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This page contains all the ISEA Art Show authors from 1988 to the present.

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    • 2015 Overview: Museum of Vancouver – Lively Objects: Enchantment And Disruption

    • 2009 Overview: Associated Events @ Millennium Court Arts Centre: Template 2.0: An Exhibition of Digital Art

     International Programme Committee:

    • 2018 Overview: Unplugged: Works from the Durban Art Gallery Collection
    • 2018 Overview: PS2Lab @ISEA2018

     Art Events:

     Symposium Presentations:



     International Programme Committee:

    • 2013 Overview: Object Gallery: City Data Slam – Sensing Sydney



    • 2015 Overview: grunt gallery – ARTICNOISE

     Venue Director/Curator:

    • 2014 Overview: The Art Hub, Abu Dhabi

    • 2009 Overview: Broadcast Gallery, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT): GradCAM – The Audio Cultures Seminar and Exhibition

     International Programme Committee:

    • 2015 Overview: Wong Theatre – AV Disruption
    • 2015 Overview: Fortune Sound Club – Algorave

     Art Events:


    • 2013 Overview: The Portals

    • 2023 Overview: Symbiosium Cosmogonies Spéculatives – Fiminco Foundation

    • 2020 Overview: Re|Search Exhibition

    • 2020 Overview: (pre)existing conditions

     International Programme Committee:

     Jury Member:

     Art Events:




     International Programme Committee:

    • 2022 Overview: Santa Mònica – La irrupció

     Venue Director/Curator:

    • 2014 Overview: Zayed University, Dubai

    • 1994 Overview: Electronic Theatre


    • 2010 Overview: Trust Exhibition

    • 2010 Overview: Trust in Rugged Terrain


    • 2022 Overview: Santa Mònica – La irrupció

     International Programme Committee:

    • 2022 Overview: Extended Program Artworks

    • 2010 Overview: Heavy Matter

     International Programme Committee:

    • 1990 Overview: Selections from Ars Electronica

     Art Events:

     Symposium Presentations:

    • 1997 Overview: Art F[x] (in-conjunction exhibition)

    • 2004 Overview: Media Art Ferry TV

    • 2014 Overview: Magnificent Hyperbole: Probing the Idea of Location as a Psychological Condition

    • 2008 Venue: Relocations


    • 2011 Overview: Sirket-I Hayriye Art Gallery — Uncontainable: Broken Stillness

     Art Events:


    • 2013 Overview: Firstdraft’s Night Depot Series

     Art Events:

     Venue Director/Curator:

    • 2014 Overview: The Space, Abu Dhabi

    • 2009 Overview: ISEA2009@Belfast Club: This is the Night


    • 2013 Overview: Three Exhibitions for Public Space

    • 2018 Overview: Unplugged: Works from the Durban Art Gallery Collection

    • 1993 Overview: The Art Factor: International Exhibition of Electronic Art

     Jury Member:

    • 1994 Overview: Art Exhibitions

     International Programme Committee:

    • 2014 Overview: American University in Dubai
    • 2014 Overview: American University in Dubai (Performances)
    • 2014 Overview: The Fridge (Performances)

     Art Events:

    • 2010 Overview: Heavy Matter

    • 2020 Overview: Re|Search Exhibition

    • 2016 Overview: ISEA2016 Residency Programme Exhibition

    • 2009 Overview: @ Irish Museum of Contemporary Art (IMOCA): Refunct 09


    • 2013 Overview: Three Exhibitions for Public Space

    • 2020 Overview: Manifestations Festival (NL)

    • 1988 Overview: Electronic Theatre

     Art Events:

     Art Event Collaborations:


     Symposium Presentations:



     International Programme Committee:

    • 2022 Overview: Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau – Possibles (Works from

     International Programme Committee:

    • 2014 Overview: Tashkeel, Gallery Ward, Dubai
    • 2014 Overview: Creekside, Dubai
    • 2014 Overview: XVA Gallery/Al Fahidi Historial Neighborhood, Dubai
    • 2014 Overview: The Space, Abu Dhabi
    • 2014 Overview: American University of Sharjah
    • 2014 Overview: Maraya Art Park, Sharjah

     Symposium Presentations:

    • 2016 Overview: No References: A Revisit of Hong Kong Video and Media Art from 1985 (Satellite Event)


    • 2014 Overview: Magnificent Hyperbole: Probing the Idea of Location as a Psychological Condition

    • 2020 Overview: Sensorium, Centre for Digital Art and Technology (CA)

    • 2022 Overview: Second Summit on New Media Art Archiving Art Exhibition


    • 2023 Overview: Symbiosium Cosmogonies Spéculatives – Fiminco Foundation

     International Programme Committee:


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