Person Data Table

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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Eva
  • Vrtacic
  • Presenter
  • University of Ljubljana
  • Associate Researcher
  • ISEA2010 Eva Vrtacic is an assistant researcher at Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Her interests include performance philosophy, theory of the subject vs. digital technologies and performance art. She has published several articles and a book on serial killers.
  • SI
  • ,
  • E-mobileart lab
  • Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Frederik
  • Kalisch
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2010 Frederik Kalisch is a student in his final year at Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen, DE. The focus of his studies is experimental and strategic design. He is currently finishing his diploma at Audi AG Ingolstadt at brand strategy department. Other interests include making music and old scooters.
  • DE
  • ,
  • Steffen
  • Müller
  • Presenter
  • Visual Artist
  • ISEA2010 Steffen Müller currently studies visual communications at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, Germany. Coming from illustration, at the moment he focusses on spatial augmented reality (or so called projection mapping) while working as a visual artist together with the neongolden collective Vienna, Austria.
  • DE
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  • Olivier
  • Pasquet
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2010 Olivier Pasquet works at Ircam and elsewhere. His pieces are played in concert halls and museums around the world. They are more and more focused on text and physical geometry allowing some kind of materialization. He got the Villa Medicis, the Arcadi, a residency at Tokyo Wonder Site and Chile.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Luca
  • De Rosso
  • Presenter
  • Designer
  • ISEA2010 Luca De Rosso is an interaction designer graduated in 2009 at IUAV University of Venice after attending the IxD program led by Gillian Crampton Smith and Philip Tabor. In 2008 Luca did a five-months internship at IDEO Inc in Palo Alto, CA. He now works as a IxD consultant and sound designer.
  • IT
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  • Gottfried
  • Haider
  • Presenter
  • University for Applied Arts
  • ISEA2010 Gottfried Haider graduated from the class of Digital Arts at the University for Applied Arts Vienna in 2009. He is interested in urban sound scape theory and currently researching on the interdependencies of the algorithmic acquisition of space, its coexistent manipulation and numerology.
  • AT
  • ,
  • Bernhard
  • Garnicnig
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Artist and Curator
  • ISEA2011 Bern­hard Gar­nic­nig is an artist and cu­ra­tor based in New­cas­tle and Vi­enna. In 2011 he grad­u­ated with an M.A. in Dig­i­tal Arts from the Uni­ver­sity for Ap­plied Arts Vi­enna. He has been re­search­ing the re­la­tion­ship be­tween sound and its spa­tial con­text from dif­fer­ent as­pects. In Crav­ing (with Got­tfried Haider) they de­vel­oped a GPS based bin­au­ral sound sim­u­la­tion en­gine for urban spa­tial sound nar­ra­tives in 2006. After that he started play­ing and o
  • Austria
  • 14.300143590764,47.607797829269
  • Thor
  • Magnusson
  • Presenter
  • University of Brighton
  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Senior Lecturer and Co-founder
  • ISEA2011 Thor Magnusson is a musician/writer/programmer working in the fields of music and generative art. His PhD from the University of Sussex focused on computer music interfaces from the perspective of philosophy of technology, phenomenology and cognitive science. He is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Art and Media at the University of Brighton but also teaches courses on computer music, algorithmic and interactive systems in the Creative Systems MSc course at the University of Sussex
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Ricardo
  • Peach
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Curator
  • Office at the Australia Council for the Arts
  • Manager
  • ISEA2013 Dr. Ricardo Peach was born in Mpumalanga, South Africa and moved with his family to Australia in the 1980’s. He is Festival Partner Consultant for the Australian SituateArt in Festivals initiative. At the Australia Council (2006-2012) he  commissioned research on arts and creative industry partnerships with the QUT Faculty of Creative Industries; instigated an MOU with UNESCO; developed the Indigenous Experimental Art Fund; developed the Art in Festivals initiative; established the Aus
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Leandro
  • Pisano
  • Presenter
  • Curator and Writer
  • ISEA2014 Leandro Pisano, Interferenze new arts festival, IT ISEA2011 Leandro Pisano (b. 1973) is a curator, writer and new media producer who is involved in many projects and events regarding aesthetic side of new media and technologies, also spending most of his energy working on ICT development strategies for rural areas. He is the initiator and director of Interferenze new arts festival, an event taking place in South of Italy since 2003 and frequently he is involved in projects and
  • Italy
  • 12.646361036443,42.504153917067
  • Phillip
  • Schulze
  • Presenter
  • Media Artist and Composer
  • ISEA2010 Phillip Schulze is a media artist, composer and improviser. Schulze develops site-specific visual and auditory experiences and collaborative action spaces.
  • DE
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  • Armin
  • Purkrabek
  • Presenter
  • Researcher and Independent Media Artist
  • ISEA2010 Armin Purkrabek is a stage designer, researcher and media artist. Purkrabek develops futuristic scenographies thru digital/analogue art experiments.
  • DE
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  • Pierre
  • Proske
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2010 Pierre Proske’s work involves exposing the unspoken relationships we have with technology and harnessing machines into exploring new aesthetics. Both resisting and exploiting modern techno-utopian trends. Proske employs humour and the absurd as weapons against the invasion of computer augmented realities.
  • AU
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  • Christian
  • Ulrik
  • Andersen
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Aarhus University
  • As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor and Chair
  • ISEA2022 Christian Ulrik Andersen is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University. He is Director of Digital Aesthetics Research Center (DARC), co-editor of A Peer-Reviewed Journal About, and previous Research Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies. ISEA2011 Christian Ulrik Andersen (DK) is associate professor and chair of Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark. He researches within digital aesthetics, software c
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • 10.213405,56.149628
  • Jonas
  • Fritsch
  • Presenter
  • Center for Digital Urban Living and University in Copenhagen
  • Department of Information & Media
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2020 Jonas Fritsch, Associate Professor, Affective Interactions & Relations (AIR) Lab, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Jonas Fritsch, PhD, is Associate Professor in Interaction Design at the IT University of Copenhagen in the Department of Digital Design. He is head of the Affective Interaction & Relations (AIR) Lab and Research Group at ITU and Head of Study Programme for the MSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies. His work revolves around a creative thinking of i
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 12.56889,55.67611
  • Lars
  • Bo
  • Løfgreen
  • Presenter
  • Aarhus University
  • Department of Information & Media
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2010 Lars Bo Løfgreen is a Ph.D. fellow at the Department of Information and Media Studies at Aarhus University. Current research interests include the aesthetics of resistance, locative media art, philosophy of aesthetics as well as the interplay between historical and neo avant-garde movements.
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • 10.20972,56.15639
  • Søren
  • Bro
  • Pold
  • Moderator, Presenter, Author, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Aarhus University
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2022 Søren Bro Pold is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University. He publishes on media aesthetics – from the 19th century panorama to the interface in its different forms, e.g., on electronic literature, net art, software art, creative software, urban and mobile interfaces, activism, surveillance culture and digital culture. ISEA2011 Søren Bro Pold is Ph.D, Associate Professor of digital aesthetics at IMV, University of Aarhus, Denmark,
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • 10.213405,56.149628
  • Julia
  • Giebeler
  • Presenter
  • Museum Abteiberg
  • ISEA2010 Julia Giebeler obtained her diploma in paintings and sculpture conservation at the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences / University of Applied Sciences in 2009. Her diploma thesis was about Interactive Video Installations. Documentation and Re-Installation on the example of Bill Seaman´s work ‘Exchange Fields’. She currently is conservator trainee of contemporary outdoor sculptures at the Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, DE.
  • DE
  • ,
  • Tiziana
  • Caianiello
  • Presenter
  • Associate Researcher
  • ISEA2010 Since 2007, Tiziana Caianiello, Ph.D. in Art History, has been Gerda Henkel research fellow at the imai – intermedia art institute Düsseldorf, where she has conducted the research project Konkretionen des Flüchtigen (Materializations of the Fugitive) on conservation and presentation of media art installations. Since 2009 she is working as a research associate at the ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf.
  • DE
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  • Gaby
  • Wijers
  • Presenter
  • Program Coordinator
  • ISEA2010 Gaby Wijers is coordinator of collection, preservation and related research at the Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk), coordinated the project Preservation of Video Art in the Netherlands 2001-2003, participated in projects as 404 object not found, Inside Installation and GAMA.
  • NL
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  • John
  • P.
  • Bell
  • Presenter
  • Dartmouth College
  • ISEA2022 John Bell is a software developer and artist at Dartmouth College. His work there includes acting as Director of the Data Experiences and Visualizations Studio, Associate Director of the Media Ecology Project, Manager of Dartmouth Research Computing’s Digital Humanities Program, and teaching as a Lecturer in Film and Media Studies. His research focuses on collaborative creativity and has produced everything from utilitarian semantic web publishing platforms to aggressively useless inst
  • Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America
  • -72.288666,43.703622
  • Renate
  • Buschmann
  • Presenter
  • Curator, _Director, and Lecturer
  • ISEA2010 Since 2008, Renate Buschmann, Ph.D. in Art History, is director of the imai – inter media art institute, a foundation for video and media art located in Düsseldorf/Germany. Prior to that she worked as a free-lance curator, lecturer and editor of several books regarding modern and contemporary art.
  • DE
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  • Marc
  • Chia
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2010 Marc Chia aka One Man Nation investigates spirituality in technology through the medium of sound and performance. Currently, he is co-directing The UnifiedField experimental art space which he co-founded with Marta Moreno Muñoz and developing The Future Sounds Of Folk in collaboration with STEIM, NL.
  • SG
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  • Shintaro
  • Miyazaki
  • Presenter
  • Humboldt University Berlin and Institute for Algorhythmics
  • Artist and Theorist
  • ISEA2011 Shin­taro Miyazaki (the­o­rist & artist), born 1980 in Berlin, has spend his youth in Basel (Switzer­land) and has stud­ied Media The­ory, Mu­si­col­ogy and Phi­los­o­phy at the Uni­ver­sity of Basel (M.A.). Since 2007 he lives and works in Berlin. Miyazaki is in­ter­ested in the Epis­te­mol­ogy and Arche­ol­ogy of every­day tech­nolo­gies, which store, trans­mit and cal­cu­late/ma­nip­u­late in­for­ma­tions. In gen­eral he is in­ter­ested in the hid­den struc­tural re­la­t
  • DE
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  • Rachel
  • O’Dwyer
  • Curator and Presenter
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Rachel O’Dwyer. I’m the founder and Editor in Chief of Interference a Journal of Audio Culture,  Co-organiser of the Dublin Art and Technology Assocation Data 2.0 A Lecturer in Interactive Digital Media in Trinity College Dublin and a researcher in the Department of Engineering in Trinity College Dublin. My research explores the political economy of mobile networks and is funded by the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology. My research interests i
  • Ireland
  • -7.7376488879679,53.305494387123
  • Brian
  • O’Reilly
  • Artist-Performing
  • LASALLE College of the Arts
  • SG
  • ,
  • Tim
  • O'Dwyer
  • Artist-Performing
  • LASALLE College of the Arts
  • SG
  • ,
  • Darren
  • Moore
  • Artist-Performing
  • Tokyo, JP
  • ,
  • Zulkifle
  • Mahmod
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Choy
  • Ka Fai
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Michael
  • Filimowicz
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • School of Interactive Arts and Technology
  • Faculty Member
  • ISEA2008 Michael Filimowicz is an interdisciplinary artist working in the areas of sound, experimental video, net art, digital photography, creative writing, and public art. He received his MFA from the School of Art Institute of Chicago, USA, and is on the faculty in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Marek
  • Goldowski
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2010 Natalie Bewernitz & Marek Goldowski have worked since 2000 as an artist duo with a focus on audio and video installations. Both studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. In 2007 they finished a six-month artist residency at Location One, New York. Their works have been shown domestically and internationally in places such as the Chelsea Art Museum New York, at the 798 Art Festival Beijing, the ISEA Singapore 2008, Siggraph Asia 2009 Yokohama and Kunstverein Tiergarten Galerie
  • DE
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  • Natalie
  • Bewernitz
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Installation Artist
  • ISEA2010 Natalie Bewernitz & Marek Goldowski have worked since 2000 as an artist duo with a focus on audio and video installations. Both studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. In 2007 they finished a six-month artist residency at Location One, New York. Their works have been shown domestically and internationally in places such as the Chelsea Art Museum New York, at the 798 Art Festival Beijing, the ISEA Singapore 2008, Siggraph Asia 2009 Yokohama and Kunstverein Tiergarten Galerie
  • DE
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  • Stephanie
  • Carrick
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Manuel
  • Schmalstieg
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Designer, and Educator
  • ISEA2008 Manuel Schmalstieg (1976, CH) is an artist, designer and educator, operating on the borderline between media art and hacker communities. A graduate of HEAD Geneva and ASP Kraków, he founded multiple collaborative entities, including N3krozoft Ltd (2001), a technological think tank; realtime online performance group Aether9 (2007); post-digital publishing house Greyscale Press (2008); and many others.   [source:]
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Gian
  • Pablo
  • Villamil
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 Gian Pablo Villamil (USA) was born in the continental US, though most of his family is in Puerto Rico, where he grew up. He recently finished the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU (in New York), an experimental media arts program at the Tisch School of Performing Arts.
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  • Mat
  • Wall-Smith
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Shih-Wen
  • Young
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • American River College
  • Department of Science & Engineering
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2014 Shih-Wen Young, Professor, Department of Science & Engineering, American River College, Sacramento, CA, USA
  • Sacramento, California, United States of America
  • -121.4939328,38.581021
  • Jiayi
  • Young
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, Workshop Organiser/Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of California at Davis
  • Department of Design
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2022 Jiayi Young is an artist and a designer. She is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of California, Davis. Young creates large-scale installations, permanent and temporary public artworks. Her inquiries lie within the emergent and experimental field of digital media with an emphasis on the cross-disciplinary areas of design that integrate the arts and the sciences with cutting-edge technology. Her current research and creative work are focused on constructing data-driven
  • Davis, California, United States of America
  • -121.738961,38.5435588
  • Chia-Hsiang
  • Lee
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Fu Jen Catholic University
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2008 Chia-Hsiang Lee (Jason Lee) is a technology art engineer. Jason is also an Associate Professor at Fu Jen Catholic University, Creative Design Center, Taiwan.
  • TW
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  • Yu-Chuan
  • Tseng
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Shih Hsin University
  • Department of Public Relations and Advertising
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2016 Tseng Yu-Chuan obtained her PhD from the Graduate Institute of Applied Art, National Chiao Tung University. She specializes in research on innovation and theory in interactive digital art, with a PhD thesis entitled The Characteristics of Contemporary Interactive Digital Art. Tseng adopts Martin Heidegger’s (1889 – 1976) philosophy of technology, with its perspectives on objects, tools, and the essence of human nature, as her conceptual framework. She draws on Heidegger’s theories on h
  • Taiwan
  • 120.93022937854,23.777977995001
  • Tina
  • van Duyne
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 Tina van Duyne was born in Sweden, studied in Austria and has the Dutch nationality.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Grischinka
  • Teufl
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • AT
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  • Amanda
  • Newall
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Lancaster University
  • ISEA2015 Amanda Newall is a Stockholm (Sweden)-based artist and director of the film The Hoover Diaries ISEA2008 Amanda Newall (Aotearoa/New Zealand) is lecturer Fine Art, Lancaster Institute of Contemporary Art, Lancaster University, UK.
  • Unavailable
  • Antti
  • Sakari
  • Saario
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Falmouth University
  • Composer
  • ISEA2015 Antti Saario, born in 1974 in Lahti, Finland, is a contemporary electroacoustic composer and academic. ISEA2008 Antti Saario (Finland) is a contemporary electroacoustic composer and academic. Falmouth University, UK
  • Finland
  • 26.199539005192,62.777753965294
  • Leon
  • Tan
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Falmouth University
  • GB
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  • Mariana
  • Kadlec
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Multimedia Artist
  • BR
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  • Milena
  • Szafir
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of São Paulo
  • School of Communications and Arts
  • ISEA2015 Milena Szafir received in 2011 the most important Brazilian Prize – “Sérgio Motta Art and Technology Award” – by the body of her work, performed during the last ten years as an emerging artist. In the same year, her online interactive video “YouToRe-mix”(2011) was awarded in the “International Digital Art 3M Exhibition”. She has been regarded as one of the pioneers in Brazilian live cinema/ vj’ing scene (1990-2000’s). At present she is a professor at Institute of Art & Culture, F
  • Unavailable
  • Hyunjin
  • Shin
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • KR
  • ,
  • Denis
  • "Jaromil"
  • Roio
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Planetary Collegium M-Node at NABA
  • Artist and Software Developer
  • ISEA2008 Jaromil (Denis Roio) is a digital social innovation expert, based in The Netherlands. ISEA 2012 Denis Roio, a.k.a. Jaromil, is a software developer, artist and activist of the network, Ph.D. researcher of the Planetary Collegium M-Node at NABA in Milan. Besides writing software distributed and used worldwide, he is researching complementary and alternative currency systems for the Creative Economies
  • NL
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  • Maurice
  • Owen
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Solent University
  • Visual Arts, Centre for Research and Enterprise in Art, Design and Media, and Centre for Research in the School of Media Arts and Technology
  • _Professor and _Director
  • ISEA2008 Maurice Owen (UK) was a student at Portsmouth College of Art, a Mombusho Scholar at Tokyo University of Fine Arts and a research fellow at Nottingham Trent Polytechnic. He is currently professor of visual arts at Southampton Solent University, where he is director of the Centre for Research and Enterprise in Art, Design and Media and the Centre for Research in the School of Media Arts and Technology.
  • GB
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  • Russell
  • Richards
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Solent University
  • Media Studies
  • Senior Lecturer
  • ISEA2015 Russell Richards is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Southampton Solent University, UK. He has written on digital aesthetics and interactivity: ‘An Aesthetic or  Anaesthetic?  Developing a Digital Aesthetics of Production’, Journal of Media Practice 5 (3) (2005) and Users, Interactivity and Generation New Media and Society 8 (4) (2006). He is a member of KikiT VisuoSonic who have performed/presented across the world including Interactive Futures, Victoria, Br
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Mikhail
  • Sizintsev
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Sarnoff Corporation
  • Intern
  • ISEA2008 Mikhail Sizintsev (USA) is an intern at Sarnoff Corporation in Princeton, New Jersey,  developing GPU-based stereo systems for augmented reality applications.
  • Princeton, New Jersey, US
  • ,
  • Andrei
  • M.
  • Rotenstein
  • Presenter
  • York University
  • ISEA2008 Andrei M. Rotenstein, York University, Canada.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Andrew
  • Roth
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • York University
  • Technology Manager
  • ISEA2008 Technology manager for CFI founded research lab specializing in mixed reality, augmented reality, and locative media applications in the faculty of fine arts. York University, Canada 
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • kondition pluriel
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004 Montreal-based kondition pluriel was formed by dancer-choreographer Marie-Claude Poulin and media artist Martin Kusch. They produce performative spaces that integrate media and choreography, and are recognized for their work in the fields of contemporary dance, performative installations and responsive environments. Their practice is geared toward the transformation of the real and the investigation of the relationships between time, memory, body and space.
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  • ambientTV.NET
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004 Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel are intermedia artists whose practice interrogates conceptions of progress through the devising of tools and frameworks and the instigation of processes, with a strong emphasis on research and dissemination. Recent works have addressed surveillance, corporate data harvesting, and the regulation of public space, and have been shown at ARoS Art Museum (Århus), Centre Pompidou (Paris), NTT-ICC (Tokyo), and Eyebeam (New York). Luksch studied Fine Arts at Aka
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Caitlin
  • Fisher
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 York University, Canada. A co-founder of York’s Future Cinema Lab, Caitlin Fisher’s research investigates the future of narrative through explorations of interactive storytelling and interactive cinema in Augmented Reality environments.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Geoffrey
  • Alan
  • Rhodes
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Writer, and Filmmaker
  • US
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  • Chuan
  • Khoo
  • Presenter
  • Interdisciplinary Digital Media Artist, Interaction Designer, and Educator
  • SG
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  • Dennis
  • Hlynsky
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist and Designer
  • US
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  • Daniel
  • Peltz
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist and International Educator
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  • Helen
  • Papagiannis
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 Dr. Helen Papagiannisis an internationally recognized expert in the field of Augmented Reality.
  • Unavailable
  • Kazushi
  • Mukaiyama
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Future University Hakodate
  • Media-architecture
  • JP
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  • Francesco
  • Monico
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Teacher, Broadcaster, and Researcher
  • ISEA2008 Francesco Monico (Italy) (born Venice, 1968) is a teacher, broadcaster, researcher and artist.
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  • Emma
  • Sterling
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • AU
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  • Dan
  • Monceaux
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Documentary Filmmaker, and Public Interest Researcher
  • AU
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  • Duskin
  • Drum
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Interdisciplinary Scholar, Performer, and Woodsman
  • US
  • ,
  • Sarah
  • Lewison
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Southern Illinois University, USA
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA 2012 Sarah Lewison, Associate Professor, radio, television and digital media, Southern Illinois University, USA
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  • Ellen
  • K.
  • Levy
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, Moderator, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Multimedia Artist and Scholar
  • ISEA2020 Ellen K. Levy, PhD, is a multimedia artist and scholar, and is known for exploring art, science and technology interrelationships since the mid-1980s. Levy works to highlight their importance through exhibitions, educational programs, publications and curatorial opportunities; often through collaborations with scientists including NASA, some in conjunction with Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. She is a past president of the College Art Associat
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Maroussia
  • Lévesque
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 Maroussia Lévesque: Venue Coordinator, National Film Board of Canada, Conceptual Lead, Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media Hexagram Institute, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
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  • Somaya
  • Langley
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2013 Somaya Langley, Sound, Broadcast and Networked Media, National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra, Australia ISEA2008 Somaya Langley, Australia, has a background in the broad scope of digital culture with a focus on sound/media arts, digital collections/archiving, festivals and events.
  • AU
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  • Yolande
  • Harris
  • Presenter
  • ORCiM (Orpheus Research Centre in Music)
  • Artist and Composer
  • ISEA 2012 Yolande Harris, ORCiM Research Institute, Ghent, Belgium. Yolande Harris’ artistic research projects Scorescapes (2009-2011) and Sun Run Sun: On Sonic Navigations (2008-2009) explore how sound relates humans and their technologies to the environment. Yolande holds a Ph.D (Leiden University, NL, 2011); was Sound Art Fellow (Academy of Media Arts Cologne 2006); Artistic Researcher (Jan van Eyck Academie, NL, 2003-5); has an M.Phil. (University of Cambridge, UK, 2000); and a B.A. in Musi
  • Santa Cruz, California, United States of America
  • -122.0294,36.9746
  • Chun Sing
  • Chung
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Bartholomew
  • Iu
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Ka
  • Chun
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Stewart
  • Haines
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Darren
  • Tofts
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Professor of Media and Communications
  • ISEA2011 Dar­ren Tofts is Pro­fes­sor of Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Fac­ulty of Life and So­cial Sci­ences, Swin­burne Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, Mel­bourne, AU.  His pub­li­ca­tions in­clude Pre­fig­ur­ing Cy­ber­cul­ture: An In­tel­lec­tual His­tory, Il­logic of Sense: The Gre­gory L. Ulmer Remix, Mem­ory Trade: A Pre­his­tory of Cy­ber­cul­ture, Par­al­lax: Es­says on Art, Cul­ture and Tech­nol­ogy and In­ter­zone: Media Arts in Aus­tralia.
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Jeanne
  • Jo
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2012 Jeanne Jo  is a Los Angeles, USA, based filmmaker and visual artist. ISEA2011 Jeanne Jo’s artis­tic prac­tice and re­search in­ves­ti­gates the sys­tems of rules and pat­terns that emerge through it­er­a­tion in the art mak­ing process.  In her per­for­mance art work, she ex­am­ines and an­a­lyzes the in­ter­ac­tion among struc­ture, chance and rep­e­ti­tion.  She will pre­sent re­search based on a new pro­ject called Dou­ble Shadow that ex­plores the dig­i­tal traces lef
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kristy
  • H.A.
  • Kang
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2019 Kristy H.A. Kang is a practice-based researcher whose work explores narratives of place and geographies of cultural memory. She is Assistant Professor at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests combine urban and ethnic studies, mapping, animation and emerging media arts to visualize cultural histories of cities and communities. She is currently developing a project with the Urban Redevelopment Authority mapping the sp
  • Singapore
  • 103.80805258633,1.3516161224392
  • Stephen
  • Terry
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Nicola
  • Kaye
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Roger
  • Ferragallo
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • US
  • ,
  • Brandon
  • Ballengée  
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Visual Artist, Biologist, and Environmental Educator
  • ISEA2014 Brandon Ballengée, biologist, Eco‑Artist ISEA2008 Brandon Ballengée  (American, born 1974) is a visual artist, biologist and environmental educator based in Louisiana.
  • Louisiana, United States of America
  • -92.305998069584,30.93749930159
  • Ingrid
  • Quy
  • Gontran
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Montreal, CA
  • ,
  • Vicki
  • Smith
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Visual Artist
  • ISEA2013 Full text (PDF) p. 292Vicki Smith, The ADA (Aotearoa Digital Arts) Network, New Zealand
  • NZ
  • ,
  • Steven
  • Zhou
  • ZhiYing
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • National University of Singapore
  • Interactive Multimedia Lab
  • _Director
  • Unavailable
  • Yuta
  • Nakayama
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Julian
  • Konczak
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Southampton Solent University, UK
  • Artist and Filmmaker
  • ISEA2011 Julian Konczak, Southampton Solent University, UK ISEA 2008 Julian Konczak, UK, is a filmmaker and artist specialising in creative applications of new technologies.
  • GB
  • ,
  • Rachelle
  • Viader
  • Knowles
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Artist, Educator, and Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Rachelle Viader Knowles is Head of the Department of Visual Arts and Associate Professor of Visual Arts Intermedia at the University of Regina in central Canada. She is a visual artist and educator working in a broad range of contemporary media. Her work encompasses four interconnected zones: lens and time-based installation, site-specific practices and alternate spaces of exhibition and viewership, text and language-based works, and innovative art pedagogies. Her projects have
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Kael
  • Greco
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Michael
  • Brynntrup
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • DE
  • ,
  • Simone van
  • Groenestijn (Cym)
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • University of Nova Gorica
  • Artist
  • ISEA2014 Simone van Groenestijn (Cym), NL. Media artist Cym is researching the relation between virtual reality and real life. Cym, studied ‘Interaction Design & Unstable Media’ at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Currently she is doing a Master ‘Education in Arts’ at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, NL. ISEA2010 Cym (Simone van Groenestijn), NL, is a net artist. She transforms an old farm in Austria into an art center and studies interaction design in Amsterdam at the same time.
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands the
  • 4.9,52.378
  • Phonebox Productions
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Honor
  • Harger
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jan-Erik
  • Andersson
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sarah
  • Steeves
  • Curator
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Robin
  • Simpson
  • Curator
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Tjader-Knight Inc
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Art
  • Jones
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Michael
  • Galbincea
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Chris
  • Hart
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Pan-o-matic
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • EGOBOO.bits
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004 EGOBOO.bits is a digital publishing and educational project dedicated to advocating alternatives to the existing intellectual property rights regime – alternatives such as the GNU General • Public License. EGOBOO. bits’ activities include a very successful free music label, music education, video and hypertext production, and public domain advocacy activities.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Future DJ
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mukul
  • Patel
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Manu
  • Luksch
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Contraband
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Pink Twins
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004 Pink Twins is a duo of musicians and video artists, brothers Juha and Vesa Vehviläinen from Helsinki, Finland. Active since 1997, Pink Twins have displayed their video works and played their music to audiences in Europe and Asia, in festivals, art spaces, clubs, churches and outdoor events. Mostly created with self-made software, Pink Twins’ video works are abstract and painterly, from formal compositions to extremely fast shapeless pixelstorms. Music of Pink Twins, based on improvis
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ingrid
  • Stoppa-Sehlbach
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ivar
  • Smedstad
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Pavel
  • Sedlak
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Annette
  • Schindler
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Julian
  • Richter
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kurt
  • Mehnert
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Dieter
  • Gorny
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Art Director
  • ISEA2010 Prof. Dieter Gorny, Artistic Director “City of Creativity” at RUHR.2010, GmbH “Essen for the Ruhr” and Director of ecce, European centre for creative economy.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Florian
  • Cramer
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2010 Florian Cramer is head of the research programme Communication in a Digital Age at the Piet Zwart institute of the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.  
  • NL
  • ,
  • Alberto
  • de Campo
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • University for the Arts Berlin
  • Gen­er­a­tive Art/Com­pu­ta­tional Art
  • ISEA2011 Prof. Al­berto de Campo is a com­poser and per­former, and teaches Gen­er­a­tive Art/Com­pu­ta­tional Art. After study­ing clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion, jazz gui­tar and elec­tronic/com­puter music in Aus­tria and the U.S., he has worked as Re­search Di­rec­tor at CRE­ATE, UC Santa Bar­bara, and taught com­puter music and sound art at Music Uni­ver­sity Graz and Media Arts Acad­emy Cologne. He was the Edgard Varese guest pro­fes­sor for Elec­tronic Music at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity Berli
  • Berlin, Germany
  • 13.38333,52.51667
  • Bassam
  • El Baroni
  • Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Aalto University
  • ISEA2022 Bassam El Baroni is a member of Grupo Synco. Grupo Synco is a collaboration between curator and researcher Bassam El Baroni (Aalto University, Finland) transdisciplinary architect Constantinos Miltiadis (Aalto University, Finland), multidisciplinary artist and animator Georgios Cherouvim (New York), and composer and sound artist Gerriet K. Sharma (Berlin). The group’s first co-creation is the CGI video work Cybersyn 1973/2023.
  • Espoo, Finland
  • 24.656843,60.204767
  • Marie-Luise
  • Angerer
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Susanne
  • Ackers
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Morten
  • Breinbjerg
  • Presenter
  • Aarhus University
  • Department of Aesthetics and Communication
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2011 Morten Breinbjerg (born 1965) is an associate professor with a PhD in computer music aesthetics. He works at the Department of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University. His research is in the field of digital music, software studies, digital aesthetics and digital culture. ISEA2010 Morten Breinbjerg is an associate professor with a Ph.D. in computer music aesthetics at the Institute of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark. He researches in the field of com
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • 10.20972,56.15639
  • Doreen
  • Hartmann
  • Presenter
  • University of Paderborn
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Teacher
  • ISEA2010 Doreen Hartmann studied Comperative Literature, Media Studies & Computer Science at the University of Paderborn (Germany), where she currently teaches Media Aesthetics and works on a Ph.D. thesis on the art of computer demos. Her research interests are digital media & (sub-)cultures and new media art.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Lon
  • Dubinsky
  • Presenter
  • Concordia University
  • ISEA2010 Lon Dubinsky teaches in the Studio and MFA program at Concordia University. He is also a research associate of the Kamloops Art Gallery and the Canadian Museums Association and an adjunct professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Ottawa.
  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Ivan
  • Monroy
  • Lopez
  • Presenter
  • Piet Zwart Institute
  • Writer and Programmer
  • ISEA2010 Ivan Monroy Lopez is a Mexican programmer and writer. Studied media at the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL. Interested in programmatic print, and niche publishing. His new zine is called “print soapbox”. He will give you a copy if you just ask 🙂
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Urmas
  • Puhkan
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Lauri
  • Kilusk
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Diana
  • Slattery
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Pauline
  • Oliveros
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004 MUTEK is a non-profit organization based in Montreal, Canada that is dedicated to digital culture and contemporary audio and visual creation. MUTEK was first launched in 2000 as a yearly festival and celebrated its fifth edition in May 2004. Since inception, the festival has increasingly attracted international support from the media and public, as well as artists and professionals in the domain. From being uniquely a festival, MUTEK has progressively grown into a multifaceted organi
  • Montreal, Québec, CA
  • ,
  • HetiKohta
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Infekto
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jonas
  • Verwijnen
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Amfibio
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • The Executives
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • DJS
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sound Meccano
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Octex
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Evgeniy
  • Droomoff
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Anton
  • Vidokle
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • US
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • J.W.
  • Stewart
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Richard
  • Ste-Marie
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Jacques
  • Rancourt
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Sylvie
  • Pronovost
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Andre
  • Pappathomas
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Robert
  • Mongeau
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Gregor
  • Zemljic
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Pierre
  • Monat
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Sowon
  • Kwon
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • US
  • ,
  • Miha
  • Klemencic
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Tomaz
  • Sustar
  • Artist-Performing and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Felix
  • Kubin
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Scanner
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Borzin and Mukul
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • DJ
  • Mukul
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jean-Louis
  • Huhta
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2004
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Alex
  • Kempkens
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Daniel
  • Hogue
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Richard
  • Garneau
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Jean-Pierre
  • Gagnon
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • Hubert
  • Durocher
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • CA
  • ,
  • James
  • Durand
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • FR
  • ,
  • Daniel
  • Cabanis
  • Collaborators & Contributors
  • FR
  • ,
  • Danny
  • Yung
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2016 Danny Yung is an experimental art pioneer and one of the most influential artists in Hong Kong, Yung is a founding member and Co-Artistic Director of Zuni Icosahedron. In the past 40 years, Yung involved extensively in multifarious fields of the arts, including theatre, cartoon, film and video, visual and installation art. [source: []
  • China
  • 101.90187510338,35.486702984633
  • Shigeki
  • Yokoi
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • JP
  • ,
  • Kwangyun
  • Wohn
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • National Council of Science & Technology
  • Chair
  • ISEA2019 Kwangyun Wohn is currently Chair at National Council of Science & Technology (South Korea). In the past, he has been with several institutions so far; Agency for Defense Development (for 5 years), Harvard University, USA (for 2 years), University of Pennsylvania, USA (for 4 years), and KAIST, South Korea (for 27 years). Major activities and accomplishments include: Director of VR Research Center which is a national center of research excellence, Founding President of Korean Socie
  • Korea
  • 128.16894434232,36.536236465411
  • Masato
  • Sasaki
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • JP
  • ,
  • Fumihiro
  • Nonomura
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • JP
  • ,
  • Eun
  • Sook
  • Kwan
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • KR
  • ,
  • Akira
  • Iwata
  • International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • JP
  • ,
  • Kensuke
  • Okano
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Sound engineering FARS
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kawamura
  • Alunori
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Dancer
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Junko
  • Supno
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Dancer
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kijima
  • Rina
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 violin
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kuwayama
  • Kiyoharu
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Violoncello
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sylvie
  • Parent
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Paulo
  • Sérgio dos
  • Santos
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Brazil
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Eder
  • Santos
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Brazil
  • BR
  • ,
  • Suguru
  • Goto
  • Artist-Performing and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Suguru Goto, IRCAM, Paris, France ISEA2002 Suguru Goto is a Japanese composer and a multi-media artist. He started his career in a contemporary music scene. His recent works involves new technologies in experimental performing art. He invented Virtual Musical Instruments, which are the interfaces between gesture of human and a computer. Sound and video images are controlled by Virtual Music Instrument with computers in real time. He has been internationally active and has recei
  • Paris, FR
  • ,
  • 66b/cell
  • Artist-Performing
  • ISEA2002 Emerging in 1994 through the interplay of visual, sound, body and space, Tokyo-based 66b/cell apply digital audio and visual technology to live performances. The collective maintains a symbiotic framework that includes designers who work in computer graphics, sound, stage and costume design, as well as performers and choreographers. Through juxtapositions of movement and projected imagery, they create multi-layered collages of reality and illusion.
  • Tokyo, JP
  • ,
  • Yosuke
  • Kawamura
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Akiyo
  • Tsubakihara
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Alain
  • Guslan
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Hiroko
  • Maejima
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unavailable
  • Maejima
  • Warabi
  • Artist-Performing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jim
  • Hamlyn
  • Presenter
  • Artist and Lecturer
  • ISEA2010 Jim Hamlyn is an artist and lecturer and has exhibited in such countries as Japan, Spain, Thailand and the USA. His work incorporates a range of approaches from public sculpture to interactive media and the moving image.
  • GB
  • ,
  • Jiun
  • Jhy
  • Her
  • Presenter
  • Artist and Graphic Designer
  • ISEA2010 Jiun Jhy Her is a graphic designer, artist and a Ph.D. candidate. Since 2007, he has been studying at Gray’s School of Art. His doctoral study has been focusing on the interactivity between the audience and digital interactive arts in public space.
  • GB
  • ,
  • Gregory
  • Marcellus
  • Schiemer
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2008 Gregory Marcellus Schiemer (born 1949) is an Australian electronic music composer, instrument builder, and teacher.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Weng-Choy
  • Lee
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA2008 Lee Weng Choy is an art critic and artistic co-director of The Substation arts centre in Singapore.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Osage Art Foundation
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • ISEA 2008 Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong. The Osage Art Foundation was established in 2004 with three main goals – Creative Communities, Cultural Cooperation and Creative Capacity.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Dominique
  • Bastianello
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Matti
  • Wuthrich
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Hina
  • Struver
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Roopesh
  • Sitharan
  • Curator and Presenter
  • Multimedia University
  • Curator and Researcher
  • ISEA2020 Roopesh Sitharan, Specialist, Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Roopesh Sitharan is an artist, researcher and an enthusiast of digital culture. He has been a faculty member since 2018. His primary research interest is to examine the intersection between Malaysian art, new media technologies and contemporary cultures. Such interest has led him to be actively involved in several national and international projects, showcases, seminar an
  • Malaysia
  • 113.2651515934,2.7205580260447
  • David
  • MacLeod
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Narinda
  • Reeders
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jaki
  • Middleton
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • David
  • Lawrey
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates