ISEA2017: 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art

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23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art


Manizales, Colombia


11 June - 18 June, 2017

Organised by:

University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)


The first ISEA in South America, in the coffee district of Colombia. This event came for the first time to a Spanish-speaking country to recognize the biocultural heritage of a megadiverse country. For that reason, ISEA2017 selected the topic Bio-creation and Peace, as a central topic which invited to reflect on the role of art, design, science and technology, in the look for alternatives to respect this biodiversity, and pacific connivance between communities and environment. About 1.400 authors from 44 countries were presented in this call.

Organising Committee:

Click to Collapse the Organising Committee
  • Felipe C. Londoño: Symposium Director
  • G. Mauricio Mejía: Symposium Deputy Director
  • Julián Jaramillo & Andrés Burbano: Academic Chairs
  • Walter J. Castañeda & Sergio Sierra: Artistic Directors
  • Liliana M. Villescas & Héctor F. Torres: Learning Chairs
  • Adriana Gómez & Nina Czegledy: Indigenous Program Chairs
  • Carlos A. Escobar: Keynotes Coordinator
  • Paula López & Cristina Sabogal: Production Managers
  • Monica A. Arango: Ipc Coordinator
  • Maria Camila Hurtado: Communications / Design


Click to Collapse the Symposium Theme

In recent times, pockets of peace across our planet have emerged and Colombia is one example. Does the idea of peace have a larger role to play than simply resolving conflict? In what ways could indigenous awareness contribute to our understanding of peace? What bridges in thought and action are needed to achieve global peace across cultural and transdisciplinary boundaries? Is bio-creation in conflict with, or in accord with, indigenous awareness of living organisms?


Click to Collapse the Subthemes

Interdisciplinary Platforms for Coexistence

Transdisciplinary teams collaborate to generate social and political content and debates. Artists, designers and scientists have tried to work together and get citizens involved with interactive technologies and media. Are these platforms showing paths for social coexistence? How transdisciplinary collaborations can generate social benefits? How can biological process be used as source of inspiration and the generation of social possibilities for living in peace?

Critical perspectives on the use of Technology for Peace

Technology is a potential tool that supports peace process and conflict resolution. What is the role of art and design in defining the use of technology to support peace and conflict resolution? Are there cultural identity tensions catalyzed by technologies? How can technology promote intercultural dialogues and peace construction?

Bio creation and Data

Data is becoming pervasive in our daily lives. Scientists have used data and biological processes to create products and systems, while artists explore the aesthetics of technology, data and biology. How do artists integrate data and biological phenomenon in the creative process? In what ways do designers take advantage of large amounts of data to make decisions that affect sustainability and biodiversity?

Media Art, Landscape and Heritage

ISEA2017 will take place in a region in Colombia known as the Coffee Cultural Landscape, declared as a world heritage site by UNESCO. We invite work that reflects on the conflict between media and heritage. How do artists and designers include heritage in their critical thinking and aesthetic decisions? How could media art help disseminate cultural values around peace? Does media art have the capacity to preserve heritage? Does conservation or cultural transformation generate conflict?

Design, Art, Science, and Technology

This subtheme is to open up participation for other authors that want to submit works to ISEA2017 and include a broad interdisciplinary discussion and showcase about interrelations among design, art, science and technology.

International Programme Committee:


View: [Proceedings]
View: [Catalogue]
View: [Programme]
