“Explorations of Visual Representation: Towards a Language of Movement” presented by Bowman

“Explorations of Visual Representation: Towards a Language of Movement” presented by Bowman

“The Digital Panorama in Cultural Representation” presented by Coover

“The Digital Panorama in Cultural Representation” presented by Coover

“From Aleatoric Machines to the Future Sounds of Folk” presented by Chia

“From Aleatoric Machines to the Future Sounds of Folk” presented by Chia

“Detektors: Rhythms of Electromagnetic Emissions, their Psychogeophysics and Micrological Auscultation” presented by Howse and Miyazaki

“Detektors: Rhythms of Electromagnetic Emissions, their Psychogeophysics and Micrological Auscultation” presented by Howse and Miyazaki

“Making the Inaudible Audible: Strategies and Disagreements” presented by Harris

“Making the Inaudible Audible: Strategies and Disagreements” presented by Harris

“Sound in the Networked City: Investigating the Role of Sonic Experience in the Informational Society” presented by O’Dwyer

“Sound in the Networked City: Investigating the Role of Sonic Experience in the Informational Society” presented by O’Dwyer

“Poesis of Software Use: Music, Materiality and Live Coding” presented by Breinbjerg

“Poesis of Software Use: Music, Materiality and Live Coding” presented by Breinbjerg

“Computer Demos and the Demoscene: Artistic Subcultural Innovation in Real-Time” presented by Hartmann

“Computer Demos and the Demoscene: Artistic Subcultural Innovation in Real-Time” presented by Hartmann

“The Coded Aesthetic Experience” presented by Thayer and Dubinsky

“The Coded Aesthetic Experience” presented by Thayer and Dubinsky

“print soapbox” presented by Lopez

“print soapbox” presented by Lopez

“The Aesthetics of Electronic Art in Public Spaces” presented by Dinkla

“The Aesthetics of Electronic Art in Public Spaces” presented by Dinkla

“Transcultural Electronic Negotiations: The Redefinition of Public Art across Cultures and Media” presented by Aceti

“Transcultural Electronic Negotiations: The Redefinition of Public Art across Cultures and Media” presented by Aceti

“Challenging Interactivity in Public Space” presented by Her and Hamlyn

“Challenging Interactivity in Public Space” presented by Her and Hamlyn

2010 Úlfarsson Briefly on Halldorophones

“Briefly on Halldorophones” presented by Úlfarsson

2010 Schimana Forgotten Future #1. Magical Sound Machines

“Forgotten Future #1. Magical Sound Machines” presented by Schimana

“Contemporary Art and New Media: Outline for Developing a Hybrid Discourse” presented by Shanken

“Contemporary Art and New Media: Outline for Developing a Hybrid Discourse” presented by Shanken

“Flexibility after Destined Death” presented by Dietrick

“Flexibility after Destined Death” presented by Dietrick

“Diggers and Dreamers of the 20th and 21st Century: Creative Commons, Open Source and Digital Folkore” presented by McKeown

“Diggers and Dreamers of the 20th and 21st Century: Creative Commons, Open Source and Digital Folkore” presented by McKeown

“Rethinking Cybernetics and Electronic/New Media Art History” presented by Doherty

“Rethinking Cybernetics and Electronic/New Media Art History” presented by Doherty

“Media Art and Its Theories: from “New Avant-garde” to “Science-Brut” Discourse Analysis Approach” presented by Voropai

“Media Art and Its Theories: from “New Avant-garde” to “Science-Brut” Discourse Analysis Approach” presented by Voropai

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