“The sonic body: creating embodied sonic performances within an extended reality context” presented by Gordon

“The sonic body: creating embodied sonic performances within an extended reality context” presented by Gordon

“Debunking the quantified self through artistic data portraits” presented by Blasco-Soplon, Alsina and Mor

“Debunking the quantified self through artistic data portraits” presented by Blasco-Soplon, Alsina and Mor

“Robophilia and device art in Japan” presented by Iglesias

“Robophilia and device art in Japan” presented by Iglesias

“Probing Food and Power with Robotized Spoonfuls of Edible Paste” presented by Szanto and Laroche

“Probing Food and Power with Robotized Spoonfuls of Edible Paste” presented by Szanto and Laroche

“Star-Stuff: A Shared Immersive Experience in Space” presented by Desnoyers-Stewart

“Star-Stuff: A Shared Immersive Experience in Space” presented by Desnoyers-Stewart

“A Networked Multi-channel Audio and Video Authoring and Display System for Immersive Recombinatory Media Installations” presented by Thorogood, Correia and Dulic

“A Networked Multi-channel Audio and Video Authoring and Display System for Immersive Recombinatory Media Installations” presented by Thorogood, Correia and Dulic

“Unrecording Nature” presented by Chattopadhyay

“Unrecording Nature” presented by Chattopadhyay

“Écosystème(s) : a self-interactive sound installation” presented by Schorpp

“Écosystème(s) : a self-interactive sound installation” presented by Schorpp

“In pursuit of the Schizomachine: for a(n) (in)possible listening” presented by Borges

“In pursuit of the Schizomachine: for a(n) (in)possible listening” presented by Borges

“Sonus Maris” presented by Helyer

“Sonus Maris” presented by Helyer

“Living Biotechnical Lives: Noise, Parasites, and Relational Practices” presented by Søndergaard and Beloff

“Living Biotechnical Lives: Noise, Parasites, and Relational Practices” presented by Søndergaard and Beloff

“Ecopornography in Digital Arts” presented by Stenslie and Cerpina

“Ecopornography in Digital Arts” presented by Stenslie and Cerpina

“Splitting Defense: A Methodological Journey into the Material Basis of Practice-Based Research” presented by Heidt and Kuruş

“Splitting Defense: A Methodological Journey into the Material Basis of Practice-Based Research” presented by Heidt and Kuruş

“autonomX—Real Time Creation/Composition with Complex Systems” presented by Saunier, Salter, Vermette, Quessy, Demeule, et al. …

“autonomX—Real Time Creation/Composition with Complex Systems” presented by Saunier, Salter, Vermette, Quessy, Demeule, et al. …

“Inhaling Quantum Consciousness: Ecological Vibrational Possibles” presented by Ribeiro

“Inhaling Quantum Consciousness: Ecological Vibrational Possibles” presented by Ribeiro

“Rituals of art and science to decompart-mentalize knowledge” presented by Forcucci and Herbelin

“Rituals of art and science to decompart-mentalize knowledge” presented by Forcucci and Herbelin

“Posthuman Rituals” presented by Rajcic and McCormack

“Posthuman Rituals” presented by Rajcic and McCormack

“Speakers, More Speakers!!! – Developing Interactive, Distributed, Smartphone-Based Immersive Experiences for Music and Art” presented by Forgette, Gillikin, Manaris and Ramdsen

“Speakers, More Speakers!!! – Developing Interactive, Distributed, Smartphone-Based Immersive Experiences for Music and Art” presented by Forgette, Gillikin, Manaris and Ramdsen

“NUAGE: A Digital Live Audiovisual Arts Tangible Interface” presented by Bilodeau, Gagnon and Breuleux

“NUAGE: A Digital Live Audiovisual Arts Tangible Interface” presented by Bilodeau, Gagnon and Breuleux

“Click::REVU. An Optophonic Sound Installation” presented by Dunham, Zareei, McKinnon and Carnegie

“Click::REVU. An Optophonic Sound Installation” presented by Dunham, Zareei, McKinnon and Carnegie

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