Atau Tanaka bridges the fields of media art, ex­per­i­men­tal music, and re­search. He worked at IRCAM, was Artis­tic Am­bas­sador for Apple France, and was re­searcher at Sony Com­puter Sci­ence Lab­o­ra­tory Paris, and was an Artis­tic Co-Di­rec­tor of STEIM in Am­s­ter­dam. Atau cre­ates sen­sor-based mu­si­cal in­stru­ments for per­for­mance, and is known for his work with biosig­nal in­ter­faces. He seeks to har­ness col­lec­tive mu­si­cal cre­ativ­ity in mo­bile en­vi­ron­ments, seek­ing out the con­tin­ued place of the artist in de­moc­ra­tized dig­i­tal forms. His work has been pre­sented at Ars Elec­tron­ica, SF­MOMA, Eye­beam, V2, ICC, and ZKM and has been men­tor at NESTA.
