“And the Earth Sighed: A Case Study” presented by Cmielewski, Pierce and Starrs

“And the Earth Sighed: A Case Study” presented by Cmielewski, Pierce and Starrs

“Un-Earths: Disorientation, landscape & the industrialized map” presented by Bird

“Un-Earths: Disorientation, landscape & the industrialized map” presented by Bird

“Hackitectures: Reordering Physical Spaces, Electronic Flows and Social Bodies” presented by Moscatel

“Hackitectures: Reordering Physical Spaces, Electronic Flows and Social Bodies” presented by Moscatel

“Weeping Bamboo: Resonances from Within – Exploring Indigenous Memory” presented by Hwang and Kratky

“Weeping Bamboo: Resonances from Within – Exploring Indigenous Memory” presented by Hwang and Kratky

“Design of Pictographic Signs for the Educational Area” presented by Hernández

“Design of Pictographic Signs for the Educational Area” presented by Hernández

“Prolegomena for a Transdisciplinary Investigation Into the Materialities and Aesthetics of Soft Systems” presented by Jørgensen

“Prolegomena for a Transdisciplinary Investigation Into the Materialities and Aesthetics of Soft Systems” presented by Jørgensen

“Techno-Emotional Bodies” presented by Roude

“Techno-Emotional Bodies” presented by Roude

“Journalism Visualization Devices: Six Visual Modes of Seeing” presented by Plazas

“Journalism Visualization Devices: Six Visual Modes of Seeing” presented by Plazas

“The Sagamine Satoyama Plan” presented by Ishii

“The Sagamine Satoyama Plan” presented by Ishii

“Projects Desluz and ZN:PRDM (Neutral Zone: a River Passes Through Me) by Poéticas Digitais Group” presented by Prado

“Projects Desluz and ZN:PRDM (Neutral Zone: a River Passes Through Me) by Poéticas Digitais Group” presented by Prado

“Motivation in Design Strategies for Behavior Change” presented by Mejía, Velásquez and Villegas

“Motivation in Design Strategies for Behavior Change” presented by Mejía, Velásquez and Villegas

“On the Cohesion of an Electronic Device Ensemble” presented by Vargas, Saldarriaga and Alzate

“On the Cohesion of an Electronic Device Ensemble” presented by Vargas, Saldarriaga and Alzate

“idMirror” presented by Jazbec, Arden and Iwata

“idMirror” presented by Jazbec, Arden and Iwata

“Data Won’t Change Your Behavior: A Critical Design Exploration of Quantified Self Technologies” presented by Durall and Leinonen

“Data Won’t Change Your Behavior: A Critical Design Exploration of Quantified Self Technologies” presented by Durall and Leinonen

“Digital Material and Creative Practice” presented by Jiménez

“Digital Material and Creative Practice” presented by Jiménez

“Open Estudio: Mapping Intercultural Dialogues through Art and Technology” presented by García-Bravo, Giraldo, Pulgarín and Acevedo

“Open Estudio: Mapping Intercultural Dialogues through Art and Technology” presented by García-Bravo, Giraldo, Pulgarín and Acevedo

“Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema” presented by Grba

“Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema” presented by Grba

“Production Processes of Mexican Digital Artists” presented by Oviedo

“Production Processes of Mexican Digital Artists” presented by Oviedo

“Prototyping Puppets Beyond Borders” presented by Acevedo, Nitsche and Eng

“Prototyping Puppets Beyond Borders” presented by Acevedo, Nitsche and Eng

“Imagined Geography, Interstitial Futures, Guatemex” presented by Pederson

“Imagined Geography, Interstitial Futures, Guatemex” presented by Pederson

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