Diana Maria Gallicchio Domingues
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Diana Maria Gallicchio Domingues, LART_University of Brasilia, BR
Diana Domingues, Brazil.
Diana Domingues is a Brazilian artist who teaches at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul, investigating art and technology for CNPq and FAPERGS. Doctoral degree in Communication and Semiotics (PUC/SP); MA at the College of Communication and Arts—USP. She is the Coordinator of Master Studies in Communication and Semiotics (PUC/SP—UCS) and of the Researcher Group: New Technologies in Visual Arts, integrating teachers and students of Art, Automation Industrial and Informatics. Multimedia artist explores images, electronic process, Interactive Installation, Art video. She participated in thirty de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Sergio Milliet, RJ, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Sao Paulo. Several (130) group exhibits—International Biennales of Sao Paulo, Taiwan, Cuba, United States, Spain, Uruguay and Italy. Her last art work is TRANS-E—The Body and Technologies. interactive installation. She participated on art/technology events especially ARTMEDIA, ISEA, 1st CAiiA Consciousness Conference.Texts published: Leonardo, 29:4,1997, Esthetigue des Ars Mediathiques, (Louise Poissant), Presses UAOM,Montrea1,1995,Nuovi Media e Sperimentazioni D’Artista, (Costa Mario), Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiani, 1994, LEA—Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Curator of the international event :A Arte no Seculo XXI: A Humanizado das Tecnologias, Sao Paulo, 1995.
Diana Domingues received a doctorate in Communication and Semiotics (1993). She is a professor at the University of Caxias do Sul as well as a multimedia artist with over twenty exhibitions in Brazil, Cuba, Taiwan, Italy and the United States. She has participated in numerous international events such as Artmedia (Italy).
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Full text p. 91-92