“Towards Enactive Systems: Affective Cane for Expanded Sensorium and Embodied Cognition, Mobility and Freedom” presented by Domingues, Rocha, Torres, Funghetto, Miranda, Inazawa, Oliveira and Assis

“Towards Enactive Systems: Affective Cane for Expanded Sensorium and Embodied Cognition, Mobility and Freedom” presented by Domingues, Rocha, Torres, Funghetto, Miranda, Inazawa, Oliveira and Assis

“The Serendipitous Pattern in Interaction Design” presented by Melo and Carvalhais

“The Serendipitous Pattern in Interaction Design” presented by Melo and Carvalhais

“Put Evaluation into Practice: The Collaborative Residency Life Cycle” presented by Wolfsberger and Dekker

“Put Evaluation into Practice: The Collaborative Residency Life Cycle” presented by Wolfsberger and Dekker

“(Re)coding the Past for the future” presented by Dekker

“(Re)coding the Past for the future” presented by Dekker

“Processes of Creation in Mexican Digital Art” presented by Oviedo

“Processes of Creation in Mexican Digital Art” presented by Oviedo

“Click: an Audiovisual Sound Sculpture” presented by Zareei and Dunham

“Click: an Audiovisual Sound Sculpture” presented by Zareei and Dunham

“Empathy in the Ergodic Experience of Computational Aesthetics” presented by Carvalhais and Cardoso

“Empathy in the Ergodic Experience of Computational Aesthetics” presented by Carvalhais and Cardoso

“Collaborative Composition with Creative Systems” presented by Eigenfeldt

“Collaborative Composition with Creative Systems” presented by Eigenfeldt

“Augmented Abstraction” presented by Bakreski and Marina

“Augmented Abstraction” presented by Bakreski and Marina

“Atmospheres and Immersion Architecture” presented by Birringer

“Atmospheres and Immersion Architecture” presented by Birringer

“Mould Racing, or Ecological Design through Located Data Games” presented by Roudavski, Holland and Rutten

“Mould Racing, or Ecological Design through Located Data Games” presented by Roudavski, Holland and Rutten

“Collaborative Artistic Practices within Indigenous Communities” presented by Mallmann, Sales, Oliveira, Palazuelos and Tepal

“Collaborative Artistic Practices within Indigenous Communities” presented by Mallmann, Sales, Oliveira, Palazuelos and Tepal

“Museum as Interface: The Implosion of the White Cube and Radical Museology” presented by Arantes

“Museum as Interface: The Implosion of the White Cube and Radical Museology” presented by Arantes

“Somebody on Stage: Reviewing Interactive Body Augmentations in Performing Arts” presented by Bakala

“Somebody on Stage: Reviewing Interactive Body Augmentations in Performing Arts” presented by Bakala

“Spaces That Perform Themselves” presented by Machover and L’Huillier

“Spaces That Perform Themselves” presented by Machover and L’Huillier

“Cyborganics: Engendering Sympoietic Experiences through Body-worn Digital Artifacts in a Rewilded City” presented by Frankjaer

“Cyborganics: Engendering Sympoietic Experiences through Body-worn Digital Artifacts in a Rewilded City” presented by Frankjaer

“The Sangamine-Ecohouse” presented by Ishii

“The Sangamine-Ecohouse” presented by Ishii

“Ecstatic Space” presented by Song

“Ecstatic Space” presented by Song

“Ecological Aesthetics: Artful Tactics for Humans, Nature, and Politics” presented by Stern

“Ecological Aesthetics: Artful Tactics for Humans, Nature, and Politics” presented by Stern

“Journey of the Ancients” presented by Benson and Jordan

“Journey of the Ancients” presented by Benson and Jordan

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