ISEA2016 Workshop Overview
ISEA2016: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
#NEWPALMYRA Cultural Heritage Preservation
Title: ConcreteCity: An Ultralight Approach to Urban Interventions — Presenter(s):
Title: Critical Manufacturing: A Hackathon for Speculative Design — Presenter(s):
Title: Designing Wearable Technologies that Evolve with Users in China — Presenter(s):
Title: Dits and Dahs of Packet Radio Networking: Using Walkie-talkies to Surf the Internet and Create Long Range Local, On- and Offline Resilient Networks — Presenter(s):
Title: Empathy Engine: Sonifying & Visualizing Media Effects Workshop — Presenter(s):
Title: Interactive Practice in Writing: Entering Private Human Encounters — Presenter(s):
Title: Musical Selfies: Feedback and Self-Reflection through Mobile Composition — Presenter(s):
Title: Open Source Estrogen: Detecting and Extracting Xenoestrogens in Local Ecosystems — Presenter(s):
Title: Open Sourcing Programmed Art: A Workshop on the Collaborative Re-enactment of Gruppo T’s Kinetic Artworks — Presenter(s):
Title: Reality as a Medium: Context Engineering Hybrid Ecology Framework — Presenter(s):
Title: Visual Residuum: Whatsapp Cinema — Presenter(s):
Satellite Event Workshops:
Curating Art After New Media HK
Title: No References Workshop — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Reality — Presenter(s):
#NEWPALMYRA Cultural Heritage Preservation