ISEA94 Presentation Overview
ISEA94: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
Paper Presentations:
Pedagogical Policies (Electronic Art in Universities)
A Critical Teaching Strategy for the Digital Art
Title: Hype, Hope and Cyberspace or Paradigms Lost: Pedagogical Problems at the Digital Frontier — Presenter(s):
Title: The Planetary Collegium — Presenter(s):
Title: The X Tables: Dialogues with the Prosthetic Unconscious — Presenter(s):
Title: Time-and-Information-Based Environment — Presenter(s):
Next Generation
A Volcanic Theory of Culture
Title: Aesthetics and Artificial Intelligence — Presenter(s):
Title: Into the Muddy Waters of the Turning Galaxy — Presenter(s):
Title: Spectral Bodies — Presenter(s):
Title: Toward Super Language — Presenter(s):
Multimedia (The Next Generation)
A Digital Rhizome
Title: Cine Play — Presenter(s):
Title: Experiences in Designing Multimedia Tools for Education — Presenter(s):
Title: Flora Petrinsularis — Presenter(s):
Title: Lailah: An Interactive Expressionist Fiction — Presenter(s):
Title: Media Museum: A Finnish CD-ROM Project — Presenter(s):
Title: Monograph Multimedia — Presenter(s):
Title: She Loves It, She Loves It Not: Women and Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: The Mediamatic CD-ROM — Presenter(s):
A Philosophonics of Space: Sound, Futurity and the End of the World
Title: Dialogue with the Knowbotic South —
Title: Enthralling Spaces: The Aesthetics of Virtual Environments — Presenter(s):
High & Low
It Looks Just Like Art: Computers, Class and Cultural Positioning
Title: Dig: An Archeology of Technology and Entertainment in Spielberg’s Jurassic Park — Presenter(s):
Title: From Kaleidoscomaniac to Cybernerd. Towards an Archeology of the Media —
Title: Sovereign Media and the Data Dandy. Two fragments of Adilkno’s Media Theory — Presenter(s):
Title: The Labor of Perception: Electronic Art in Post-Industrial Society — Presenter(s):
Interactivity (The Next Generation)
Choices: Gender Issues for Interactive Art
Title: European Interactive TV (EI-TV) — Presenter(s):
Title: Interactivity and the Problem of Communication in the Context of Philosophy of Deconstruction — Presenter(s):
Title: The History of the Interface in Interactive Art — Presenter(s):
Title: The Interactive Systems Vision and Dominance: A Critical Look Into The Interactive Systems — Presenter(s):
Title: The Time of Our Life: Interactivity and the Labyrinth of Forms — Presenter(s):
Title: Towards New Structures — Presenter(s):
Visualization (The Next Generation)
Art and Science in Chaos: Contesting Readings of Scientific Visualization
Title: Equivalents II — Presenter(s):
Title: Outside In — Presenter(s):
Title: What Digital Technologies Brought to Simulation Art — Presenter(s):
Composition (The Next Generation)
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Sound Design
Title: Composing with Chaos: Applications of a New Science for Music — Presenter(s):
Title: Expert Systems: Building a Bridge to Electronic Sonic Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Formal Processes of Timbre Composition — Presenter(s):
Title: From 3D Shapes to Tonal Harmonies and Back — Presenter(s):
Arch-Design (Spacescapes)
Holography as an Element of a Media Architecture
Title: Inventing an Aesthetic for the 21st Century: Post-Design means Electrotexture — Presenter(s):
Title: Ladomir-Faktura: Science of the Individual, The mapping of Ladomir — Presenter(s):
Title: Networked Architecture — Presenter(s):
Title: The Architecture of Cyberception — Presenter(s):
Title: The Relation of Architecture and Electronic Space — Presenter(s):
Body (Spacescapes)
Title: Corporeal-Machine-Anxiety — Presenter(s):
Title: High Anxieties — Presenter(s):
Title: Liquid Selves, Schizoid Bodies — Presenter(s):
Title: Networked Identity, Creativity, Language and the Clash of Realities —
Title: Non-explicable Phenomena, Consciousness and Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: Stomach Sculpture, Hollow Body, Host Space — Presenter(s):
Title: The Imaginary Subject and the Virtual Body in Corporate Communication — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Identities: Inhabiting the Net — Presenter(s):
Soundscapes (Spacescapes)
Amplifications: Transformations in Sound and Technology in the Western Avant-garde and Experimental Arts
Title: Songlines — Presenter(s):
Title: Soul of a Binary Machine: Introduction to Techno Music and Rave Culture — Presenter(s):
Title: Sound Design, Nature and the Post-Real — Presenter(s):
Title: Sounds Natural: Sonic Landscapes and the New Age — Presenter(s):
Title: Vectors and Virtual Space —
East & West (High & Low)
A General Overview to Video and Media Art in Russia
Title: A Note on the History of Russian Media Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Art and Technology as the New Avant-Garde — Presenter(s):
Title: Conversion — Presenter(s):
Title: Golem of Consciousness — Presenter(s):
Title: In Search for the Third Reality — Presenter(s):
Title: Media Art in Russia — Presenter(s):
Title: Parallel Cinema, Necrorealism and Video Art in St. Petersburg — Presenter(s):
Title: Soros Centers for Contemporary Arts Network — Presenter(s):
Title: The Prosthesis of the Event in Cyberspace: La reserche du temps perdu beyond Oedipe and Gnosis — Presenter(s):
Title: The Tools of Desire and New Technologies — Presenter(s):
Gender/Blender (High & Low)
Gender Issues in the Electronic Arts: Inform the Creation of New Modes of Computing
Title: Music Technology and Gender — Presenter(s):
Title: Pathogenic Vectors — Presenter(s):
Title: Women Remapping Technospace — Presenter(s):
Global/Local (High & Low)
A Simultaneous View of History: An Examination into the Landscape of History
Title: Electric Cannibal — Presenter(s):
Title: Identity Crisis: Cultural Mapping — Presenter(s):
Title: MS Stubnitz — Presenter(s):
Title: Narrative and Intervention — Presenter(s):
A Critical Teaching Strategy for the Digital Art
Faculty Burnout?
Act of Faith: Postgraduate Research in Computing in Art and Design at the Centre for Electronic Arts at Middlesex University
Title: An Unbearable Load: Teaching New Technology in Art and Design — Presenter(s):
Title: Faculty Burnout Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: Faculty Burnout Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: Running to Stay in Place: Faculty Burnout in the Electronic Arts, Proposed Guidelines for Faculty in Computer-based Media in Art and Design — Presenter(s):
Eliza’s Children: Complexity, Emergency, the Simulation of Behavior in the Space of Interaction
Eliza’s Children Panel Notes
Title: Esthetics of Behavior and Interactive Systems — Presenter(s):
Title: Paradigm-Busters: Complexity at the End of the Enlightenment — Presenter(s):
Title: Technology Recapitulates Phylogeny: Emergence and interactive Art — Presenter(s):
Algorithms and the Artist (Visualization: The Next Generation)
Formal Logic and Self-Expression
Title: Notes on Algorithm and Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Algorithm — Presenter(s):
Title: Algorithms and the Artist Panel Introduction — Presenter(s):
Title: Algorithms for Conceptual Navigation — Presenter(s):
Title: The Catalytic Algorithm — Presenter(s):
The Invisible Planet: Networked Virtual Reality, Virtual Cities and Culture (Spacecapes)
Long House project
Title: The Invisible Planet: Panel Introduction — Presenter(s):
Title: The Invisible Planet: Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: The Invisible Planet: Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Reality as a Medium for Social Interaction — Presenter(s):
Cyberspace: Configurations of Space, Memory and Language in the Electronic Arts (Spacecapes)
Meaning without mirrors: Mapping the Margins of Cyberspace
Title: The Wild West and the Frontier of Cyberspace — Presenter(s):
Title: VR as RV: an exploration of mind/environment — Presenter(s):
The Metaphor of Cave in the Electronic Arts (Artists in Cyberculture: Spacecapes)
The Metaphor of Cave in the Electronic Arts
Futurics (Artists in Cyberculture: Spacecapes)
A Hypertalk
Title: Art Futures — Presenter(s):
Title: God and Silicon: Better Eternal Living Through Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: Hyperformance — Presenter(s):
Output Sufferings (Artists in Cyberculture: Spacecapes)
Computers, Painting and Ambition
Title: Output Sufferings: After the Virtual — Presenter(s):
Nethics? (Artists in Cyberculture: Spacecapes)
Artistic Electronic Networking Experiences with the First Mobile Electronic Cafe International: Casino Container
Title: Electronic Space: An Imaginary Conquest — Presenter(s):
Title: Ethics and Political Correctness — Presenter(s):
Title: The Net Effect — Presenter(s):
Saddling The Troyan Horse (High & Low)
Saddling The Troyan Horse
Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Women, Men and the Cartesian Coordinate System (Gender/Blender: High & Low)
Greg Garvey – Pedagogy of the Oppressed Panel Notes
Title: On Animals, Children, and Seeing Deeply — Presenter(s):
Title: Pedagogy of the Oppressed Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: Pedagogy of the Oppressed Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Title: Pedagogy of the Oppressed Panel Notes — Presenter(s):
Transcultural Approaches to Electronic Art – Do We Really Care? (Global/Local: High & Low)
Technological Diffusion and the Construction of a Universal Aesthetic
Title: The Information Super-highways and Cultural Imperialism: Ownership and Access to the Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Transcultural Approaches Panel Introduction Panel Statement — Presenter(s):
Title: Transcultural Approaches to Electronic Art — Presenter(s):
Act of Faith: Postgraduate Research in Computing in Art and Design at the Centre for Electronic Arts at Middlesex University
Institutional Presentations:
Electrographic Solutions for results from stable supports of electronic images with artistic aims: Application in the field of higher education in the Fine Arts
Title: Coast Takes Off — Presenter(s):
Title: Collaboration: Our Experience with Art & Technology on the Electronic Frontier — Presenter(s):
Title: Duncan of Jordanstone — Presenter(s):
Title: Educating the Next Generation; Integrating Technological Skills with Artistic Creativity in Computer Music Courses in Higher Education — Presenter(s):
Title: Electronic Bauhaus —
Title: Helsinki Mediascape: A Journey to a Media Landscape — Presenter(s):
Title: Högskolan i Skóvde — Presenter(s):
Title: lnstitut filr Elektroakustik und Experimentelle Musik in Vienna, Activities and New Works — Presenter(s):
Title: Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Texas at Austin – Art, Technology, Virtual Environments, Cyberspace, and the Arts; lnterface Design Education — Presenter(s):
Title: Tightrope — Presenter(s):
Title: Visual Effects Realized at the Department of Visual Knowledge — Presenter(s):