Person Data Table

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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Jeff
  • Sams
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Patricia
  • Adams
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • RMIT University
  • ISEA2013 Dr. Patricia Adams, School of Art, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia ISEA2011 Patricia Adams is cur­rently a Post­doc­toral Re­search Fel­low, RMIT Uni­ver­sity School of Art, Mel­bourne and a vis­it­ing artist at the Vi­sual & Sen­sory Neu­ro­science Group, Queens­land Brain In­sti­tute, The Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land. She has worked at the art/sci­ence nexus for over ten years and her doc­toral re­search pro­ject in­volved a cross-dis­ci­pli­nary col­lab­o­ra­tion wi
  • Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • 144.9632,-37.8142
  • Silvia
  • Rigon
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Silvia Rigon is an Italian media artist based in Los Angeles. Her work often refers to the notion of monstrosity as a way of unveiling the cultural ambivalences inherent in our relationship with technology. She won the Excellence Prize at the Japan Media Art Festival in 2004.
  • Los Angeles, California , US
  • ,
  • Valerie
  • Tevere
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
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  • Angel
  • Nevarez
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Simon
  • O’Sullivan
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Clemencia
  • Echeverri
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Curator
  • Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia and Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Arts Department
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2017 Clemencia Echeverri lives and works in Bogotá. She completed undergraduate studies in Colombia and specialization and masters in Plastic Arts at Chelsea College of Arts, London. She was a professor of Arts in undergraduate and master’s degree at Universidad de Antioquia and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. After working in painting and sculpture, since the mid-90s, Clemencia has developed works in installation, video, photography, sound and interactivity based on dominant political
  • Bogotá, Colombia
  • -74.08083,4.59889
  • Barbara
  • Santos
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • DJ I, Robot Sound System
  • Artist-Performing
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • ISEA2002 The DJ I, Robot Sound System (MIT Media Lab) was founded in 1999 with a manifest destiny: The replacement of inferior, undependable human DJs with a superior, mechatronic system. Its engineers, to date, have been: Girroir, Sudol, Pickard, Csikizentmihalyi. Its features are countless. Its subroutines are skilled. Its opponents have been silenced.
  • Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
  • -71.1056,42.3751
  • Teruyoshi
  • Kamiya
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Teruyoshi Kamiya, born in Ishiki, a town on the Pacific coast of Japan, studied guitar at the Conservatorio Superior Municipal de Musica de Barcelona, Spain. He studied computer music first at PHONOS where he could enjoy a lot of experimentation thanks to its free and extravagant atmosphere, and then at the Pompeu Fabra University for the Master’s Degree in Music Creation and Sound Technology.
  • Ishiki, JP
  • ,
  • Chad
  • Mossholder
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Chad Mossholder is a sound artist working in art installations, film, music and video games. [source:]
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  • Allison
  • Vishnovska
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Allison Vishnovska, Studio XX, Montreal, Canada
  • Montreal, Quebec, CA
  • ,
  • Fuminori
  • Akiba
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • JP
  • ,
  • David
  • Uden
  • Artist-Performing
  • Dieter Muh
  • ISEA2002 Dieter Muh is a sound project based in the United Kingdom comprising two individuals, Stephen Cammack & David Uden. Dieter Muh have been involved in the experimental music scene since 1979 and have performed in Germany, Belgium, Finland and Sweden as well as many times in the U.K. Their music has also been used to accompany performance art and film work. Three CDs have been released as well as vinyl, video and compilation projects and their new CD “Tertium Organum” has received c
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Stephen
  • Cammack
  • Artist-Performing
  • Dieter Muh
  • ISEA2002 Dieter Muh is a sound project based in the United Kingdom comprising two individuals, Stephen Cammack & David Uden. Dieter Muh have been involved in the experimental music scene since 1979 and have performed in Germany, Belgium, Finland and Sweden as well as many times in the U.K. Their music has also been used to accompany performance art and film work. Three CDs have been released as well as vinyl, video and compilation projects and their new CD “Tertium Organum” has received c
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ly
  • Hoang
  • Artist-Performing
  • Children Culture House
  • ISEA2002 Hoang Ly was born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1975. Graduated from Fine-Art School of HCMC. Now teaching Art at Children Culture House and editing books for children at Youth Publishing House (HCMC). She is a well-known poet in VN, and the first Vietnamese woman artist doing performance art since 2000. Have participated in three NIPAF events in japan (2000,2001,2002) and in the first Man Performance Art Festival at Japan Society in New York (2001).
  • Hanoi, VN
  • ,
  • Peter
  • Sinclair
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Peter Sinclair (Marseille) multi-media artist, Aix en Provence Art School teacher.
  • Marseille, FR
  • ,
  • Colette
  • Tron
  • Artist-Performing, Author, and Presenter
  • PACJAP and Alphabetville
  • ISEA2011 Co­lette Tron was born in 1968 in Mar­seille, France. She works in the fields of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and lan­guage. After hav­ing worked in cul­tural jour­nal­ism, she is cur­rently work­ing as a writer, using dif­fer­ent medi­ums of com­mu­ni­ca­tion of lan­guage (radio, books, the­ater, au­dio­vi­sual, mul­ti­me­dia…), and in ques­tion­ing their func­tion ex­per­i­ment­ing with cre­ation that is spe­cific to each one. She col­lab­o­rates with artists from dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines, i
  • Marseille, France
  • 5.375652,43.293898
  • Renaud
  • Vercey
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Renaud Vercey (Marseille), multi-media operator.
  • Marseille, FR
  • ,
  • Jerome
  • Joy
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Jerome Joy (Nice), musician, researcher, university professor, lecturer.
  • Nice, FR
  • ,
  • Yuko
  • Nexus
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Yuko Nexus (Nagoya), computer specialist (Max-MSP specialist).
  • Nagoya, JP
  • ,
  • Itoken
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Itoken (Tokyo), musician, “Harpy” leader.
  • Tokyo, JP
  • ,
  • Suguru
  • Yamaguchi
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Suguru Yamaguchi (Tokyo), musician, internet operator.
  • Tokyo, JP
  • ,
  • Takashi
  • Kojima
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Takashi Kojima (Osaka), musician, internet operator, computer programmer.
  • Osaka, JP
  • ,
  • Tim
  • Cheung
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • Animation Artist and Computer Animation Artist
  • Hong Kong, CN
  • ,
  • Dwight
  • Frizzell
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Dwight Frizzell is a composer, sound designer, writer and new media artist who lives and works in Kansas City, Missouri. Frizzell has produced numerous radio and audio art works, including, among others, “Building the Earth”, “Postmodern Prometheus” (after Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein), “Out of Time”, “Bullfrog Devildog President” and “The Irish Wilderness”.
  • Kansas CIty, Missouri, US
  • ,
  • Tony
  • Allard
  • Artist-Performing, Artist-Exhibiting, and Presenter
  • Kansas City Art Institute and California State University
  • Artist
  • ISEA2015 Kristine Diekman & Tony Allard, California State University, San Marcos, California, USA ISEA2011 Tony Allardis a performance artist, writer, and teacher who works from a transmedia perspective. From 1989 to 1997 Allard taught at the Kansas City Art Institute, and in 1997 Allard moved to San Diego where he now teaches at California State University, San Marcos.Allard is currently working on a  speculative/hybrid media project, entitled 
mutate or die. This project will chro
  • San Diego, California, United States of America
  • -117.1628,32.7174
  • Tetsuro
  • Fukuhara
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Tetsuro Fukuhara: Space Dance choreographer. He have started a project called “Space Dance” with dance, architecture, information and design. “Digital Space Dance (Japanese Ministry of Trade)” in Shiroishi 1997. “Body of the Future” in Detroit, London, Rome, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Istanbul, Paris 1998-2002. “Space Dance” at MIT Media Laboratory. Boston 2000. “Space Dance at the United Nations, New York* 2001.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Siegrun
  • Appelt
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2010 2010 Sehnsucht, 12. Architekturbiennale Venedig, IT, Ruhrlights: Twilight Zone, Ruhr.2010, Mülheim, DE; 2009 Glow, Eindhoven, NL; 2008 Updating Germany, 11. Architekturbiennale Venedig, IT; Ruhrlights, Mühlheim, DE; 2007 Lichttage, Winterthur, CH; 2006 116 kW, Kunsthalle Schirn, Frankfurt, DE; Lebt und arbeitet in Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, AT; 2005 288 kW, Kunsthaus Bregenz, AT; Lichtkunst aus Kunstlicht, ZKM Karlsruhe, DE; 2004 Moderato cantabile, Landesgalerie Linz, AT; 68.719.476.736
  • AT
  • ,
  • LAB[au]
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002 Founded in 1995 LAB[au], laboratory for architecture and urbanism, links theoretical research LAB[a+u] to concrete works of conception and realizations LA.BAU. In this manner LAB[au] elaborates a ‘metadesign’ investigating the implications of new communication and computation technologies within spatio-temporal (space-time) structures as well as their forms of representation such as architecture and urbanism.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • W.
  • Christiawan
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002 W. Christiawan is a new media artist, Was born in Bandung, Indonesia. Working in Drawing, xenography, installation, performance, web art and curatorship.
  • Bandung, ID
  • ,
  • C0C0S0L1DC1T1
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002 C0C0S0L1DC1T1 commissioned sound, video and graphic artists to produce work that would be remixed by their counterparts in the other cities. The remixed videos, sounds and images/designs all comment on the idea that super-modern cities are moving. Moving in different ways that Anzhigram imagined in their architectural drawings of the 60’s but transitory nonetheless. The transient nature of those who inhabit urban centres means that the identities of cities are going to become more co
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Stanislav
  • Muller
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Stanislav Muller, Czech Republic,
  • CZ
  • ,
  • Fernando
  • Garía
  • Dory
  • Presenter
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  • Radka
  • Mullerova
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Radka Mullerova, Czech Republic
  • CZ
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • David
  • d’Heilly
  • Presenter
  • Journalist
  • ISEA2010 David d’Heilly is working in the arts and journalism between Asia, Europe and the U.S. His writings have been published in eight languages, he has worked on numerous film and television productions and has curated and produced art exhibitions and festivals in Japan, The US, Sweden, and France.
  • US
  • ,
  • Akihiro
  • Kubota
  • Artist-Performing
  • Tama Art University
  • Department of Information Design
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2002 Akihiro Kubota is a designer artist in the age of digitalism, whose main interests include sound design/art, information/software/network/art, interface interaction design. He is now investigating the possibilities of the computer as a material (digital materialism). His main publications are “Kieyuku Computer” (Vanishing Computer, lwanami Shoten 1999), “Post-Techno(logy) Music” (Oomura Shoten 2001), and others. Currently he is working as an associate professor in the Department of I
  • JP
  • ,
  • Herald
  • Welzer
  • Presenter
  • University of Witten-Herdecke and Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research
  • Sociologist
  • ISEA2010 Harald Welzer is a sociologist and social psychologist. He is head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research in Essen and research professor for social psychology at the University of Witten-Herdecke. He works on memory cultures and the psychology of the holocaust and violence.
  • DE
  • ,
  • Sachiyo
  • Takahashi
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Sachiyo Takahashi is an independant intermedia artist looking at the boundary of media. Played in three works by Jan Fabre including “Glowing Icons”. Created and performed “Aviation/Abbreviation”.
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  • Baerbel
  • Neubauer
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Baerbel Neubauer is an independant artist working in various visual media, including 35mm and 70rnm IMAX film and Quicktirne. Works include: commercials: FALTER-SPOT 7, and ABSOLUT NEUBAUER; 70mm animation: SKY.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sidney
  • Fels
  • Artist-Performing
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
  • ISEA2002 Sidney Fels, Ph.D is an associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UBC in Vancouver, Canada. Work includes: Glow-Talkll, larnascope, Forklift Ballet, and PlesioPhone. He has exhibited internationally including Ars Electronics Centre, the Millenium Dome, Petmbras VR Exhibition in Brazil.
  • CA
  • ,
  • Peter
  • Weibel
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Centre for Art and Media (ZKM)
  • Art Theorist, Artist, and Teacher
  • [1944-2023] ISEA2023 Peter Weibel (USSR/AT, 1944–2023) was a post-conceptual artist, curator, and new media theoretician. He started out in 1964 as a visual poet, then later moved from the page to the screen within the sense of post-structuralist methodology. His work includes virtual reality and other digital art forms. From 1999 he was the director of the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany. [Source: Wikipedia] ISEA2022 Peter Weibel (Odessa, Ukraine, 1944) studied literature,
  • Unavailable
  • Martin
  • Kusch
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • kondition pluriel and University of Applied Arts
  • Digital Arts
  • Media Artist
  • ISEA2015 Martin Kusch studied art history, philosophy and painting in Berlin, Germany, and media arts with Peter Weibel at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria, where he has also been teaching since 1997. Founder and artistic co-director of the Media performance group kondition pluriel, he is particularly interested in the transformation processes of the electronic media inside performative contexts, and on how digital technologies influence our perception of the body and space.
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Marie-Claude
  • Poulin
  • Artist-Performing, Presenter, and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • kondition pluriel
  • Choreographer
  • ISEA2015 Marie-Claude Poulin is trained in dance and kinanthropology at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, and holds an MA in Choreography at the Inter-University Center for  Dance in Berlin, Germany. Between 1985 and 2000, she has taught in the field of somatic education and has worked as a performer, notably with choreographers Benoît Lachambre and Meg Stuart. In 2000, she co-founded the digital performance group kondition pluriel. Her works have been presented at numerous festiva
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Phil
  • Durrant
  • Artist-Performing
  • London College of Music & Media
  • ISEA2002 Phil Durrant, UK. Born 1957; software synth/sampler, live electronics and acoustic violin. Phil Durrant studied classical violin and piano at the London College Of Music. Since 1977 he has been a freelance musician, improviser and composer. He has performed at festivals all over Europe, U.S.A and Canada and has had his music broadcast on radio and television in many countries. [source:]
  • GB
  • ,
  • Rob
  • Filnt
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Rob Flint, UK
  • GB
  • ,
  • Lidia
  • Zielińska
  • Artist-Performing and Presenter
  • Academy of Music in Poznań
  • SMEAMuz Electroacoustic Music Studio
  • _Director
  • ISEA2011 Lidia Zielinska is a Polish composer, professor of composition and director of the SMEAMuz Electroacoustic Music Studio at the Academy of Music in Poznan, and professor of sound aesthetics at the Visual Arts Academy in Poznan, guest lecturer at summer courses in Poland, Belarussia, Canada, Chile, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Moldavia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland and Sweden; 70 compositions published, numerous awards for orchestral music, multimedia, electroacoustic wo
  • Poland
  • 19.30063630556,52.124609907545
  • Sami
  • Abadi
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Sami Abadi, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1965
  • Buenos Aries, AR
  • ,
  • Turby
  • Schmidt
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Turby Schmidt,
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Koichi
  • Watanabe
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Seiji Nagai, Koji Kawai, Minoru Yonemoto & Koichi Watanabe, Japan
  • JP
  • ,
  • Minoru
  • Yonemoto
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Seiji Nagai, Koji Kawai, Minoru Yonemoto & Koichi Watanabe, Japan
  • JP
  • ,
  • Koji
  • Kawai
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Seiji Nagai, Koji Kawai, Minoru Yonemoto & Koichi Watanabe, Japan
  • JP
  • ,
  • Toshihiro
  • Anzai
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
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  • Reiko
  • Nakamura
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • JP
  • ,
  • Steffen
  • Meschkat
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • US
  • ,
  • Richard
  • Valentin
  • Author and Presenter
  • Beckman Institute and University of Illinois
  • US
  • ,
  • Rosanne
  • Marshack
  • Author and Presenter
  • Illinois State University
  • School of Music
  • US
  • ,
  • Asli
  • Serbest
  • Author and Presenter
  • Institute of Modern Architecture and Design (Igma) and University of Stuttgart
  • DE
  • ,
  • Mona
  • Mahall
  • Author and Presenter
  • Institute of Modern Architecture and Design (Igma) and University of Stuttgart
  • DE
  • ,
  • Carole
  • Lipsyc
  • Author and Presenter
  • Université Paris 8
  • Laboratoire Paragraphe
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  • Kyungho
  • Lim
  • Author and Presenter
  • Graduate School of Soongsil University
  • Department of Digital Media
  • KR
  • ,
  • Hyun Jean
  • Lee
  • Author and Presenter
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Digital Media Program
  • ISEA2019 Hyun Jean Lee is a video and multimedia artist and media theorist whose research focuses on media history and aesthetics in the relationship between art and media technology. Lee earned a Ph.D. in Digital Media program at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Literature, Communication, and Culture, USA. At Georgia Tech, she also researched emerging physical sensing and computer-interaction technologies across media arts, entertainment, and educational domains. After earning
  • Seoul, Korea
  • 127,37.58333
  • Katja
  • Franziska
  • Langeland
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of the Arts
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Colm
  • Lally
  • Author and Presenter
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  • Nik
  • Gaffney
  • Author and Presenter
  • FoAM network of transdisciplinary labs
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  • PerMagnus
  • Lindborg
  • Author and Presenter
  • Nanyang Technological University and The University of Hong Kong
  • School of Creative Media
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2022 PerMagnus Lindborg, PhD, is a sound artist and researcher. He is Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, creating installations, films, and concert artworks through SOUNDISLANDS, regularly publishing in journals and conferences. He serves as Asia-Oceania Regional Director and Music Coordinator of ICMA, and as Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology. PerMagnus chaired Soundislands Festivals (2013, -15, -17) and DACA Conference on Data Art for
  • Unavailable
  • Joyce
  • Beetuan
  • Koh
  • Author and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Nicholas
  • Knouf
  • Author and Presenter
  • Cornell University
  • ISEA2015 Nicholas Knouf is an Assistant Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA, USA. His research explores the interstitial spaces between media studies, information science, critical theory, digital art, and science and technology studies. His work has been discussed in print and online media, including Vice (Motherboard), ID Magazine, the Boston Globe, CNN, Slashdot, and Afterimage. He has a PhD in Information Science from Cornell University.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Dorothée
  • King
  • Author and Presenter
  • Interface Cultures
  • Linz, Austria
  • 14.28333,48.3
  • Susan
  • Kerrigan
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Newcastle
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  • Lijia
  • Ke
  • Author and Presenter
  • GB
  • ,
  • Nathan
  • Johnston
  • Author and Presenter
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education
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  • Graham
  • Wakefield
  • Author, Presenter, and Artist-Exhibiting
  • York University
  • Computational Arts
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2020 Graham Wakefield's research has evolved from computer music composition to the generation of open-ended environments for exploratory experience, emphasizing continuation over closure. This work is expressed through software design for creative coding, and immersive artworks of artificial ecosystems (both leveraging live system evolution through dynamic compilation). He is Associate Professor in the School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design and Canada Research Chair of Computational
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Haru
  • (Hyunkyung)
  • Ji
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of California Santa Barbara
  • Media Arts and Technology Program
  • ISEA2020 Haru Ji is a media artist and co-creator of the research project “Artificial Nature”, exploring the subject of life in art through artificial life worldmaking: a form of computational generative art creating and evolving virtual ecosystems as immersive environments. She holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara, an MFA and BFA from Seoul National University, and studied image engineering, computer graphics and 3D animation at Chung-Ang U
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Anke
  • Jakob
  • Author and Presenter
  • Bath Spa University
  • GB
  • ,
  • Rickie
  • Sanders
  • Author and Presenter
  • Temple University
  • Geography/Urban Studies
  • _Professor
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  • Hana
  • Iverson
  • Author and Presenter
  • Independent Media Artist
  • ISEA2014 Hana Iverson, Drexel University, US, is a media artist and informally, a systems integrator, with a focus on public art and networked communities. Her work emphasizes an embodied experience of place and activates social engagement via installation, mobile distribution and multimodal interaction. Recent projects include SonicCity, a city‑scale sonic landscape designed for the city of Philadelphia. ISEA2011 Hana Iverson is an artist whose projects incorporate mobile narrative, au
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Ponirin
  • Amin
  • Author and Presenter
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  • Khairul
  • Azril
  • Ismail
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Technology MARA (UiTM)
  • Faculty of Art & Design
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  • Cameron
  • Ironside
  • Author and Presenter
  • The University of Western Australia
  • ISEA2011 Cameron Ironside is an academic, media artist and writer. His research focuses on the moving-image, including experimental cinema, new media design as well as augmented and interactive environments. He is currently a PHD student at the School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, University of Western Australia.
  • Austria
  • 14.300143590764,47.607797829269
  • Hans
  • Zaunere
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • US
  • ,
  • T.
  • Meyarivan
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
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  • Iram
  • Ghufran
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • IN
  • ,
  • Jeebesh
  • Bagchi
  • Artist-Exhibiting and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • ISEA2004
  • IN
  • ,
  • Debra
  • Petrovich
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Debra Petrovitch holds a BA, Postgraduate Diploma of Visual Art and a Masters of Fine Arts. Petrovitch lives and works in Sydney Australia where she lectures part time in Media Studies and plays in her band Subcutaneous Theatre. In 2002 she was awarded a New Media Arts Board Fellowship.
  • Sydney, AU
  • ,
  • Rebecca
  • Ross
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Rebecca Ross is a visiting faculty member at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at NYU and a Research Scientist at the NYU Center for Advanced Technology. Her work focuses on infrastructure for public participation in data and media, and spatial information in particular.
  • US
  • ,
  • Carl
  • Stevenson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Digital Artist
  • London, GB
  • ,
  • Anargyros
  • Sarafopoulos
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • University of Thessaloniki
  • Greece
  • 23.828553739471,38.589021289637
  • Jadwiga
  • B.
  • Podowska
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Artist
  • PL
  • ,
  • Despi
  • Mayes
  • Author and Presenter
  • Indianapolis Museum of Art
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  • Daniel
  • Incandela
  • Author and Presenter
  • Indianapolis Museum of Art
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  • Jean
  • M.
  • Ippolito
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Hawaii at Hilo
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Thomas
  • Laureyssens
  • Author and Presenter
  • Catholic University
  • Media and Design Academy
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  • Liesbeth
  • Huybrechts
  • Author and Presenter
  • Catholic University
  • Media and Design Academy
  • Coordinator and Researcher
  • ISEA2010 Liesbeth Huybrechts is doing a Ph.D. research in Cultural Studies (KULeuven) on the use of new media as risky objects in participatory design and art projects. She is research coordinator of (Media, Arts & Design Fac. Genk), exploring the social potential of art, design, new media.
  • BE
  • ,
  • Christina
  • Nguyen
  • Hung
  • Author, Presenter, and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Clemson University
  • Department of Art and the Ph.D program for Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design
  • Assistant Professor and Artist
  • ISEA2011 Christina Nguyen Hung is an interdisciplinary artist who works with electronic and biological media. Her work has been presented internationally at numerous venues including the exhibition “A Knock at the Door” in New York; the “Wats:on? Interdisciplinary Festival” at Carnegie Mellon University; ISEA2008 and ISEA2011 and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) in Taichung, Taiwan. in the late 90’s Christina co-founded subRosa, a cyberfeminist art and research collective. As
  • Unavailable
  • Klaus
  • Hu
  • Author, Presenter, and Artist-Exhibiting
  • DE
  • ,
  • Joanna
  • Hoffmann-Dietrich
  • Author and Presenter
  • Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan
  • Educator
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Joanna Hoffmann, Prof. of the University of Arts in Poznan, PL, Studio for Transdisciplinary Projects and Research. Artist, educator, researcher. Author of 25 individual shows and participant of numerous group exhibitions and festivals, e.i.: at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Warsaw, PL; Science Museum DANA Centre in London, UK; European Patent Office in Berlin, DE; Transmediale Festival of Media Art in Berlinie, DE; WRO Biennale in Wroclaw, PL. Participant of many conferences a
  • Poznan, Poland
  • 16.908015,52.412082
  • Geoff
  • Hinchcliffe
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Canberra
  • Faculty of Design and Creative Practice
  • ISEA2015 Dr Geoff Hinchcliffe, Centre for Creative & Cultural Research, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia. I’m at the University of Canberra where I head up a department broadly concerned with digital design and media production – Media Arts, Graphic Design, Front-End Web, Film Production. With colleagues @mtchl and @wragge I contribute to the Digital Treasures research program where we explore new opportunities for accessing and representing rich digital cultural collections. M
  • Canberra, Australia
  • 149.1289,-35.2819
  • Sabine
  • Himmelsbach
  • Author, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Edith-Russ Site for Media Art
  • Artistic Director
  • ISEA2010 Sabine Himmelsbach is the director of the Edith Russ Site for Media Art in Oldenburg, DE. From 1999 – 2005 she was Exhibition Director at the ZKM in Karlsruhe. As a writer, she has contributed largely to catalogues and magazines. She has lectured internationally on topics related with media art and contemporary culture.
  • DE
  • ,
  • Jan
  • Torpus
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nortwestern Switzerland
  • Academy of Art and Design
  • Senior Researcher
  • ISEA2014 Jan Torpus (Institute for Experimental Design and Media Cultures, Basel) is senior researcher and tutor at the Institute of Research in Art and Design at the Academy of Art and Design of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nortwestern Switzerland and media artist. During the studies of interior design (Massana‑ Art and Design College, Barcelona, 1989‑93) he intensively focussed on space, light and ambience in the contexts of interior and exhibition design.
  • Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 8.2343919138785,46.80249558295
  • http:// /
  • Deanna
  • Herst
  • Author and Presenter
  • Willem de Kooning Art Academy and University of Applied Sciences
  • NL
  • ,
  • Falk
  • Heinrich
  • Presenter
  • Aalborg University
  • Department of Media Technology
  • Associate Professor, Actor, Theatre Director, and Author
  • ISEA 2014 Falk Heinrich, DK, PhD, Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, Head of Studies (School of Communication, Art and Technology). Falk Heinrich holds a MA in dramaturgy and multimedia and a PhD in interactive installation art. He teaches art theory and aesthetics, interactive dramaturgy and artistic methodology. He worked as a theatre actor and director and installation artist. His theoretical investigations continue to develop in close relation to practical, artistic work.
  • Denmark
  • 10.046296805828,55.963397874835
  • Lone
  • Koefoed
  • Hansen
  • Author and Presenter
  • Aarhus University
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2010 Dr. Lone Koefoed Hansen, Asst. Prof. Aarhus University, researches the interface between mobile media, urban space and everyday performativity.
  • Denmark
  • 10.046296805828,55.963397874835
  • Silvia
  • Guadagnini
  • Author and Presenter
  • BR
  • ,
  • Hermes
  • Renato
  • Hildebrand
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Campinas
  • BR
  • ,
  • Yara
  • Rondon Guasque
  • Araujo
  • Author, Presenter, and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Multimedia Artist and Teacher
  • ISEA2015 Yara Guasque, non affiliated artist and independent researcher. Retired Associate Professor Santa Catarina State University (Udesc), Florianópolis, Brazil ISEA2014 Yara Guasque Independent artist and researcher and retired associate professor at the Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts of UDESC (State University of Santa Catarina), Brazil. ISEA2011 Dr. Yara Guasque, media artist from São Paulo living in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil; PhD in Communication a
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Alan
  • Peacock
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • GB
  • ,
  • Merce
  • Rodrigo
  • García
  • Author and Presenter
  • Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de la Comunidad
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Iliana
  • Hernández-García
  • Author and Presenter
  • Javeriana University
  • Aesthetics Department
  • Senior Lecturer and _Director
  • Unavailable
  • Miguel
  • Gally
  • de Andrade
  • Author and Presenter
  • Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • BR
  • ,
  • Karmen
  • Franinovic
  • Author and Presenter
  • Zero-Th Association and Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
  • ISEA2011 Karmen Franinovic, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland.
  • Croatia/Canada
  • ,
  • Jennifer
  • Steinkamp
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Erich
  • Berger
  • Artist-Exhibiting and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • boiart society
  • ISEA2022 Erich Berger is an artist, curator, and cultural worker based in Helsinki. His focus is on the intersection of art, science, and technology with a critical take on how they transform society and the world at large. Throughout his practice, he has explored the materiality of information, and information and technology as artistic material. His interest in issues of deep time and hybrid ecology led him to work with geological processes, radiogenic phenomena, and their socio-political imp
  • helsinki, Finland
  • 24.942747,60.167488
  • Sabrina
  • Raaf
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Sabrina Raaf is a Chicago-based artist who works in both experimental sculptural media and photography. She is a producer of creative machines- machines that independently make art when cross-pollinated with human interaction.
  • Chicago, Illinois, US
  • ,
  • John
  • Kannenberg
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jessica
  • Findley
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • US
  • ,
  • Rachel
  • Egenhoefer
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Moderator
  • ISEA2004 Like the systems of binary numbers, Rachel Beth Egenhoefer is interested in the ways we chose to understand and order the information in our worlds; the idiosyncrasies we embody in order to fill the gap in-between thresholds. Knowing it is impossible to see the zeros and ones, she aims to embody them, with a hopeful hopelessness.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Ana
  • Rewakowicz
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Workshop Organiser/Presenter, and Presenter
  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • Mist Collector project
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 Ana Rewakowicz is an interdisciplinary Polish-born artist, living and working in Montreal and Paris. Known for her stimulating, interactive and inflatable works that question our relationship with the environment, she is concerned with issues of sustainability and the need for (intra)disciplinary collaborations to face growing environmental challenges. Currently, driven by a desire to contribute to imaginative solutions that can improve living conditions and create a more acute awaren
  • Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Shawn
  • Pinchbeck
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Shawn Pinchbeck is an Edmonton, Canada-based electroacoustic composer, performer, installation artist, teacher, and curator. For 20 years his works have explored sound as a creative medium, often incorporating multimedia elements, computer interactivity, and multichannel sound.
  • CA
  • ,
  • Tina
  • Gonsalves
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Tina M. Gonsalves. My work has always explored aspects of the intimacies and vulnerabilities of being human. Most of us go through life hiding our wounds and vulnerabilities, or trying as best we can to conceal them. I look to the ways art, science and technology can converge to allow us to form a more intimate relationship with our own bodies. In the past I have explored the emotional signatures pulse, sweat movement (Feel Series2005/07), emotional intonation of voice (Medulla Intim
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • http://
  • Greg
  • Turner
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Robbie
  • Tingey
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • GB
  • ,
  • James
  • Gibson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • GB
  • ,
  • Kelly
  • Dobson
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2004 Kelly Dobson combines socially critical art practice, engineering, neurobiology and psychotherapy as a researcher and PhD candidate at the MIT Media Lab. She is developing a new method of personal, societal, and psychoanalytical engagement termed Machine Therapy.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Gemma
  • Deza
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • ES
  • ,
  • Enrique
  • Radigales
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Iury
  • Lech
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ES
  • ,
  • Tom
  • Coffin
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • US
  • ,
  • Bronia
  • Iwanczak
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • AU
  • ,
  • Tamas
  • Szakal
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Tuomo
  • Tammenpää
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Andrew
  • Stern
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • AV-Arkki
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator, and Curator
  • ISEA2004
  • Unavailable
  • Arianna
  • Bassoli
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Daniel
  • Heckenberg
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004 Daniel Heckenberg a practitioner with electrical engineering backgound works both with the technical and artist development of video-based works.
  • AU
  • ,
  • Alex
  • Davies
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Media Artist
  • ISEA2018 Alex Davies is an award-winning Australian media artist whose practice spans a diverse range of media and experiments with interaction, technology, perception, mixed reality and illusion. In 2013 he was awarded a PhD in Media Arts at the UNSW College of Fine Arts examining the relationship between the techniques of stage magic and the creation of illusion in media arts. He is a Scientia Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Media Arts at UNSW Australia Art & Design, and has exhibited widel
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Leslie
  • Sharpe
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Indiana University Bloomington
  • Digital Arts
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Leslie Sharpe is a Cana­dian Artist who di­vides her time be­tween Al­berta, Canada, and In­di­ana Uni­ver­sity, Bloom­ing­ton, where she is As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Dig­i­tal Art. Sharpe has been an artist in res­i­dence at P.S. 1 Mu­seum/In­sti­tute for Con­tem­po­rary Art in New York, The Banff Cen­tre in Canada, and Vi­sual Stud­ies Work­shop in Rochester, NY, and most re­cently at Iv­vavik Na­tional Park in the Cana­dian Arc­tic. Her work has been ex­hib­ited at the Pom­pi­do
  • Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America
  • -86.5343,39.167
  • Andrew
  • Lovett
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • David
  • Eagle
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Seiji
  • Nagai
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Seiji Nagai, Koji Kawai, Minoru Yonemoto & Koichi Watanabe, Japan
  • JP
  • ,
  • Hideo
  • Yoshikawa
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002 Hideo Yoshikawa, 2002/Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts & Music. Now living in Nagoya, Japan. Search for: 
  • Nagoya, JP
  • ,
  • Claudia
  • Westermann
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
  • ISEA2022 Claudia Westermann (Ph.D.) is an artist and architect, licensed with the German Chamber of Architects, and a senior associate professor in architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. She holds postgraduate degrees in architecture and media art and obtained a Ph.D. from CAiiA, Planetary Collegium, for her research on a poetics of architecture, titled ‘An experimental research into inhabitable theories’. Her works have been widely exhibited and presented, includ
  • Unavailable
  • Sean
  • Reed
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002 Sean Reed: 1970, Maine, USA. Studies at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York. In Germany since 1992. Composition studies with Manfred Stahnke in Hamburg. Compositions include acoustic, computer and interactive music. Reed’s work have been selected and performed in several competitions including the Cologne New Music Society’s Nachwuchsforum (CNM) with soloists of the Ensemble Modern (1998), within a collective composition at the Munich Biennale (2000), and at the CalArt
  • DE
  • ,
  • Barnaby
  • Templer
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Leigh
  • Hodgkinson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Richard
  • Burns
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Tim
  • Holmes
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Lawrence
  • Bradby
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Donald
  • Bradby
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Suzanne
  • Fossey
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • James
  • Padley
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Edward
  • Kelly
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Amanda
  • Terrington
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Peter
  • Green
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Elise
  • Chohan
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sarah
  • Waterman
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • VJ
  • Anyone
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002, ISEA2004 VJ Anyone (the Anyone Collective, UK) was born in Los Angeles and has completed a Masters Degree in Interactive Media at Université du Quebec a Montreal (Canada). He has exhibited many video installations and projects in Canada, France, UK and South America. He has also produced live video performances at numerous club events for top performers in the music industry such as Talvin Singh, Goldie, Carl Cox, Roots Manwa, Derek Carter, Plasticman and Kid Koala. He lives and wor
  • London, England , GB
  • ,
  • Radu
  • Negulescu
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Florin
  • Tudor
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mona
  • Vatamanu
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2002
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jenny
  • Pickett
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2016 Jenny Pickett’s practice crosses: sculpture, sound, drawing, video, interactivity and performance. This plurality of mediums garner layers of meaning, she often explores her subject through the influences of sound upon the gaze and visa versa, altering both sonic and visual counterparts, asking the viewer rethink their encounter with the oeuvre. Pickett’s preoccupation lies at the point at which technology (new or ancient) becomes the landscape or the body by accumulating their prior
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Julien
  • Ottavi
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • Apo33
  • Musican, Composer, Poet, and Founder
  • ISEA2016 Julien Ottavi is a mediactivist, artist-researcher, composer / musician, poet and tongues destroyer, experimental film maker and anarchitect, founder and member of Apo33 who is involved in research and creative work, combining sound art, real-time video, new technologies and body performances. His practices crosses different fields from technological development to philosophy, theoretical research, biomimetic analysis and experimentation. Since many years he reflects on the relations
  • FR
  • ,
  • Francesca
  • Franco
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of London and De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
  • Birkbeck College
  • ISEA2015 Francesca Franco is Senior Research Fellow at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, where she is studying the Edmonds Archive of computational art held at the Victoria & Albert Museum. In 2009–10 she was Research Fellow on the AHRC funded project  Computer Art and Technocultures at Birkbeck, University of London, and the V&A Museum. She holds a PhD in the History of Art (Birkbeck). She is an Associate Editor of Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus. Her most recent public
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Lesley
  • Flanigan
  • Author and Presenter
  • New York University
  • Interactive Telecommunications Program
  • US
  • ,
  • Andrew
  • Doro
  • Author and Presenter
  • New York University
  • Interactive Telecommunications Program
  • US
  • ,
  • Terumi
  • Narushima
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Wollongong
  • Faculty of Creative Arts
  • AU
  • ,
  • Catherine
  • Fargher
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Wollongong
  • Faculty of Creative Arts
  • ISEA2013 Catherine Fargher, Dr Egg Digital, Australia
  • AU
  • ,
  • Patric
  • Mondou
  • Author and Presenter
  • Université du Québec à Montréal
  • CA
  • ,
  • Dominic
  • Forest
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Montreal
  • CA
  • ,
  • Valérie
  • Cools
  • Author and Presenter
  • Concordia University in Montreal and Université du Québec à Montréal
  • CA
  • ,
  • David
  • Jhave
  • Johnston
  • Author and Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2020 David Jhave Johnston is a digital-poet writing in emergent domains: AI, 3D, VR, and code. Author of ReRites (Anteism Books, 2019) and Aesthetic Animism (MIT Press, 2016). ISEA2008 David Johnston, Université Concordia, Études françaises and UQAM, Canada.
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Aniruddha
  • Dutta
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Minnesota
  • US
  • ,
  • David
  • Shum
  • Author and Presenter
  • Griffith University
  • School of Psychology
  • Brisbane, AU
  • ,
  • Patrick
  • Thomas
  • Author and Presenter
  • Griffith University
  • School of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Brisbane, AU
  • ,
  • Ross
  • Eldridge
  • Author and Presenter
  • RMIT University
  • School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Melbourne, AU
  • ,
  • Nicholas
  • Mumford
  • Author and Presenter
  • RMIT University
  • Division of Psychology
  • Melbourne, AU
  • ,
  • Peter
  • H.
  • Wilson
  • Author and Presenter
  • RMIT University
  • Division of Psychology
  • Melbourne, AU
  • ,
  • Jonathan
  • Duckworth
  • Author and Presenter
  • RMIT University
  • School of Creative Media
  • Melbourne, AU
  • ,
  • Megan
  • Young
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • Multimedia Artist
  • ISEA2016 Megan Young or MegLouise (USA) believes that physicality is our most potent resource and she includes it as an essential ingredient in all her work. She craves sensation, gain insight from interaction, and understand that effort makes her stronger. These virtues inform MegLouise’s deeply personal, highly sensitized movement pieces. Physicality has a power beyond the purely visual realm. It comes with implications of consent or resistance. When physically consenting, without thought,
  • US
  • ,
  • Nancy
  • Diniz
  • Author and Presenter
  • University College London
  • Bartlett Graduate School
  • ISEA2013 Nancy Diniz, Department of Architecture, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
  • GB
  • ,
  • Martijn
  • de Waal
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Groningen and University of Amsterdam
  • NL
  • ,
  • Jerome
  • Joyce
  • Author and Presenter
  • IE
  • ,
  • Faith
  • Denham
  • Author and Presenter
  • IE
  • ,
  • Marie
  • Wennersten
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Matteo
  • Ciastellardi
  • Author and Presenter
  • Politecnico di Milano University
  • IT
  • ,
  • Andrea
  • Cruciani
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Toronto (U of T)
  • Research Fellow
  • ISEA2008 Andrea Cruciani (Italy/Canada) McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Cristina
  • Miranda
  • de Almeida
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of the Basque Country
  • ES
  • ,
  • Brian
  • Degger
  • Author and Presenter
  • Independent Researcher
  • Newcastle Upon Tyne, GB
  • ,
  • Claudia
  • Cragg
  • Author and Presenter
  • De Montfort University
  • Leicester, GB
  • ,
  • María
  • de Marías
  • Author and Presenter
  • ES
  • ,
  • Andrew
  • Colquhoun
  • Author and Presenter
  • ES
  • ,
  • Emil
  • McIvoy
  • Author and Presenter
  • Wellington Institute of Technology
  • Centre for Creative Technologies
  • NZ
  • ,
  • Bryan
  • Haynes
  • Author and Presenter
  • Wellington Institute of Technology
  • Centre for Creative Technologies
  • NZ
  • ,
  • Manjai
  • Lee
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Seungho
  • Park
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Patrick
  • Herd
  • Author and Presenter
  • Wellington Institute of Technology
  • Centre for Creative Technologies
  • NZ
  • ,
  • Sangwoong
  • Pam
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Youngmi
  • Kim
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ilaria
  • Vanni
  • Author and Presenter
  • University of Technology
  • AU
  • ,
  • Christina
  • Gadegaard
  • Nilsen
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates