London) in 2018, she graduated in Digital Art
  • Unavailable
  • Giorgio
  • Olivero
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Giorgio
  • Ungani
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Giorgio Ungani, Expo 2020, AE, moderator
  • Unavailable
  • Giorgos
  • Papakonstantinou
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) and Ηeriot-Watt University
  • Architect
  • ISEA2011 Giorgos Papakonstantinou(GR) Architect, director of documentary films and multimedia projects. Born in Athens in 1953. Diploma in architecture, National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.), 1976. Post-graduate diploma in Architectural Conservation, Ηeriot-Watt University, Edinburg, UK, 1978. Worked as an architect in architectural and planning projects, 1973-1983. Diploma in Video and Animation Film, National Superior School of Decorative Arts (ENSAD), Paris, France, 1986. D.E.A.
  • Unavailable
  • Giovanna
  • Casimiro
  • Unavailable
  • Giovanni
  • Dal
  • Monte
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2014 Giovanni Dal Monte, aka La Jovenc, received the first guitar after being moved by “The House of the Rising Sun”. A childhood spent listening to rock music whilst the others played football and learning to strum for himself. Recording the riffs that come through his mind onto cassette. First rockband at 15.
  • Unavailable
  • Girish
  • Chandran
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Girish Chandran is an Architect and Visual Artist who is currently pursuing Masters of Arts in an Interdisciplary program (Visual arts / film / Theatre and Performance Studies) at SCHOOL OF ARTS AND Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Girish was formally trained in Fine Arts Under the Prestigious Young talent Scholarship of Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
  • Unavailable
  • Gisle
  • Frøysland
  • Presenter
  • Musican and Visual Artist
  • ISEA 2016 Gisle Frøysland studied computer science, information science, TV production and arts in Bergen, Norway. Since the early 80s he has been working as a musician, VJ and visual artist. He is a founding member of BEK – the Bergen Centre for Electronic Art and initiator/director of the Piksel festival for free technologies in artistic practice. Frøysland’s work is an inquiry into what he himself calls the “hype traps that the computer and media industry wants us to believe in”. In pieces
  • Unavailable
  • Giulia
  • Bini
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Giulia Bini (CH), moderator, Pro Helvetia Committee of Experts Classical music President
  • Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 6.632528,46.520712
  • Giuseppe
  • Moscatello
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Giusy
  • Checola
  • Presenter
  • University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis
  • PhD Can­di­date
  • ISEA2023 Giusy Checola (Italy, 1973) is Ph.D candidate at University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis (France) in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of Arts (EDESTA doctoral school), where she studies place-making, geoaesthetics and the processes of creation of social, cultural and spatio-temporal imaginary meanings, according to a cross disciplinary and transcalar approach. Since 2015 she has been responsible for the educational and research-oriented projects promoted by Fondazione SoutHerit
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Glen
  • Farrelly
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Glen Farrelly, P.h.D. University of Toronto, CA.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Glen
  • Lowry
  • Artist-Performing, Artist-Exhibiting, and Presenter
  • Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • ISEA2015 Glen Lowry has a PhD in Literary Studies, and he has published widely on contemporary Canadian Literature and Culture—literature, photography, film, and television. ISEA2014 Glen Lowry, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada. ISEA2011 Glen Lowry, PhD, is a Van­cou­ver-based writer, ed­i­tor and ed­u­ca­tor. His work fo­cuses on cre­ative-crit­i­cal col­lab­o­ra­tions be­tween artists and aca­d­e­mics, par­tic­u­larly in the c
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.113953,49.260872
  • Glenn
  • Alteen
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • grunt gallery
  • ISEA2015 Glenn Alteen, grunt gallery, Vancouver, CA
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Glenn
  • Harding
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Urban Screen Productions
  • Co-Director
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Glenn
  • Loughran
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2009 Exhibited works in the "Space is the Place" exhibition.
  • Unavailable
  • Gloria
  • Gómez
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Gloria
  • López Cleries
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2022 Gloria López Cleries (València, 1988) is a visual artist, educator and independent researcher. She holds a Master in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (UCM, Spain) and a Master in Fine Arts, HDK-Valand, (Gothenburg University, Sweden). Her artistic research focuses on questions about neoliberal rhetoric concerning emotional capitalism and new online models of productivity, affection and collectivity.
  • Unavailable
  • Glòria
  • Picazo
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Gloria
  • R.
  • Gammer
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Gob
  • Foellmer
  • Unavailable
  • Godfrey
  • Gumede
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • South Africa
  • 23.913710676207,-28.378272190697
  • Goh
  • Uozumi
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2019 Goh Uozumi aims to intervene in historical paradigm shifts by art, and creates works/systems by algorithm based methodologies with taking other intelligence/existence than human beings into consideration. Since 2014, he worked on the establishment of “TRUSTLESS” which means to entrust trust/ belief to the algorithm technically, as an artistic concept. It’s an axis of the automation movements such as intelligence, contract, labor, and trust. New Order/Siren Call? That visualizes the e
  • Unavailable
  • Golden Solution
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • ISEA2013 Golden Solution is a collective in flux, including Brisbane-based artists Andrew McLellan (of Cured Pink), Michael Candy and Kiah Reading. Via self-built instrumentation, over-stimulation and audience inclusivity, the collective has worked towards user-generated volatility, nausea-inducing ultra-sonic beams and 59 minute deep house trax.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Golnaz
  • Behrouznia
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2023 “For several years now, Golnaz Behrouznia has been making a name for herself with her multi-media work based on the living thing. After her studies at the Fine Arts in Tehran, Golnaz Behrouznia took part in several exhibitions in Iran. Her gelatinous compositions, Floating Pieces, were hailed by the prize of the Biennial of Sculpture in 2007 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran. Following her training in digital creation in Toulouse in 2011, she presented Labo Organika, a series
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Gong
  • Myoung
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2019 GongMyoung is a Korean performing arts group, established in 1997, well-known for its modern reinterpretations of the classical Korean music and is also recognized as one of the most inspiring drumming collective performers of Korea today. The four members, Sun-Il Kang, Seung-Won Park, Kyoung-Keun Song, and Yong-Ju Lim, all come from the background in traditional Korean music and are the very creators of their own bamboo instrument named after the group, GongMyoung. No boundaries exi
  • Korea
  • 128.16894434232,36.536236465411
  • Gonzalo
  • Biffarella
  • Artist-Performing and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Gustavo Alcaraz, Gonzalo Biffarella & Julio Catalano, Colombia. This trio, which was formed in the year 2010 focus on designing and programming interactive gestural controlled instruments. These instruments are the basic tools used in each musical composition. The group has developed different projects around the concept of Memory. By investigating social and political reality in Latin American contexts they generate data bases. These bases are the begging of sound works that con
  • Unavailable
  • Gordon
  • Duggan
  • Curator
  • New Media Gallery
  • Curator
  • ISEA2015 Sarah Joyce & Gordon Duggan (Joyce + Duggan) are the Director/Curator team for the New Media Gallery in New Westminster, metro Vancouver, Canada. NMG is the City of New Westminster’s civic gallery. They have international experience in contemporary art & design with a focus on electronic media, new media art, and art-based technologies. They have expertise in exhibition development, art curation, visual culture theory, design, electronic media conservation and gallery manag
  • New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
  • -122.9109,49.2067
  • Gordon
  • Graber
  • Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Zayed University
  • ISEA2014 Gordon Graber (USA), Zayed University, UAE.
  • United Arab Emirates
  • 54.256172371359,23.852059982388
  • Gordon
  • Hookey
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2013 Gordon Hookey, Waanyi, b. 1961, lives and works in Brisbane.. Gordon Hookey belongs to the Waanyi people. His work combines figurative characters, iconic symbols, bold comic­like text, and a spectrum of vibrant colours. Through this idiosyncratic visual language he has developed a unique and immediately recognisable style. Hookey locates his art at the interface where Aboriginal and non­Aboriginal cultures converge. He explicitly attacks the establishment and implicates our current p
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Gordon
  • Winiemko
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Gordon Winiemko is a Los Angeles based artist who explores the relationship between subjectivity and culture. Examining those “things we do” that are sometimes so commonplace we forget how they shape our lives, his video, performance, and participatory work has been exhibited throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.
  • Los Angeles, California, United States of America
  • -118.2439,34.0544
  • Grace
  • Grothaus
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2022 Grace Grothaus is a computational media artist grappling with the climate crisis. Her practice-based artistic research encompasses environmental sensing, physical computing, algorithmically generated  imagery, and speculative futurity. Her projects take the form of interactive or responsive indoor and outdoor installations, and performances. Grothaus’ artwork has been exhibited around the world, including the International Symposium of Electronic Art, Environmental Crisis: Art & Sc
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Graziele
  • Lautenschlaeger
  • Presenter
  • Kunstuniversität Linz
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  • Dr Graziele Lautenschlaeger (Rio Claro/SP, Brazil, 1983) holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, a Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo and a Bachelor in Media Design, Image and Sound from the Federal University of São Carlos. With a transdisciplinary background and experimenting different media and languages, her artistic and academic production essentially draws on cybernetics, relational aesthetics, media archaeology
  • Unavailable
  • Greg
  • (Woulg)
  • Debicki
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Alberta University of the Arts
  • ISEA2015 Montréal, Canada-based composer and new media artist Greg Debicki produces emotive glitch music by combining the dissonance of grunge with the rhythmic complexity of IDM and jazz. Woulg releases his output on labels such as Outlier Recordings and Enig’matik. An open source advocate, he writes generative music software and designs interactive projections. Using a bundle of custom software and hacked hardware, he experiments with subversive methods of sound design and visual rendition.
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Greg
  • Corness
  • Presenter
  • Columbia College Chicago
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2015 Greg Corness, Assistant Professor, Columbia College Chicago, USA. He is working with embodied interaction in media environments. His background in music, theatre and dance provides the basis for his research which focus on interdisciplinary improvisation, distributed cognition in performance, and methodologies for researching experience in performance. He is particularly interested in investigating performer’s intuition during improvisation and how to leverage this embodied knowledge
  • Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
  • -87.6244,41.8756
  • Greg
  • More
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • RMIT University and OOM Creative
  • Greg More is also the founder of OOM Creative a design consultancy specialising in data visualization & digital design. He is also a Senior Lecturer at RMIT University, operating within RMIT’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL). His design work has been exhibited at Museum of Modern Art New York, selected for OneDotZero and Resfest International film festivals, and featured in a range of international architecture and design biennale and publications. In recent years. More ha
  • Australia
  • ,
  • Greg
  • Streak
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • South Africa
  • 23.913710676207,-28.378272190697
  • Gregor
  • Hochmuth
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist and Engineer
  • ISEA2020 Gregor Hochmuth is an artist and engineer specializing in data science. He studied computer science and design at Stanford University, and then worked as a product manager at Google, focusing on Chrome, Translate, and ad personalization. He left Google to join Instagram as employee number seven, and remained with that team through its acquisition by Facebook, where he served as an engineer, product manager, and data analyst. Greg left Instagram last year to move to New York, where h
  • New York City, New York, United States of America
  • -73.9808,40.7648
  • Gregor
  • Schiele
  • Presenter
  • University of Duisburg-Essen
  • ISEA 2016 Gregor Schiele, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Germany
  • 10.018343294857,51.133481343993
  • Gregory
  • Beller
  • Artist-Performing and Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Greg Beller works as an artist, a researcher, a teacher and a computer designer for contemporary arts. He defended a PhD thesis in Computer Science on generative models for expressivity and their applications for speech and music, especially through performance. He takes part in a range of artistic projects while developing new ideas for signal analysis, processing, synthesis and control. He is currently a computer-music designer at IRCAM, France, where he works with researchers, compo
  • Unavailable
  • Gregory
  • Surges
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Greig
  • de Peuter
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unavailable
  • Gretchen
  • Jude
  • Presenter
  • The University of Utah
  • Department of Film & Media Arts
  • _Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2023 Gretchen Jude (US) is an Assistant Professor in the Film & Media Arts Department at the University of Utah (USA). She holds a Ph.D. in Performance Studies with an emphasis in Practice as Research from the University of California, Davis, and an M.F.A. in Electronic Music & Recording Media from Mills College, along with certificates from the Sawai Koto Institute (Tokyo) and the Deep Listening Institute.
  • Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
  • -111.886798,40.75962
  • Gretchen
  • Schiller
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Guillaume
  • Arseneault
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Guillaume Arseneault, CA. Captivated by the relationships between motion, electricity, the digital and the living, Arseneault’s research-creation process combines technologies to create interactive instruments. Through the mastery of signals, Arseneault engages in experimental processes to hijack or transform existing mechanisms to provoke reactions and dialogues toward sustainability in the digital era. Recalling underground cinema methods, he develops digital environments that enable
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Guillaume
  • Cousin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Scenographer and Artist
  • ISEA2020 Guillaume Cousin (FR) describes himself as an “experimenter-constructor”. Scenographer and lighting designer in the performing arts since the 2000s, he explores the writing of space and time. He is fascinated by the unconscious impact it has on us. His understanding of quantum physics triggers in him the need to produce works off stage. Through sculptures and immersive installations, Guillaume Cousin’s works deal with the links between man and the imperceptible. He seeks the limits of
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Guillaume
  • Foissac
  • Presenter
  • EDF
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Guillaume
  • Marmin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Born in France in 1981, Guillaume Marmin creates installations and performances that encourage exploration of the relationships between ligth, sound and space. Drawing inspiration from film-makers such as Norman McLaren and Stan Brakhage, as well as from kinetic art, he uses contemporary tools to study forms in motion. His work is a revival of visual creation, free from the restraints of conventional storytelling and traditional media. Guillaume seeks a shared language between image an
  • France, French Republic
  • 1.69833,50.56056
  • Guillaume
  • Pascale
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Guillaume Pascale explores the unstable and speculative nature of forms and objects produced in the era of new information technologies. Considering the data in its undetermined and fluctuating forms, he creates anticipation artworks combining audiovisual production, programming, electronics, robotics, sound, musical and graphic creation. His work questions, in particular, our way of being in the world and our perception of the terrestrial environment according to the conditions sugges
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Guillaume
  • Slizewicz
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Tropozone, Algolit and Urban Species
  • ISEA2022 Guillaume Slizewicz is a designer living in Brussels, Belgium. He is a member of Tropozone, Algolit and Urban Species. He focuses on the surprise created by misused hardware systems, the poetry of algorithms and the contact points between technology and the environment. His practice is about translating and making visible social issues via installations and artworks. His prototyping and creation process involves machine learning, electronics and digital fabrication. While each project
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • 4.351697,50.846557
  • Guillaume
  • Soulez
  • Presenter
  • Cinema and audiovisual
  • Guillaume Soulez (FR) Cinema and Audiovisual Department IRCAV (Institute for research on cinema and audiovisual), Sorbonne Nouvelles, Université des Cultures, Paris, France.
  • Paris, France, French Republic
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Guillaume
  • Turgeon
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • Programmer
  • Unavailable
  • Guillemette
  • Legrand
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Guillemette Legrand (FR) uses multidimensional installations, playable game environments, performances, films and textile making to mythologise the machine gaze, and materialise different imagination of the human-machine continuum. Guillemette is one half of the practice Legrand Jäger. [source:]
  • France
  • 2.6187869531296,47.824904620898
  • Guillermo
  • Rendón
  • Author
  • ISEA2017 Anielka María Gelemur & Guillermo Rendón, Colombia
  • Colombia
  • -73.129056,3.065088
  • Gunalan
  • Niradajan
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of Michigan
  • Dean
  • Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America
  • -83.731229,42.268157
  • Gunda
  • Förster
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Hochschule der Künste, Leibniz University, and University of Applied Science, Wismar
  • ISEA2015 Gunda Förster (1967, Berlin, Germany) studied at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. She has received numerous awards and grants, including the 1st German Art Prize; a DAAD grant for study in the U.S.; the Karl Schmidt-Rottluff grant; the 2003 H. W. & J. Hector Art Prize, Mannheim. Exhibitions in Germany and worldwide. She was guest professor at Leibniz University, Hannover and Professor of Art at the University of Applied Science, Wismar. She is the first recipient of the H. W.
  • Berlin, Germany
  • 13.38333,52.51667
  • Gustav
  • Jørgen
  • Pedersen
  • Presenter
  • University of Oslo
  • Senior Researcher and Art Historian
  • ISEA 2018 Gustav Jørgen Pedersen, PhD: Senior researcher in the Research and Development department at Arts for Young Audiences. Art historian and philosopher from the University of Oslo with a PhD thesis exploring intersections between art history and philosophy, with emphasis on Edvard Munch and Martin Heidegger. His research interests include aesthetics; philosophical and historical issues relating to modernism, death and transhumanism; contemporary drawing and paper based art.
  • Unavailable
  • Gustavo
  • Alcaraz
  • Artist-Performing and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Gustavo Alcaraz, Gonzalo Biffarella & Julio Catalano, Colombia. This trio, which was formed in the year 2010 focus on designing and programming interactive gestural controlled instruments. These instruments are the basic tools used in each musical composition. The group has developed different projects around the concept of Memory. By investigating social and political reality in Latin American contexts they generate data bases. These bases are the begging of sound works that con
  • Unavailable
  • Gustavo
  • Crembil
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
  • School of Architecture
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2015 Argentine architect Gustavo Crembil’s practice draws from design, architecture, performance art, and political activism. A former Fulbright scholar, his work has been supported by PS1/Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Telefonica Foundation, Unesco-Aschberg, ACADIA, Argentina’s National Arts Fund and Antorchas Foundation. He is currently Assistant Professor at Rensselaer’s School of Architecture.
  • Troy, New York, United States of America
  • -73.6918,42.7284
  • Gustavo
  • Matamoros
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Gustavo
  • Rincon
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • AlloSphere Research Facility
  • ISEA2019 Gustavo Rincon, Media Artist, Sculptor, Graphics Immersive Artist, Creator of the material-rendered sculpture: Gustavo Alfonso Rincon is educated as an architect, visual artist and currently is a PhD student in the Graduate Program in the Media Arts and Technology (MAT) at UCSB, and a member of the AlloSphere Research Group. He holds Masters Degrees in Architecture/Urban Design from UCLA as well as a AlloSphere Research FacilityMasters in Fine Arts from the California Institute of th
  • Unavailable
  • http://http/
  • Gwen
  • Le Cor
  • Presenter
  • Université Paris 8
  • American Literature and English for Specific Purposes
  • ISEA2023 Gwen Le Cor (FR), Professor of American Literature and English for Specific Purposes
  • Paris, France
  • 2.3483915,48.8534951
  • Gwen
  • Sauvage
  • Presenter
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • 4.35121,50.8551
  • Gwenaëlle
  • Lallemand
  • Presenter
  • .able
  • Editorial and Communications Coordinator
  • Unavailable
  • Gwenn-Aël
  • Lynn
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2014 Gwenn-Ael Lynn is a Franco-American transdisciplinary artist. He has a background in sculpture (BA from the University of Southern California, 1993), but he moved into performance in 2000 (MFA in performance from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2008; D.E.A. -master- from the Sorbonne University 2002). Gwenn‑Aël Lynn (Chicago/Paris)  – Creolized Olfactory Spaces
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Gwenola
  • Wagon
  • Presenter
  • Gwenola Wagon.  Artist, professor and researcher. Born in 1975. Currently Assitant Professor at the University of Paris at St. Denis (Paris 8, France), where she completed her thesis entitled Utopias of an Interactve Cinema and the Accessibility of Moving Images. She has a diploma from the Video Department of Interactive Research Studio at the National School of Decorative Arts, Paris. She also collaborates with the Cela Etant collective with whom she has coauthored a number of video, so
  • Unavailable
  • Gypsie
  • Hayes
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Gyung Jin
  • Shin
  • Presenter
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • ISEA2019 Gyung Jin Shin is artist, researcher, and PhD candidate of the School of Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong. She received an MFA from Columbia University in 2010 and a BFA from Seoul National University. Her art work has been exhibited and screened in the US, Europe, and Asia. Her research interest includes art’s social engagement (socially engaged art, participatory art, politics and aesthetics, etc.), post-media discourse, postdigital/post-internet art, new materialism,
  • Unavailable
  • Ha Eun
  • Cho
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Chosun University
  • Art
  • ISEA2019
  • Korea
  • 128.16894434232,36.536236465411
  • Ha Na
  • Lee
  • Presenter
  • The University of Utah
  • Department of Film and Media Art
  • Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
  • -111.8904,40.767
  • Hae-Jung
  • Suk
  • Presenter
  • Ajou University
  • Department of Digital Media
  • Korea
  • 128.16894434232,36.536236465411
  • Haein
  • Song
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • MARO
  • Associate Director, Choreographer, and Dancer
  • ISEA 2018 Haein Song is a choreographer, dancer, and associate director of MARO who is passionate about creating multi-cultural performances by finding an interesting convergence between traditional and contemporary culture and arts. She has been trained in a wide range of dance vocabulary such as Korean dance, ballet, contemporary in the dance department of Gukak National middle and high school. After studying choreography at Korean National University of Arts, she has created numerous perform
  • Korea
  • 128.16894434232,36.536236465411
  • Hafsa
  • Akter
  • Presenter
  • University of California at Davis
  • Graduate Student
  • ISEA2022 B.Sc., in Fashion Design and Technology from BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Hafsa is an M.F.A. in Design student at the University of California, Davis. Her interest is in fashion design. She worked on sustainable design to create zero-waste patterns, upcycling garments, and exploring ethnic clothing to design contemporary fashion. In her M.F.A thesis, she is planning to expand her research on functional apparel and 3D printing.
  • Unavailable
  • Håkan
  • Jonson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Håkan Jonson (b. 1978) is a Swedish artist, programmer, and author. Works include electronic art, painting, sound creation and handcrafted books. He is one half of Irrlicht, a publishing house and record company primarily focused on the contemporary art scene and a recurring contributor at conferences and seminars concerning software development, cognitive science, and electronic literature. In 2014 his work Evolution (in collaboration with Johannes Heldén) was rewarded the N. Kath
  • Sweden
  • 17.675409433135,64.96487516217
  • Hakim
  • George
  • Presenter
  • Sudan
  • 30.049948137055,13.831539138903
  • Haleh
  • Shahbazbegian
  • Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • Engineering Science
  • ISEA2015 Hao Jiang, Mohamad Rezaei, Haleh Shahbazbegian, Sheida Arabi, Jasbir N. Patel & Bozena Kaminska, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Hali
  • Santamas
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2015 Hali Santamas is an artist based in West Yorkshire, UK. He creates immersive installations  based on memories and atmosphere using layered sound and still images.
  • West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Halla
  • Kim
  • Presenter
  • GSCT
  • Daejeon, Korea
  • 127.385,36.351
  • Halsey
  • Burgund
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2013 Halsey Burgund is a musician and sound artist whose installations and musical performances make extensive use of spoken human voice recordings as musical elements, alongside traditional and electronic instruments. Halsey has exhibited and performed in museums and galleries internationally, including the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Puke Ariki Museum (NZ), the Museum of Science, Boston and the California Academy of Sciences. He wa
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • http://
  • Hamda
  • Al Ansari
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Hamda Al Ansari, Zayed University, AE  
  • Unavailable
  • Hamed
  • Rashtian
  • Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • PhD Student
  • Hamed Rashtian is a visual artist and Ph.D. student in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology at Simon Fraser University (CA). Hamed completed his Master of Fine Arts at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, researching the possibilities of an art installation in creating a dialogue between different colonial histories. He holds a Swiss Federal Diploma in Higher Education from the F+F School of Art and Design in Zurich. Hamed has held seven solo exhibitions in Iran,
  • California, United States of America
  • -119.69937515307,37.074359587394
  • Hamilton
  • Mestizo
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Bernardo Piñero, Claudia González, Gerardo Della Vecchia, Raúl Minsburg & Hamilton Mestizo, Argentina – Chile – Colombia
  • Unavailable
  • Han
  • Lee
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2019 Han Lee (South Korea) is a New York-based new media artist who captures nature and transforms it into a form of mechanical elements with physical computing and programmed digital arts. He tries to imitate nature by making his artwork come alive and interact with visitors. He is best known for immersive interactive light artwork, LamX, that presents the powerful invisible world beyond small light objects. He breaks a limitation of the physical world by expanding with digital technolog
  • New York, United States of America
  • -73.9808,40.7648
  • Hanif
  • Janmohamed
  • Presenter
  • Vanilla Five Creative Inc.
  • Artist and _Director
  • ISEA2020 Hanif Janmohamed is based in Vancouver, Canada. He received his Masters in Industrial Design, with distinction from the Domus Academy in Milan. Born in Nairobi, Kenya, of Indian extraction and African roots, his current artistic practice centers around Geographies of Mind. His art and design work have been exhibited at venues such as The Design Museum, London, MOCA-LA; Milan Triennale; and the Vitra Museum. Mr. Janmohamed is the principal of Vanilla Five Creative Inc. a creative compan
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Hanna
  • Star
  • Rogers
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2020 Hannah Star Rogers is an Art and Science Studies scholar, curator, and poet. She received her Ph.D. at Cornell University in Science & Technology Studies, where her research concerned the intersection of art and science, particularly critiques of science in contemporary art. Her scholarly publications have appeared in Configurations, Photomediations, and A New Synthesis. Her curatorial project, Making Science Visible: The Photography of Berenice Abbott, received an exhibits prize
  • Unavailable
  • Hannah
  • Claus
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • daphne
  • Co-founder and Artist
  • ISEA2020 Hannah Claus is a transdisciplinary artist of Kanien’kehá:ka / English heritage who engages Onkwehon:we epistemology in her artistic practice. A 2019 Eiteljorg Fellow and 2020 recipient of the Prix Giverny, she has exhibited her installations in Àbadakone (National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; 2019-20) Blurring the Line (Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis; 2019), Changing Hands III (Museum of Art and Design, New York NY, 2012), and Little Spirits (North American Native Museum [NONAM], Zurich
  • Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Hannah
  • Star
  • Rogers
  • Presenter
  • Cornell University
  • PhD
  • ISEA2023 Hannah Star Rogers holds a PhD from Cornell University in Science and Technology Studies and an MFA from Columbia University, USA. She is the lead editor of the Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technology Studies and her monograph from MIT Press, Art, Science, and the Politics of Knowledge appeared in 2022. She is currently based at the University of Copenhagen, DK, where she is researching Metabolic Arts as part of a Novo Nordisk grant through the Center for Basic Metabolic R
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 12.5697339,55.6753132
  • Hannah
  • Wolfe
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2017 Hannah Wolfe, USA
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Hannes
  • Rall
  • Presenter
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2023 Hannes Rall, aka Hans-Martin Rall (DE/SG)) is Professor of Animation Studies and Associate Chair (Research) at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is also a successful director of independent animated short films: his works have been selected for 845 international festivals and won 80 awards.
  • Singapore
  • 103.80805258633,1.3516161224392
  • Hans
  • Gindlesberger
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Hans
  • J.
  • Leeuw
  • Presenter
  • Eindhoven University
  • Industrial Design
  • ISEA2015 Zelf Koelman, Mark J. de Graaf & Hans J. Leeuw, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Netherlands the
  • 4.3175,52.08417
  • Hans-Gunter
  • Lock
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2014 Composer and musicologist Hans-Gunter Lock was born in 1974 in Halle, Germany. Since 2000, he lives and works in Estonia.
  • Estonia
  • 25.761526844887,58.778396856807
  • Hao
  • Jiang
  • Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • Engineering Science
  • ISEA2015 Hao Jiang, Mohamad Rezaei, Haleh Shahbazbegian, Sheida Arabi, Jasbir N. Patel & Bozena Kaminska, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Haoshin
  • Chang
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2016 Haoshin Chang, Detao Master Class, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, China
  • China
  • 101.90187510338,35.486702984633
  • Haoyi
  • Zhang
  • Presenter
  • Tianjin Normal University
  • College of Fine Arts and Design
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2019 Haoyi Zhang is working in Tianjin Normal University, lecturer of the College of Fine Arts and Design. Education: MA in Science Multimedia and Entertainment Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. BA in Digital Media Arts, Communication University of China. Academic Research: Digital media arts, Communication, Gender arts  
  • Unavailable
  • Harley
  • Guo
  • Presenter
  • Designer
  • ISEA2020 Harley Renrong Guo (they/them), Digital Designer (new grad), Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, Canada, is a visual communication designer with experience in user-centered design and design research. They are passionate about visual storytelling and strive to create nuanced and meaningful visual identities, systems, and experiences.
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Haroon
  • Gunn-Salie
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Multimedia Artist
  • ISEA 2018 Haroon Gunn-Salie (b. 1989, Cape Town, South Africa) currently based between Johannesburg and Belo Horizonte. His multidisciplinary practice draws focus to forms of collaboration in contemporary art based on socially engaged dialogue and exchange. Gunn-Salie’s exhibition titled Witness presented a site-specific body of work focusing on still unresolved issues of forced removals under apartheid, working with veteran residents of District Six, translating community oral histories in
  • South Africa
  • 23.913710676207,-28.378272190697
  • Harpreet
  • Sareen
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2022 Harpreet Sareen (US/IN/JP) is a scientist-designer who creates bionic materials and hybrid substrates that lend themselves for future ecological machinery, sensing systems and interaction design.
  • Unavailable
  • Harry
  • (H2o)
  • Hung
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • Unavailable
  • Harshit
  • Agrawal
  • Presenter
  • Artist and Independent Researcher
  • ISEA2020 i am an AI (artificial intelligence) artist and human computer interaction (HCI) researcher. i graduated from the Fluid Interfaces group at MIT Media Lab and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Guwahati). i’ve carried out art residencies at various places to develop my practice in diverse cultural contexts, including at the Art Center Nabi (Seoul, Korea), Museum of Tomorrow (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Kakehi-Lab (Tokyo/ Yokohama, Japan). i was the only Indian artist in one of the the
  • Unavailable
  • Hartmut
  • Jörg
  • Presenter
  • ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • ISEA2023 Hartmut Jörg, Audiovisual Archives and Collection, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 8.403419,49.006871
  • Haruka
  • Hirayama
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2023 Haruka Hirayama (Ph.D.) is a composer from Murakami, Niigata, Japan.
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • 139.1485991,35.76478424
  • Hasnat
  • Mehmood
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2014 Hasnat Mehmood is a visual artist who lives and works in Dubai, UAE. He was born in 1978 in Jhelum, Pakistan. He was trained in miniature painting. After having worked with miniature painting for a while, his work has evolved into different directions and he has started using other mediums, including installations, mixed media, collages and drawings. He has also taught at National College of Arts for eight years. During that time, he taught courses on foundation drawing and miniature
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • 55.2962,25.2684
  • Hava
  • Aldouby
  • Presenter
  • Open University of Israel
  • Senior Lecturer
  • ISEA2020 Hava Aldouby is a senior lecturer at the Open University of Israel. She has recently edited the collection Shifting Interfaces: An Anthology of Presence, Empathy, and Agency in 21st Century Media Arts, Leuven University Press (March 2020).
  • Israel
  • 34.841998525363,31.847260814451
  • Haytham
  • Nawar
  • Presenter
  • Plymouth University
  • ISEA2014 Haytham Nawar, Plymouth University, UK
  • Unavailable
  • He-Lin
  • Luo
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Heath
  • Franco
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Heather
  • Barnett
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Heather
  • Brand
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Heather
  • Contant
  • Presenter
  • University of New South Wales
  • ISEA2014 Heather Contant, University of New South Wales, AU
  • Unavailable
  • Héctor
  • Fabio Torres
  • Cardona
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
  • ISEA 2017 Hector Fabio Torres Cardona, Research leader, Sonorous and Visual Environment Group, University of Caldas, Colombia. Héctor F. Torres is a PhD candidate, magister in design and creation, graduate in music, composer, and the research leader of the Sonorous and Visual Environment Group of Universidad de Caldas. His main interests are composition, research in music and brain-computer music interfaces.
  • Manizales, Colombia
  • -75.506666,5.066891
  • Hedy
  • Hurban
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Composer-Director-Choreographer, and Presenter
  • ISEA 2022 Hedy (Hédi) Hurban is a designer of costumes, wearable technology, and a composer of electronic music. She is working towards her PhD at University of Plymouth (U.K.) where she is designing wearable technology body instruments to be used in new performance practices. Hedy has taught in several institutions across the globe including the Art Institute of Toronto, Canada, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in Hyderabad, India, Sehir University, Istanbul, Turkey and as an
  • Unavailable
  • Heejoo
  • Kim
  • Presenter
  • University of Connecticut
  • ISEA 2019 Heejoo Gwen Kim (University of Connecticut, USA) works as an experimental/ documentary animated filmmaker and new media artist, currently creating projects focusing on social issues, such as microaggressions, feminism, elder abuse, and psychology in experimental narrative film structures. Her films and installations have been internationally presented at festivals, conferences, and galleries in Germany, UK, Lebanon, Mexico, Bulgaria, Turkey, France, Philippine, India, Latvia, Cana
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Hege
  • Tapio
  • Presenter
  • Artist, Curator, Art Consultant, CEO, and Managing Director
  • ISEA 2016 Hege Tapio was born 1973 in Norway. Lives and works in Stavanger – the oil capitol of Norway. She holds BA/MA in fine art photography from Art College in Bergen, Norway. Tapio is an artist, curator, art consultant, CEO and Managing director of i/o/lab Senter for Framtidskunst based in Stavanger, Norway. Tapio has established and curated Article biennial – a festival for the electronic and unstable art, launched in 2006/2008/2010/2012/2015 and soon again in 2016. Tapio has for years
  • Norway
  • 8.8048207389507,61.248333149315
  • Heiko
  • Wommelsdorf
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Germany
  • 10.018343294857,51.133481343993
  • Helen
  • Collard
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2017 Helen Collard, UK
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Helen
  • Pynor
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Helen
  • Yung
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Helen Yung, Culture of Cities Centre, Foundation Creative Studio, CA
  • Unavailable
  • Helena
  • Ferreira
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2019 Helena Ferreira (Lisbon, 1982) is an artist that develops mixed media installations in the scope of video, sculpture and drawing. She is graduated in Sculpture from Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon University, holds a master degree in Visual Art Teaching and is currently developing her PhD in Art Installation with a FCT Scholarship. Over the past decade Ferreira has shown her artwork in Portugal and abroad, has curated art exhibitions, has been invited to present conferences, seminars
  • Unavailable
  • Helena
  • Grehan
  • Presenter
  • Murdoch University, Western Australia
  • Unavailable