Bonnie L. Mitchell

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Bowling Green State University (BGSU), School of Art, Digital Arts, _Professor

Other Affiliation(s):

  • Syracuse University
  • University of Oregon

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Bonnie Mitchell (USA) is a new media artist and Professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, in Bowling Green, Ohio, USA. Mitchell is a member of the ISEA International Advisory Committee and ACM SIGGRAPH History and Digital Arts Committee where she focuses on the development of their online archives. She is currently the SIGGRAPH 2023 conference History Chair in charge of the immersive Time Tunnel, history displays and retrospective talks. Her current creative practice focuses on development of physically immersive data visualization environments that showcase climate change over time. Mitchell’s artworks explore spatial and experiential relationships to our physical, social, cultural and psychological environment through interaction, abstraction and audio. She has created numerous abstract visual music installations and animations that have been shown in hundreds of venues world-wide.


Bonnie Mitchell is a digital artist, animator, and archivist as well as a professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, Ohio, USA.  Mitchell’s artworks explore spatial and experiential relationships to our physical, social, cultural and psychological environment through interaction and physical immersion. Her creative work includes interactive installation art, environmental data visualization art, experimental visual music animation, net-art, and new media art archive development. Mitchell is the co-director of the SIGGRAPH History and ISEA Symposium online Archives and also a member of the organizing team of the Summit on New Media Art Archiving (first held in 2021 online and again in 2022 in Barcelona).  She is also a member of the ISEA International Advisory Committee, the ACM SIGGRAPH History and Digital Arts Committees and is the SIGGRAPH 2023 History Chair in charge of the 50th conference celebration.


Bonnie Mitchell, Bowling Green University, Ohio, USA. SIGGRAPH Art Show archivist, member of the ISEA International Advisory Committee, former ISEA International board member.

Bonnie Mitchell works with animation, programming, WWW art, stereo imaging, interactive art installation, and 3D modeling and rendering to explore spatial environments and experiential relationships to natural elements. Mitchell is internationally recognized for her interactive animated installations and collaborative Internet-based art works. Her recent work involves creating immersive spaces using projections into hand-blown glass objects as well as on walls around the viewer. These art environments typically include natural and man-made elements such as moss, twigs, sand, chairs, etc. The goal is to psychologically alter the perception of the viewer and provoke altered states such as introspection, excitement, tranquility, etc.

Mitchell’s past work included a series of collaborative world-wide Internet art projects. Early in 1992, using FTP and email, she organized the ChainArt Project which involved over 130 people from 15 different countries. In 1994, she coordinated the Digital Journey project; 1995 the Diversive Path project, and also in 1995 she organized the ChainReaction project which premiered at SIGGRAPH 95 and ISEA 95. ChainReaction currently has over 350 images and over 140 participants in 16 countries. “As Worlds Collide” focused on the integration of 2D and 3D imagery in a time-based environment and invited participants from around the world to submit images which automatically were converted to Quicktime VR artistic “worlds.”


Bonnie Mitchell, Bowling Green University, USA


Bonnie Mitchell (USA), Bowling Green State University, Chair, Professor, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA. Bonnie Mitchell is a Digital Arts Professor. She teaches courses in 2D and 3D animation, art & code, interactive art, electronics and art, and concept development. Her research and creative interests include perception and natural phenomena through experiential relationships to our physical and psychological environment through creating visual music animation and electronic interactive immersive installation art, developing digital humanities archives and engaging in cross-disciplinary collaboration. Board member, ISEA International.


Bonnie Mitchell, ACM SIGGRAPH, US, Bowling Green University (US), Board ISEA International.


Bonnie Mitchell, Digital Arts, Bowling Green State University, US, and ISEA International.


Bonnie Mitchell, chair, is an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University’s Art Media Studies/Computer Graphics Department. She currently teaches 3D modeling/anima­tion, virtual environments and art, and interactive multi­media (CD and WWW). She received her MFA in Visual Design/Computer Art from the University of Oregon in 1992. Ms. Mitchell is internationally recognized for her col­laborative Internet-based art works. Early in 1993, using FTP and email, she organized the ChainArt project, which involved over 130 people from 15 different countries. In 1994, she coordinated the Digital Journey project; 1995 the Diversive Path project, and also in 1995 she organized the ChainReaction project which premiered at SIGGRAPH 95 and ISEA95.

ChainReaction currently has over 350 images and over 140 participants in 16 countries. Her most recent WWW collaborative project is entitled As Worlds Collide and focuses on the integration of 3D and 2D imagery. Bonnie Mitchell also works with stereo imaging, installation, and 3D modeling to explore spatial environments and experien­tial relationships to natural elements. Her work was recent­ly exhibited as part of Arcadell; Bunch of Digital Art and the ISEA96 Art Show. Recently Bonnie Mitchell has presented at SIGGRAPH 97, typoMedia: Germany, FATE:Virginia, RIT, CAA, the NY State Media Festival, American Academy of Art, Chicago Womens Art Caucus, SIGSCE: Barcelona, and SIGGRAPH 96. Bonnie Mitchell’s WWW work has been pub­lished in several books and magazines as well as receiving numerous awards.

Last Known Location:

Bowling Green, Ohio, United States of America

Previous Location(s):

  • Syracuse, New York, US
  • Eugene, Oregon, US
  • Riverton, Wyoming, US

International Programme Committee:


Artist Collective:

Unique Identifiers:

0000 0000 6719 412X

Bonnie L. Mitchell can also be found in the following archives: