ISEA2000: 10th International Symposium on Electronic Art

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10th International Symposium on Electronic Art


Paris, France


7 December -10 December, 2000

Organised by:

Art 3000


The ISEA2000 conference, Electronic Theater and Concerts took place at the Forum des Images, Art exhibitions were held at a large number of venues, a.o.: Musee Carnavalet, Glaz’Art, Galerie le Sous-Sol, Centre National de la Danse, Institut Francais de l’Architecture, Universite de Paris and IRCAM/Centre de Pompidou. Concerts & Performances were given at several other locations. Associated events took place in Marseille, Monaco, Montpellier, Belfort and Brest.

Organising Committee:

Click to Collapse the Organising Committee
  • Nils Aziosmanoff, ISEA2000 Symposium Director
  • Florent Aziosmanoff, Editorial Manager
  • Thierry Jauson, Treasurer

Introductory and Welcoming Notes:

Title: ISEA2000 Preface Presenter(s):
Title: ISEA2000 Welcome Presenter(s):


Click to Collapse the Symposium Theme

This year, for the tenth anniversary of the event, ISEA has for its theme ‘revelation’ For me, this word has a wealth of evocations. We will thus expect revelations, surprises and meetings between talents, both new and older and we hope that this place of exchange will fulfil the many expectations of all the participants.

Other Committees:

Click to Collapse the Other Committees

Steering Committee

  • Jean-Pierre Balpe
  • Jean-Baptiste Barriere
  • Maurice Benayoun
  • Pierre Bongiovanni
  • Martine Bour
  • Roger Bourdeau
  • Claude Cadoz
  • Roland Cahen
  • Philippe Codognet
  • Roger Malina
  • Alain Mongeau
  • Michel Reilhac
  • Simone Suchet
  • Atau Tanaka

Production Teams

  • Production, Communication, Catalogue & Technical — TEAMS

International Programme Committee:

Additional Information:

ISEA2000 was officially sponsored by the Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication.


Click to Collapse the Acknowledgements

ART3000 Particularly Likes to Thank:

Nicolas Aubrun, Frangoise Barriere, Mireille Berstein, Benjamin Bibas, Pierre Bongiovanni, Monique Broyer, Jean Pierre Boschetti, Roland Cahen, Corinne Caminade, Philippe Casen, Silvia Cheli, Sonia Cnielewski, Thomas Delia, Sylvie Dallet, Dan Jeesin, Xavier de Donceel, Stephane Delanoe, Julie Demuer, Eric de Vischer, Karine Douplitsky, Eric Ducommun, Anne-Marie Duguet, Virginie Dupray, Anne Edelbroich, Soraya Elyes, Marie Faucheux, Olivier Kaeppelin, Nathanael Karmitz, Alexandre Lacoste, Michele Lancelin, Stephanie Lasuki, Bruno Lathuliere, Roger Malina, Laurence Maynier, Jean-Marc Matos, Fiona Meadows, Nathalie Melancon, Eric Mezan, Alain Mongeau, Clara Moreno, Maribel Nadal-Jove, Angelina Medori, Laurence Nataf, Karen O’Rourke, Dominique Passet, Martine Feigner, Brigitte Pertoldi, Pierre Alexandre, Olivier Pineda, Vincent Puig, Niels Radtke, Annick Rivoire, Anne Rocquigny, Matthieu Romancant, Marie-Helene Serra, Katarina Soukup, Martine Teigner, Frederique Vannier, Claire Verlet,
as well as the members of the steering commitee and the International Programme Commitee for their valuable co-operation.

