“Extensions of Reality: Plants and the Technological Virtual” presented by Unknown presenters

“Extensions of Reality: Plants and the Technological Virtual” presented by Unknown presenters

“Memory’s death… or the desire of immortality” presented by Dal Farra

“Memory’s death… or the desire of immortality” presented by Dal Farra

“Setting limits in preservation strategies from the stage of acquisition: a feasibility approach for Media Art” presented by Valdés and Tornés

“Setting limits in preservation strategies from the stage of acquisition: a feasibility approach for Media Art” presented by Valdés and Tornés

“Complex acquisitions: understanding the infrastructural properties of born-digital objects in museum collections” presented by Arrigoni and

“Complex acquisitions: understanding the infrastructural properties of born-digital objects in museum collections” presented by Arrigoni and

“When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman” presented by Medina

“When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman” presented by Medina

“Environmental Critical Zones: Reading the Wrack Lines” presented by Wollensak

“Environmental Critical Zones: Reading the Wrack Lines” presented by Wollensak

“Perlin noise and sovereign land: Minecraft’s world generation algorithm and colonialism” presented by Kerich

“Perlin noise and sovereign land: Minecraft’s world generation algorithm and colonialism” presented by Kerich

“Artistic Research in European Extended Reality Laboratories” presented by Hadzi

“Artistic Research in European Extended Reality Laboratories” presented by Hadzi

“Cultivating Human Potential in Virtual Art Studios” presented by Lim and Song

“Cultivating Human Potential in Virtual Art Studios” presented by Lim and Song

“Hybrid Art: technology and nature in arts practice and mediation” presented by Lopes

“Hybrid Art: technology and nature in arts practice and mediation” presented by Lopes

“eCO2system: exploring the environmental and social impact of the internet’s materiality through a data-driven media art installation” presented by Antonopoulou

“eCO2system: exploring the environmental and social impact of the internet’s materiality through a data-driven media art installation” presented by Antonopoulou

“The art of urgency: cultural mediation as a vehicle for socio-ecological transition” presented by Paquet and Rouleau

“The art of urgency: cultural mediation as a vehicle for socio-ecological transition” presented by Paquet and Rouleau

“In Sight of Allo-states: Tracing the Path from Environmental Personhood to Agentials, Performances of Personhood and Other Artworks on the Agency-Personhood Continuum (APC)” presented by Ward

“In Sight of Allo-states: Tracing the Path from Environmental Personhood to Agentials, Performances of Personhood and Other Artworks on the Agency-Personhood Continuum (APC)” presented by Ward

“AI Art and the “Transparent Author”” presented by Kelomees

“AI Art and the “Transparent Author”” presented by Kelomees

“The Voice of the Machine Audience” presented by Stagliano

“The Voice of the Machine Audience” presented by Stagliano

“The vanishing of remix concept in machine-driven text” presented by Ludovico

“The vanishing of remix concept in machine-driven text” presented by Ludovico

“Data, performances and urban environments” presented by Heidt and

“Data, performances and urban environments” presented by Heidt and

“‘Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance’ – addressing urban rewilding with a musical augmented reality experience” presented by Collier

“‘Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance’ – addressing urban rewilding with a musical augmented reality experience” presented by Collier

“Live data in live performance” presented by Borrell

“Live data in live performance” presented by Borrell

“KŌDOS: multiple investigations through art, science, and technology” presented by ,

“KŌDOS: multiple investigations through art, science, and technology” presented by ,

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