Paper Presentations (Sorted by Title)

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Title: The Implicate Beauty of the Algorithm
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Invisible Present
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Map as Raw Material
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Mediamatic CD-ROM
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Microculture Network
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Midi Dance Shoes
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Natural History of Media
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Nature of Perfection
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Neuro-Logic of Software Art
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The New American Pastoral
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Paris Reseau project
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Planetary Collegium
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Problem with Immersion
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Programmed Artwork
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Rendezvous with Cascades of Light
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Rhetoric of the JPEG
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Rhetorical Art of Data
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Situational Library
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Staging of Leonardo’s Last Supper
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Terror of Cyclic Existence
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Uncanny Automaton
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Uncanny Signal
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Virtual Mandala
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The War for World Four
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Well-Sequenced Synthesizer
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The Wilderness at Home
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: The writing on the wall
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Theory of Cyberdada
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Theta Lab
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Time-and-Information-Based Environment
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Touched Echo: The Sound of a Ghost
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Toward Super Language
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Towards a Taxonomy of Interactivity
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Towards an Autopoiesis of Surveillance
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Towards New Structures
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Travels in Hyperbolic Space
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: TV at Rest
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Twelve O’Clock Flight Virtual Revolutions
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Two Bitster Disagreement
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Title: Underground Sensings
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: UNMASK: Digital Thinking with Brutalism
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Title: Urban democracy in Japan
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Title: Urban Framework
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Title: Urban Palimpsest: Color in Berlin
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Title: Urban Space of Qatar’s Built Heritage
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Using Numbers Series for Morphing
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Utility S(h)elves
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Vectors and Virtual Space Symposium:
Title: Vibrations and Waves
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Video Tactility
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Video Touch
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Viet Cong and the Internet
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Virtual Identities: Inhabiting the Net
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Visible From Space
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Visual Music Flavors
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Visual Rhetoric and Computer Media
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Title: Visualising Emotions and Autism
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: VR as Poesis
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Walking with projectors
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Weaponizing Play
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: Wearable absence
Presenter(s): Symposium:
Title: What Would We Mean By Realism?
Presenter(s): Symposium:

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