Thomas Asmuth
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Thomas Asmuth is a transdisciplinary artist and an Associate Professor of digital and experimental media at the University of West Florida. Asmuth collaborates with artists and scientists on issues of water quality. His work manifests as art/science installations and novel designs for water testing equipment. Asmuth’s awards include a Florida Humanities Council grant and a Florida Research Fellowship. Asmuth’s work has appeared at the Southeastern College Art Conference, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Balance UnBalance, Laguna Art Museum, Montalvo Arts Center, and the Tang Teaching Museum.
Thomas Asmuth, Associate Professor, University of West Florida, Pensacola FL, USA. Thomas Asmuth is an artist and an Associate Professor at the University of West Florida where he teaches courses in digital and experimental media at the UWF Department of Art. Asmuth utilizes science and technology as method and media to explore culture, aesthetics, social practices, and performance. Asmuth is an alumnus of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San José State (MFA 2009) and holds a BFA in Painting (2000) from the San Francisco Art Institute. Asmuth’s currently working on a collaborative project involving new representations of water quality data to investigate the abstractions of data and perception regarding the public comprehension of ecosystems. With a keen interest in Merleau-Ponty’s _Primacy of Perception_ theory, Asmuth and his collaborators are exploring transdisciplinary methods/development. The team includes other artists, microbiologists, marine scientists, and geneticists. Asmuth’s works and collaborations have been exhibited in the United States and internationally including: NetArtizen, Thompson Gallery (San José State University), SECAC2016, SECAC2013, Missouri State University Brick City Gallery, 319 Scholes, (sic), International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2011, ISEA2016, ISEA2017), the Laguna Art Museum, Zer01 Biennial (2006, 2008, & 2012), the Electronic Gallery at Salisbury University, Montalvo Arts Center, College of Wooster and the Francis Tang Teaching Museum.
Thomas Asmuth is an artist working from the southern United States. His work centers around the culture and aesthetics of science and technology, social practice, and performance. His other current projects include autonomous robotics, an exploration of the identity of the ‘Space Race’ generation through portraits and imaging, and gaming interventions. He is an alumnus of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media and the San Francisco Art Institute. Asmuth’s projects and collaborations have been exhibited internationally including: 01SJ (‘06 and ‘08), Laguna Art Museum, the Tang Teaching Museum, and Transmediale09. Thomas Asmuth is a principle contributor in the development of the digital media curriculum at the University of West Florida as a Visiting Assistant Professor.
Last Known Location:
Title: Turbidity Paintings
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Title: ISEA Symposium Archives: Update and Innovative Next Steps
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Title: Turbidity Paintings: Communicating Science Through the Lens of Art
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Title: Turbidity Paintings: Water Testing
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Title: Turbidity Paintings: Four Years In
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Title: Touchstone Audio Exciter Workshop Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Resurrecting data as a phenomenological and spatial object Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):