ISEA2020: 26th International Symposium on Electronic Art
ISEA2020: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
26th International Symposium on Electronic Art
Montreal, Quebec Canada
13 Oct - 18 Oct, 2020
Organised by:
Printemps numérique
ISEA2020 will address pressing contemporary issues and present practice-based approaches to explore the theme “Why Sentience?”
We invite you to the first 100% online electronic art symposium: a pioneering and unique experience to share with fellow artists, scientists, scholars and researchers from around the world.
ISEA2020 will be fully dedicated to examining the resurgence of sentience—feeling-sensing-making sense—in recent art and design, media studies, science and technology studies, philosophy, anthropology, history of science and the natural scientific realm—notably biology, neuroscience and computing. We ask: why sentience? Why and how does sentience matter? Why have artists and scholars become interested in sensing and feeling beyond, with and around our strictly human bodies and selves? Why has this notion been brought to the fore in an array of disciplines in the 21st century?
Organising Committee:
Organising Committee
- General Director: Mehdi Benboubakeur
- Programming Directors: Erandy Vergara-Vargas (Artistic Programme) & Manuelle Freire (Academic Programme)
- Communication: Pauline Barthe, Margaux Davoine & Stephanie Creaghan
- Workshop Coordinator: Sylvaine Chassay
- Production Coordinator for the Online Artistic Programme: Sarah Wendt
- Technical Director: Pascal Dufaux
- Webmaster: Maximilien Briat Martin
- Production Coordinator: Iriana Rakotobe
- Production assistant: Laurence Yelle
- Branding, website & design: Monarque Communication
- Development: Marine Villedieu
Introductory and Welcoming Notes:
Montreal Digital Spring - The first-ever digital edition of ISEA
Title: A word from the ministers — Presenter(s):
Title: Welcome by Conseil des arts de Montréal — Presenter(s):
Title: Welcome by Canada Council for the Arts — Presenter(s):
Title: ISEA2020 Foreword Proceedings — Presenter(s):
Title: ISEA2020 Preface Proceedings and Catalogue — Presenter(s):
Title: The Academic Chairs' Statements Regarding The ISEA2020 Online Turn — Presenter(s):
Title: 6@8 Virtual Closing Cocktail
ISEA2020 turns towards the theme of “Why Sentience? Sentience describes the ability to feel or perceive. ISEA2020 will be fully dedicated to examining the resurgence of sentience — feeling-sensing-making sense — in recent art and design, media studies, science and technology studies, philosophy, anthropology, history of science and the natural scientific realm — notably biology, neuroscience and computing. We ask: why sentience? Why and how does sentience matter? Why have artists and scholars become interested in sensing and feeling beyond, with and around our strictly human bodies and selves? Why has this notion been brought to the fore in an array of disciplines in the 21st century?
Animality treats of the non-human and beyond human senses, of expanded notions of aliveness, panpsychism and hylozoism in species other than the humans of ISEA2020. A few non-humans are accepted at ISEA2020, just not as presenters.
The Ecosophic World
The theme Ecosophic World proposes explorations of sentience understood within the entanglements of scientific, environmental, and multispecies ecologies, and their current crises. Case-studies of symbiotic and expanded ecosystems, both natural and human-made will be explored in 10 different sessions at ISEA2020.
Machinic Sense and Sensibility
Machinic Sense and Sensibility saw a great deal of proposals about the autonomy and agency, and even intentionality of robotic and digital creations. Presentations in this theme take on both the sentience of machines and sentience through machines.
Sentient Difference
Sentient Difference shines a light on ways of navigating the social, natural and materials worlds that go beyond or against normativity in regards to race, gender, queer and trans, and (dis)ability.
Matter’s Mattering
Matter’s Mattering brings forward the tangible, materials things of sentience: the bodies, circuits, infrastructures, matter, how they come to be and the place they take in modalities of engagement and sentience.
The Politics of Sentience
The Politics of Sentience was tackled by some of the most critical scholars who will present their takes on the post-truth, post-sense, sensorization, surveillance, racism, weaponization, control, inequality, re-bordering, capitalism, neo-liberalism, other isms and the institutions of knowledge creation and management of today.
The Planetary
The Planetary: few but worthwhile proposals rethink the global to reaffirm, through creation, the aesthetics of sharing in the global currents and streams of the natural elements, shared resources, beneath and above this planet’s surface.
Other Committees:
Summit Organising Committee
- Wendy Coones & Oliver Grau, ADA
- Bonnie Mitchell, SIGGRAPH
- Wim van der Plas, ISEA
- Christina Radner, Ars Electronica
Academic Committee
- Christine Ross – McGill University (Montreal, Canada) – co-chair
Chris Salter – Concordia University/Hexagram (Montreal, Canada) – co-chair- Pau Alsina – Open University of Catalunya UOC (Barcelona, Spain)
- Joel Ong – York University (Toronto, Canada)
- Philippe Pasquier – Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada)
- Louise Poissant – UQAM & Fonds de recherche du Québec Société et culture (Montreal, Canada)
- Bart Simon – Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
- Christa Sommerer – University of Art and Design (Linz, Austria)
- Jonathan Sterne – McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
- Marcelo Wanderley – McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
Artistic Committee
- Erandy Vergara – Printemps Numérique (Montreal, Canada) – co-chair
- Alice Jim – Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) – co-chair
- Caroline Andrieux – Darling Foundry (Montreal, Canada) – co-chair
- Sofian Audry – Clarkson University (N.Y., U.S.A.)
- Skawennati Fragnito – Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
- Bertrand Gervais – UQAM (Montreal, Canada)
- Christiane Paul – The New School (N.Y., U.S.A.)
- Cheryl Sim – Phi Foundation (Montreal, Canada)
- Tamar Tembeck – OBORO (Montreal, Canada)
- Irma Vila – Open University of Catalunya UOC (Barcelona, Spain)
- Soh Yeong Roh – The Art Center Nabi, Seoul, South Korea
Art Jury:
- Ivan Abreu
- Mexico
- Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- Canada
- Myriam Achard
- Phi Foundation for Contemporary Art
- Jazmín Adler
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
- Rodrigo Alonso
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Brazil
- Tania Aedo Arankowsky
- Laboratorio Arte Alameda
- Mexico
- Priscila Arantes
- Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
- Brazil
- Nathalie Bachand
- Pat Badani
- Columbia College Chicago
- United States
- Mehdi Benboubakeur
- Joanna Berzowska
- Concordia University Montreal
- XS Labs
- Canada
- Eleonora Bilotta
- University of Calabria
- Italy
- Émilie Boudrias
- Concertation Montréal
- Yan Breuleux
- Jonah Brucker-Cohen
- Lehman College
- United States
- Roberta Buiani
- ArtSci Salon
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Canada
- Andrés Burbano
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Annick Bureaud
- the OLATS Association
- Art, Science, Technology Network (ASTN)
- France
- Rejane Cantoni
- Brazil
- Alexandre Castonguay
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Canada
- Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Sam Chenennou
- Canada
- Samy Lamouti
- Ian M. Clothier
- Western Institute of Technology
- New Zealand
- Allison Collins
- Christophe Collard
- Free University of Brussels
- Simon Colton
- Sarah Cook
- University of Glasgow
- Arcangel Constantini
- Mexico
- Deborah Cornell
- Boston University
- United States
- Nina Czegledy
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Canada
- Ricardo Dal Farra
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Melissa A. Dela Merced
- University of the Philippines Film Institute
- Philippines
- Annet Dekker
- University of Amsterdam
- Netherlands
- Elizabeth Demaray
- Rutgers University Camden
- Rutgers University New Brunswick
- United States
- Alexandra Dementieva
- Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels
- Kristine Diekman
- California State University
- United States
- Penesta Dika
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- Natalie Doonan
- University of Montreal
- Canada
- Judith Doyle
- The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
- Canada
- Jesse Drew
- Jean Dubois
- Canada
- Robin Dupuis
- Iván Edeza
- Angela Ferraiolo
- Sarah Lawrence College
- United States
- Michele Fiedler
- Peter Flemming
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Adrien Flisak
- Société des arts technologiques (SAT)
- Tyler Fox
- University of Washington
- Bothell Studio
- United States
- Marie Fraser
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
- Canada
- Eugenia Fratzeskou
- University of Westminster
- United Kingdom
- Rob La Frenais
- Bournemouth University
- United Kingdom
- Klaus Fruchtnis
- Paris College of Art
- France
- Natalia Fuchs
- Russia
- Monika Kin Gagnon
- Philip Galanter
- Texas A&M University
- United States
- Sue Gollifer
- University of Brighton
- United Kingdom
- Lynne Heller
- The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
- Canada
- Jeremy Hight
- Washington State University
- United States
- Mark-David Hosale
- York University
- Canada
- Esteban García Bravo
- Purdue University
- United States
International Programme Committee:
- Bonnie L. Mitchell
- Bowling Green State University
- United States
- Wim van der Plas
- Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
- Netherlands
- Jill Scott
- Zurich University of the Arts
- Switzerland
- Jonah Brucker-Cohen
- Lehman College
- United States
- Eugenia Fratzeskou
- University of Westminster
- United Kingdom
- Marco Pinter
- Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
- Texas A&M University
- United States
- Carlos Grilo
- Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
- Portugal
- José-Carlos Mariátegui
- Alta Tecnología Andina (ATA)
- Peru
- Jennifer Parker
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- United States
- Philippe Pasquier
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- Canada
- Paz Tornero
- Universidad de Granada
- Spain
- Bill Miller
- University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
- United States
- Alejandro Valencia Tobón
- Colombia
- Philip Galanter
- Texas A&M University
- United States
- G. Mauricio Mejía
- Arizona State University
- Felipe Cesar Londoño Lópes
- Peter Bentley
- University College London
- United Kingdom
- Jeremy Hight
- Washington State University
- United States
- Miwako Tezuka
- Arakawa
- Jesse Drew
- Eleonora Bilotta
- University of Calabria
- Italy
- Klaus Fruchtnis
- Paris College of Art
- France
- Alain Lioret
- Université Paris 8
- France
- Claus Pias
- LEUPHANA University Lüneburg
- Annet Dekker
- University of Amsterdam
- Netherlands
- Martin Warnke
- LEUPHANA University Lüneburg
- Germany
- Katerina El Raheb
- University of Peloponnese
- Greece
- Chris Kiefer
- Anne Nigten
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Netherlands
- Nikos Stavropoulos
- Leeds Beckett University
- United Kingdom
- Judith Doyle
- The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
- Canada
- Amílcar Cardoso
- University of Coimbra
- Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
- Portugal
- Scott Rettberg
- University of Bergen
- Norway
- Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Alessandro Ludovico
- University of Southampton
- United Kingdom
- Pat Badani
- Columbia College Chicago
- United States
- Vanissa Law
- Silly Savvy Studio
- Anton Nijholt
- Imagineering Institute
- Malaysia
- Sue Gollifer
- University of Brighton
- United Kingdom
- Fernando Lazzetta
- Deborah Cornell
- Boston University
- United States
- Gunalan Nadarajan
- College of the Arts Singapore
- Maryland Institute College of Art
- Singapore
- Claudia Costa Pederson
- Wichita State University
- United States
- Diane Willow
- Simon Colton
- Ian M. Clothier
- Western Institute of Technology
- New Zealand
- Tammer El-Sheikh
- York University
- Rodrigo Alonso
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Brazil
- Kevin Hamilton
- University of Illinois
- United States
- Michel van Dartel
- V2_Lab
- Netherlands
- Claudette Lauzon
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- Mariana Pérez Bobadilla
- City University of Hong Kong
- Waag Future Lab
- Hong Kong SAR China
- Jake Moore
- University of Saskatchewan
- Canada
- Maryse Ouellet
- University of Bonn
- Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- Canada
- David Johnson
- University of Victoria
- Canada
- Penesta Dika
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- Gilbertto Prado
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Brazil
- Peter Anders
- Kayvala
- United States
- Sarah Cook
- University of Glasgow
- Priscila Arantes
- Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
- Brazil
- Alanna Thain
- McGill University
- Manuela Naveau
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- Austria
- Daniel Temkin
- United States
- Tomás Laurenzo Coronel
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- United States
- Alison Loader
- Concordia University
- Nina Czegledy
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Canada
- Aleksandra Kaminska
- Université de Montréal
- Canada
- Nathalie Bachand
- Mariela Yeregui
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Argentina
- Navid Navab
- Topological Media Lab
- Canada
- Annick Bureaud
- the OLATS Association
- Art, Science, Technology Network (ASTN)
- France
- Paul Thomas
- University of New South Wales
- Australia
- Annette Weintraub
- City University of New York
- United States
- Elizabeth Demaray
- Rutgers University Camden
- Rutgers University New Brunswick
- United States
- Everardo Reyes
- Université Paris 8
- France
- Michael Prokopow
- The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
- Canada
- Christa Sommerer
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- Austria
- Cheryl Sim
- Phi Foundation for Contemporary Art
- Louise Poissant
- Patrick White
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Gabriel Tremblay-Gaudette
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Enrico Agostini Marchese
- Université de Montréal
- Sofian Audry
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Hexagram
- Canada
- Mélodie Simard-Houde
- Université Laval
- Christiane Paul
- The New School
- United States
- Christophe Collard
- Free University of Brussels
- Alexander Wilson
- Joel Ong
- York University
- Canada
- Alexandre Castonguay
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Canada
- Jean Dubois
- Canada
- Ricardo Dal Farra
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Mike Phillips
- Plymouth University
- United Kingdom
- Marcelo M. Wanderley
- Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique(IRCAM)
- France
- Doug Van Nort
- York University
- Canada
- Jonathan Sterne
- McGill University
- Canada
- Marie Fraser
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
- Canada
- Steven Loft
- Canada Council for the Arts
- Alice Jarry
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Barbara Clausen
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Eduardo Navas
- Pennsylvania State University
- Nicolas Sauret
- Université de Montréal
- Yan Breuleux
- Kim Sawchuk
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Natalia Fuchs
- Russia
- David Howes
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Nicolas Reeves
- University du Quebec a Montreal
- Society for Arts and Technology, Montreal
- Hexagram
- Canada
- Joanna Berzowska
- Concordia University Montreal
- XS Labs
- Canada
- Clemens Apprich
- University of Groningen
- Louis-Claude Paquin
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Canada
- Philippe-Aubert Gauthier
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Paul Landon
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Wei Jo
- Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
- China
- Samuel Bianchini
- École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD)
- Johannes Bruder
- Critical Media Lab Basel
- Andrea Sosa
- National University of La Plata
- Argentina
- Maude Bonenfant
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Manuelle Freire
- Concordia University
- Université du Québec à Montréa
- Hexagram
- Canada
- David Jhave Johnston
- Canada
- Jens Hauser
- Ruhr University Bochum
- France
- Bertrand Gervais
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
- Canada
- Tamar Tembeck
- Monika Kin Gagnon
- Fenwick McKelvey
- Concordia University
- Martin Jarmick
- Jane Prophet
- University of Michigan
- United States
- Robert Twomey
- University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- United States
- Ha Na Lee
- The University of Utah
- United States
- Roberta Buiani
- ArtSci Salon
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Canada
- Meredith Tromble
- United States
- Michael Palumbo
- York University
- Canada
- Kristine Diekman
- California State University
- United States
- Inmi Lee
- Anna Ridler
- UAL Creative Computing Institute
- Mary Bunch
- York University
- Jazmín Adler
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
- Tyler Fox
- University of Washington
- Bothell Studio
- United States
- Rebecca Cummins
- University of Washington
- United States
- Ryan Stec
- Mark-David Hosale
- York University
- Canada
- Kathy High
- United States
- Caitlin Fisher
- Federica Bressan
- State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Pedro Martins
- Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC)
- Neil Leonard
- Berklee College of Music
- United States
- Natasha Bissonauth
- The College of Wooster
- Petra Gemeinboeck
- University of New South Wales
- Australia
- Enric Mor
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Reilley Bishop-Stall
- Concordia University
- Leah Willemin
- Parsons School of Design
- Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo
- United States
- Rachel Clarke
- California State University
- United States
- Marta de Menezes
- Cultivamos Cultura
- Portugal
- Cecilia Vilca
- Peru
- Flavia Caviezel
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nortwestern Switzerland
- Switzerland
- Dolores Steinman
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Joseph Malloch
- Dalhousie University
- Andrea Fitzpatrick
- University of Ottawa
- Simon-Pierre Gourd
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Boris Magrini
- HEK (House of Electronic Arts)
- Daria Tsoupikova
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- United States
- Afroditi David
- University of Washington
- Ian Hattwick
- McGill University
- Canada
- Carrie Rentschler
- McGill University
- Esteban García Bravo
- Purdue University
- United States
- Kelly Thompson
- Concordia University
- Florian Grond
- McGill University
- Michael Montanaro
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Andrés Burbano
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Tanya Ravn Ag
- University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Destination Centre-Ville Montreal
- Reflector
- Ecole NAD UQAC
- Concordia University
- Maison de la culture de Côte-des-Neiges
- Ville-Marie Montreal
- Maison de la culture Claude-Leveillee
- Villeray Saint-Michel Parc-Extension Montreal
- Sporobole
- Goethe Institut
- New Media gallery
- City of Montreal
- Tourisme Montreal
- Conceil des Arts de Montreal
- Government of Quebec
- Government of Canada
- General Consulat of France in Quebec
- Elektra
- Milieux
- Synthese
- Espace
- Ciel Variable
- Esse
- Office Franco-Quebecois pour la Jeunesse
Public Partners
Programming Partners
Creativity Pavilion presented by:
Media Partners
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View: [Proceedings] |
View: [Programme and Catalogue] |