ISEA96 Presentation Overview
ISEA96: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
Networked Identities
Title: On the Future of the Net: Phantom Bodies, Fractal Flesh and Collective Strategies — Presenter(s):
Paper Presentations:
Ancient Memory Systems: A Cross-cultural Comparison
Title: Bridge to, Bridge From: The Arts, Technology, and Education — Presenter(s):
Title: Concerning the Spiritual in Cyberspace: Immortality of Artist and Artifact in the Digital Domain — Presenter(s):
Title: Drawing on the Brain Project — Presenter(s):
Title: Holiness and Dread: Poetics in Electronic Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Improv: Interactive Improvisational Animation and Music — Presenter(s):
Title: Into the Black Box: relations between artistic expression and formal descriptions in computer based fiction and art — Presenter(s):
Title: Japanimation and Techno-Orientalism — Presenter(s):
Title: Looking for the Interactive — Presenter(s):
Title: Machine Learning and Musical Invention: A Case Study — Presenter(s):
Title: Medieval Cartography and the Ideological Mapping of Cyberspace -Part II, Section A: Are You Sure It’s Really Round? — Presenter(s):
Title: Online Sound and Virtual Architecture (Contribution to the geography of cultural translation) — Presenter(s):
Title: RHYTHMS, The Aesthetics of Electronic Painting — Presenter(s):
Title: Scenography and Synesthetic's: New Media and Aesthetic Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: SITO/OTIS: The Past, Present, and Future of Collaborative Art on the Internet — Presenter(s):
Title: Sound/Action Paradigms in Multimedia — Presenter(s):
Title: The Context Is the Message: Interactive Art as a Medium of Communication — Presenter(s):
Title: The Outlines of the Polyhedric World — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Perspective and the Artistic Vision: A Genealogy of Technology, Perception and Power — Presenter(s):
Title: Art and Robotics: The Back Door — Presenter(s):
Title: Digital Creativity Inside Out — Presenter(s):
Title: DisNet: A Model of Discursive Networking — Presenter(s):
Title: Hypertext Journal: An Online Interactive Travelogue — Presenter(s):
Title: Multimodal Environments — Presenter(s):
Title: Teaching Computer Art with Integrative Assignments — Presenter(s):
Title: Transparency as Interface: A ‘Petite Histoire’ of its Tools — Presenter(s):
Electronic Space and Public Space: Museums, Galleries and Digital Media
Burning the (Panel Intro)
Title: Panel Statement — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Statement — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Statement — Presenter(s):
Beyond the Digital Diaspora
Beyond The Digital Diaspora: Flame Wars
Computers and Sculpture
Computers and Sculpture
Erotics of the Internet
Erotics of the Internet
Space, Time, Body, World: Here, There and Nowhere
Space, Time, Body and World: Here, There, and Nowhere
Title: World, Body, Time, and Space — Presenter(s):
Interpenetrations: Art, Science, Cultural Theory
Interpenetrations: Art, Science, Cultural Theory
Devising & Positioning Interactivity in Net projects
Devising and Positioning Interactivity in Net projects
Webbed Spaces Between Exhibition and Network
Webbed Spaces: Between Exhibition and Network
Kunstliche Kunst: Art and Aesthetics in Times of the Artificial
Artificial Consciousness: Will Art replace the Artist?
Title: Kunstliche Kunst: Art and Aesthetics in Times of the Artificial — Presenter(s):
Title: Position Statement — Presenter(s):
Title: Collaboration vs. Autonomy: Models of Social Computing in the Arts — Presenter(s):
Title: The Arts of the Artificial: Some Implications for a Finite Universe — Presenter(s):
Artists Teaching Artists
Artists Teaching Artists: Case Studies of the Masterclass paradigm
Burning the (Panel Intro)
Round Table Discussions:
Aesthetic and Compositional Issues in Interactive Systems
Title: Breaking the Code: Art that Does Not Stand on its Own — Presenter(s):
Title: Bridging the Gap: Education as a Way of Bridging the Gap between Artists and Technologists — Presenter(s):
A Hyperaesthetic Case Study: Jennifer Steinkamp
Title: Brutal Myths: Collaborative Creation and Interaction — Presenter(s):
Title: Conventional Art as Web Based Exhibits: A New Electronic Art Form — Presenter(s):
Title: Cool Heaven Blues, and Squares — Presenter(s):
Title: CYBERGOMI: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow — Presenter(s):
Title: Depersonified Personal Agents: A Challenge to Web Design and the Project “Logo.Gif” — Presenter(s):
Title: EXODUS: A Virtual Teleperformance from the Negev Desert — Presenter(s):
Title: For Interactive Future Movie: Body Communication Actor, “Me” & Feeling Improvisation Actor, “Muse” — Presenter(s):
Title: Hickory Dickory Dock: The Clock Strikes One in Hyperspace — Presenter(s):
Title: Interactive Narratives: Educating the Authors — Presenter(s):
Title: Intimacy, Concept, Interaction: Artistic Potential of Voicemail and the Telephone — Presenter(s):
Title: Locating the Image in an Age of Electronic Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Personal Observatory — Presenter(s):
Title: Radio to the Ne(x)t Century — Presenter(s):
Title: The McLuhan Probes — Presenter(s):
Title: TIME for a better Communication and more Fun — Presenter(s):
Title: What’s so Hard about Hardcopy (or” The works of man, the denizens of the compost heap”) — Presenter(s):
Title: Without a Special Object of Worship: An Interactive Book Arts Installation — Presenter(s):
Title: A Music Machine Balancing at the Edge of Order and Chaos — Presenter(s):
Title: Babble: The Virtual tower of Babel — Presenter(s):
Title: Benefitting Modern Composers: How to Utilize the Future When Creating the Internet Reference for New Music — Presenter(s):
Title: Bodies INCorporated — Presenter(s):
Title: Cheap Meat Dreams and Acorns — Presenter(s):
Title: For Interactive Future Movie: Body Communication Actor, “Me” & Feeling Improvisation Actor, “Muse” — Presenter(s):
Title: Gameplay, Vapourware and Digital Abberation — Presenter(s):
Title: Horses in the Air: VR Techniques in a Linear TV Programme — Presenter(s):
Title: Interacting With Human Characters: An Engaging and Rewarding Interactive Storytelling Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: Journey into the Living Cell — Presenter(s):
Title: La Langue d’eau: my tongue my language. Corrosive Edges, Shifting Channels in Sexual and Cultural Landscapes — Presenter(s):
Title: Macba and Linia — Presenter(s):
Title: Mistaken Identities: A CD-ROM genealogy — Presenter(s):
Title: Navigation on the Web with Haptic Feedback — Presenter(s):
Title: Permanent Revolution: Flame Wars — Presenter(s):
Title: Surf Design: Web Development in a Fluid Environment — Presenter(s):
Title: Ten Billion Robots: The Creation of Real Artificial Worlds — Presenter(s):
Title: The Handling of Poetry in Interactive Media: The Case of a CD-Rom Production of Catalan Poetry — Presenter(s):
Title: The Web as an Intimate Space — Presenter(s):
Title: Trans Navigation — Presenter(s):
Title: Work of Sue Machert — Presenter(s):
Institutional Presentations:
Building a House on Sand: Is the Digital World Sufficiently Solid to be a New Foundation for Artists?
Title: C.R.E.A.T.E.S., Computer-related Experiments in Art & Technology: Studio University Malaysia Sarawak — Presenter(s):
Title: Laboratory of New Technologies: (A)mediality Projects — Presenter(s):
Title: Museo Internacional de Electrografía de Cuenca: The Museum for the Digital Arts of the XXIst Century — Presenter(s):
Title: School of Television and Imaging — Presenter(s):
Title: A.S.T.A.R.T.I. — Presenter(s):
Title: Art and Technology Studies, School of the Art Institute of Chicago — Presenter(s):
Title: Computer Music CNUCE/CNR — Presenter(s):
Title: Dynamic Aesthetics for Dynamic Media: The Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, the Graduate Program in Communication and New Media Design — Presenter(s):
Title: Institut Universitari de l’Audiovisual, Universitat Pompeu Fabra — Presenter(s):
Title: Laboratory Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art — Presenter(s):
Title: PAIR: The Xerox PARC Artist in Residence Program — Presenter(s):
Title: Programming, Education and Fine Art Practice — Presenter(s):
Title: The Hatomaya Itiro Electro Acoustic Music School — Presenter(s):
Title: The Vancouver Film School: The Multimedia Learning Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: V2, The Institute for the Unstable Media —
Public Presentations:
A Tribute to John Whitney Sr.
Title: 3D Computer Animation, in co-operation with the Erasmus University Rotterdam — Presenter(s):
Networked Identities