Claudia Robles-Angel

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University J. T. Lozano, Media Artist and Sound Artist

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


New media and audiovisual artist. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which extend from audiovisual fixed-media compositions to performances and installations interacting with biomedical signals. She has been artist-in-residence in several outstanding institutions, for example at ZKM (Karlsruhe) and at the ICST-ZHdK in Zur-ich. Her work is constantly featured in not only media and sound-based festivals/conferences but also in group and solo exhibitions around the globe, for example, the ZKM Karlsruhe; KIBLA Centre Maribor, Bauhaus Museum Berlin; Festival de la Imagen Manizales, DRHA2010 Sensual Technologies London; SIGGRAPH Asia Yokohama; Re-New Festival Copenhagen; New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME Os-lo; ISEA Istanbul, Manizales and Durban, CAMP audiovisual concert – Salon Suisse, Official collateral event of the 55th Venice Biennale, Audio Art Festival Cracow, Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center NYC, Museum of Contemporary Art MAC Bogotá, MADATAC Madrid, ADAF Athens, Hero-ines of Sound Berlin.


Claudia Robles-Angel is a new media/digital artist living in Germany and active worldwide. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which extend from audiovisual fixed-media compositions to performances and installations interacting with biomedical signals. She has been artist-in-residence in several outstanding institutions, for example at the Institute for Music and Acoustics at the ZKM Center (Karlsruhe, DE), KHM (Cologne, DE) and at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technologies – ICST ZHdK (Zurich, CH). Her work is constantly featured in not only media and sound-based festivals/ conferences but also in group and solo exhibitions around the globe, for example, the ZKM Center in Karlsruhe; SIGGRAPH Asia in Yokohama, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival NYCEMF, New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference NIME Oslo; at 55th Venice Biennale Prohelvetia, Audio Art Festival Cracow, at Harvestworks Digital Arts Center New York City, and ISEA2011 Istanbul, ISEA2017 Manizales and ISEA2018 Durban.


Claudia Robles-Angel is a new media and sound artist born in Bogotá, Colombia, currently living in Cologne, Germany, and active worldwide. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which extend from audio-visual fixed media compositions to performances and installations interacting with biomedical signals via the usage of interfaces such as, for example, the BCI (Brain Computer Interface) measuring brain waves activity.

She has been artist-in-residence in several outstanding institutions, for example at ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), KHM Cologne (DE), at the ICST – Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technologies ZHdK Zurich (CH), at CMMAS – Mexican Center for the Music and the Soundarts Morelia (MX) and at the Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen NRW (DE).


Claudia Robles-Angel,Cologne. Claudia Robles-Angel is an interdisciplinary artist living in Germany, whose work and research cover different aspects of visual and sonic art, extending from audiovisual fixed-media compositions to performances interacting with bio-data via the usage of interfaces such as EEG (electroencephalogram) and EMG (electromyography). She was artist-in-residence at ZKM in Karlsruhe (2004-2007) and at the KHM in Cologne (2008 -2009). Her work is constantly featured in not only media and sound-based festivals/conferences but also in group and solo exhibitions around the globe, for example the ZKM Karlsruhe, the ICMC 2007 in Copenhagen, ICMC 2009 in Montréal and 2016 in Utrecht, Festival Internacional de la Imagen 2009/2010/2013, the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 in Yokohama, the NYCEMF 2010 and 2013-2016 in New York, the Re-New Festival 2011 in Copenhagen and the NIME 2011 in Oslo, Salon Suisse – Prohelvetia 55th Venice Biennale 2013, at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center New York City (2014 / 2017), MAC Bogotá (2011/2015), MADATAC Festival Madrid (2016) and more recently at Die Digitale Düsseldorf. She is the creator of NOMÁDES… an international concert series of electroacoustic and audiovisual compositions


Claudia Robles Angel is a media artist born in Bogotá (Colombia) and currently living in Cologne (Germany). She finished studies in Fine Arts in 1990 at the University J. T. Lozano in Bogotá (Colombia). She pursued postgraduate studies such as: Film Animation (1992-1993) at the CFP (Milan-Italy); MA in Visual Arts (1993-1995) at the École Supérieure d’Art Visuel (Geneva- Switzerland) and Sound Design and Electronic Composition at the Folkwang University Essen (Germany) with Prof. Dirk Reith from (2001-2004). In 2004 she won the second prize at the competition Hoeren und Sehen organized by the ZKM (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe and the Institute fuer Neue Musik in Darmstadt (both in Germany) for her audiovisual composition Bewegung in Silber. She was artist in residence (2004-2006) at the ZKM. Her most relevant work presented there was the piece Seed/Tree (audiovisual Installation/Butoh performance with live electronics).

Her work is worldwide known, having participated in several group and solo exhibitions around the globe, for example at the Bauhaus- archiv Museum für Gestaltung in Berlin, Germany (2003); the European Capitals of Culture: Sibiu and Luxemburg (2007); Enter3 in Prague, Czech Republic (2007), the International Computer Music Conference ICMC in Copenhagen, Denmark (2007) and Montréal, Canada (2009); at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 in Yokohama, Japan, at the DRHA: Sensual Technologies – Brunel University London, UK (2010), and lately at the Festival for Digital Media: Re-New2011 Copenhagen, Denmark and at the NIME 2011: New Interfaces for Musical Expression Oslo, Norway.

Last Known Location:

Cologne, Germany

Previous Location(s):

  • Bogotá, CO

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: