ISEA2023: 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art

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28th International Symposium on Electronic Art


Paris, France


16-21 May 2023, 2023

Organised by:

Le Cube Garges, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), and Forum des Images



ISEA, a major event on the global electronic art scene, aims to strengthen the dialogue between artists, researchers, engineers, designers and entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industries who participate in the advances of research and creation. This multidisciplinary event is open to both specialists and the general public.

The 28th edition of ISEA, co-organized by Le Cube Garges and the School of Decorative Arts, took place in Paris at the Forum des images from May 16 to 21, 2023 as well as through an artistic program spread over fifty partner cultural venues throughout France until September 15, 2023.

Following an international call for entries, more than 1400 applications from 70 countries were examined by an artistic and scientific committee of 200 international experts. The theme of this edition is Symbiosis. In this time of global health, ecological, economic and democratic crisis, symbiosis is a polysemous notion that allows us to explore in a transversal and interdisciplinary way the mutations and transformations underway in the digital age, to question the meaning supposedly given to progress, especially in the current environmental and health context, and to imagine possible and viable futures for our planet and our ecosystems.

ISEA2023 was co-organised by Le Cube Garges, executive producer, École des Arts Décoratifs, academic supervision, and the Forum des images, symposium venue.

Organising Committee:

Click to Collapse the Organising Committee

The Cube Garges ISEA2023 Team

Nils Aziosmanoff – Director of the Cube Garges
Klio Krajewska – Production Director
Clément Thibault – Artistic Coordinator
Alicia Bonneau – Partnership Officer
Pauline Barthe – Communication Officer
Fanny Testas – Communication and production Officer
Sonia Michigan – Production Assistant

École des Arts Décoratifs ISEA2023 Team

Emmanuel Mahé – Director of research at the École des Arts Décoratifs and Academic chair
Edith Buser – Associate Director of Research at the École des Arts Décoratifs and co-organizer of the academic call
Pauline Barthe – Co-organizer of the academic call
Elena Papadaki – Academic co-chair ISEA2023
Maria Ptqk – Academic co-chair ISEA2023
François-Joseph Lapointe – Academic co-chair ISEA2023

Forum des Images ISEA2023 Team

Claude Farge – Director of the Forum des images
Michele Ziegler – Director of Digital Strategy – Director of Newimages
Nathalie Bouvier – Director of Event Production
Anne Coulon – Communications Director
Diana-Odile Lestage – Head of the press department
Charlotte Maréchal – Digital communication and digital transformation project manager
Salomé Busnel – Coordination Officer

Introductory and Welcoming Notes:

Closing Remarks:

Annual General Meetings:

Associated Events:


Click to Collapse the Symposium Theme

ISEA, a major event on the global electronic art scene, aims to strengthen the dialogue between artists, researchers, engineers, designers and entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industries who participate in the advances of research and creation. This multidisciplinary event is open to both specialists and the general public.

The 28th edition of ISEA, co-organized by Le Cube Garges and the School of Decorative Arts, took place in Paris at the Forum des images from May 16 to 21, 2023 as well as through an artistic program spread over fifty partner cultural venues throughout France until September 15, 2023.

Following an international call for entries, more than 1400 applications from 70 countries were examined by an artistic and scientific committee of 200 international experts. The theme of this edition is Symbiosis. In this time of global health, ecological, economic and democratic crisis, symbiosis is a polysemous notion that allows us to explore in a transversal and interdisciplinary way the mutations and transformations underway in the digital age, to question the meaning supposedly given to progress, especially in the current environmental and health context, and to imagine possible and viable futures for our planet and our ecosystems.

ISEA2023 was co-organised by Le Cube Garges, executive producer, École des Arts Décoratifs, academic supervision, and the Forum des images, symposium venue.


Click to Collapse the Subthemes

Symbiotic individuations: the planet’s next inhabitants trans-humanism
Hybrid beings • Inter-specificity • New individuations

Which type of “hybrid beings” are coming into existence today, and thereby associating the human and the non-human? What new forms will they take, and will they be the next inhabitants of our planet?

Experiments on trans-humanism, the emergence of new artificial autonomies, and new representations of natural elements are examples of the exploratory perspectives to be presented and discussed.

Symbiotic organizations: new alliances
Ecosystems • Collaborative networks • Resilient societies • Biosphere • Scale

Human societies have founded their equilibrium upon multitudinous and interdependent forms of symbiosis across a wide swathe of domains: ecology, economy, culture, technology, and more.What happens when a given event destroys this fragile equilibrium?

Covid-19 and the ecological crisis have more than demonstrated to us the necessity and urgency of such reflection. How can the marrying of art, science, and technology help us to surmount new challenges?

Researchers, artists, designers, and leading experts will offer their perspectives on these resolutely trans-disciplinary approaches, with the shared ambition of contributing to a world that is more resilient and at ease in its alterity.

Symbiotic imaginaries: inventing worlds
Utopia • The unthought of • Hybridization • Alternative narratives • Myths • Representations

In order to exist and prosper, symbiotic relationships — relationships in which each partner derives reciprocal benefits indispensable to their survival — are essential. Symbiosis is a vital necessity at all levels of all known eco-systems. But “necessary” does not imply that it should be reduced to its pragmatism or instrumentality. Symbiosis also opens us to new imaginaries, be they novel or redundant in the context of their corresponding era. If modes of collective imagination vary according to perspectives, they are always multiple and in dialogue with reality — what, therefore, constitutes the symbiotic imaginations of today and how and why invent new ones?

Other Committees:

Click to Collapse the Other Committees

In connection with the ISEA2023 international board, the French organising committee, co-piloted by the Cube Garges and the École des Arts Décoratifs, brings together leading players in the field of the arts, creative industries, higher education, research and innovation.
Alain Fleischer – Director Le Fresnoy
Alicia Bonneau – Partnership Officer ISEA2023
Annaël Le Poullennec – General Manager EUR ArTeC
Anne Sedes – Director MSH Paris-Nord
Annick Bureaud – Director Leonardo OLATS – Independent curator
Armand Behar – Co-director CRD, ENSCI, Les Ateliers
Benjamin Cadon – Director Labomédia
Céline Berthoumieux – Director ZINC – Co-director CHRONIQUES – President d’HACNUM
Claude Farge – Director Forum des images
Clément Thibault – Artistic Coordinator ISEA2023
Don Foresta – Artist – Researcher – Theorist – Teacher
Edith Buser – Associate Director of Research at the École des Arts Décoratifs – Co-organizer of the academic call ISEA2023
Emmanuel Guez – Director ESAD Orléans
Emmanuel Mahé – Director of research at the École des Arts Décoratifs – Academic chair ISEA2023
Eric Prigent – Digital Creation Coordinator Le Fresnoy
Everardo Reyes – Vice President Digital Paris 8
Fanny Testas – Communication and production Officer ISEA2023
Franck Ancel – Artist – Theorist
François Taddei – Director Learning Planet Institute
Frank Madlener – Director IRCAM
Guilherme Carvalho – Researcher in virtual environment in charge of ISEA2023 – MSH Paris-Nord
Hugues Vinet – Scientific Director IRCAM
Inès Selmane – Project manager in the Digital Development Department Forum des images
Jean-Marie Dallet – Professor and artist ACTE Institute (Sorbonne)
Jeanne-Marie Portevin – Coordinator EUR ArTeC
Joël Chevrier – Professor, in charge of the ISEA2023 project – Learning Planet Institute Professor
Klio Krajewska – Production Director ISEA2023
Marc Dondey – Director ENS Paris-Saclay La Scène de Recherche
Michèle Ziegler – Digital Development Directorate Forum des images
Nils Aziosmanoff – Director of the Cube Garges
Pauline Barthe – Communication Officer and Co-organizer of the academic call ISEA2023
Sonia Michigan – Production Assistant ISEA2023
Sophia Lahlil – Head of Administration and Coordination La Scène de Recherche ENS Paris-Saclay
Yves Citton – Researcher – Theorist – Teacher Paris 8

International Programme Committee:


    Click to Collapse the Details

    French Ministry of Culture
    Center National du cinéma et de l’image animée (National Centre for Cinema and Animation)
    Government of Quebec
    MAIF, Mutuelle d’assurance des instituteurs de France (Mutual insurance for teachers in France)
    The International Organization of Francophonie (OIF)
    ISIT, School of Multilingualism and Intercultural Management
    Institut Francais
    Office franco-quebecois pour la jeunesse (Franco-Quebec Youth Office)
    AIFQ, l’année de l’innovation franco-québécoise, (the year of Franco-Quebec innovation)
    Elektra (Montreal)
    UCA, University for the Creative Arts
