ISEA98 Presentation Overview
ISEA98: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
At Your Service: Latinas in the Global Information Network
Title: Keynote — Presenter(s):
Title: Keynote — Presenter(s):
Title: Keynote — Presenter(s):
Title: Pocahontas Has Misgivings About Living in a Digital Matrix — Presenter(s):
Title: Presence of Absence (A-gain): Kathy Acker — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Orientalism: A Dialogue on Technological Others in Media Discourse — Presenter(s):
Title: World Premiere of “Frozen Palaces” — Presenter(s):
Paper Presentations:
Long Papers Presentations
A Manifesto for Compwriting and Re-Scriptable Information
Title: Alive Cinema: Romeo and Juliet in Hades — Presenter(s):
Title: Blazoned and Over-Exposed: Post-Modern Bodies in Public Spaces — Presenter(s):
Title: Grrl Codes: the Scripting of Racial and Gender Stereotypes — Presenter(s):
Title: Notions on David Lynch’s Use of Terror and the Importance of Film Sound — Presenter(s):
Title: Performance Art and Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: Science as Art in the Theatre of the Brain — Presenter(s):
Title: The Design of an Instrument for Visual Improvisation and Composition — Presenter(s):
Title: The Form/Content Formula: Parallel Between Pre-Industrial Cinema and Current New Media Practice — Presenter(s):
Title: Theoretical Issues of Humanistic Intelligence: From Postmodernism to Pastmodernism in the Cyborg Age of Metaphysical Computing — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Spaces and Ergonomics: The Feng Shui of Cyberspace — Presenter(s):
Revolution98 Session
Revolution for All
Title: Is the Potential for Transcendence an Intrinsic Aspect of a Virtual Environment? — Presenter(s):
Title: The Manchester Illuminated Universal Turing Machine — Presenter(s):
Title: The Terror of Cyclic Existence — Presenter(s):
Title: The War for World Four — Presenter(s):
Title: Twelve O’Clock Flight Virtual Revolutions — Presenter(s):
Short Paper Presentations
Exploding Spaces
Title: Making Salt — Presenter(s):
Title: Re=purpose of Information: Art as Network — Presenter(s):
Title: Beyond the Site: Installation Art at the End of Geography — Presenter(s):
Title: Cage, Acoustic Ecology and Revolutionary Thought — Presenter(s):
Title: Circuits and Bread — Presenter(s):
Title: Comparative Technologies / Painting: More on Ghosts with Cartoons for the Next Millennium — Presenter(s):
Title: Controller and Controlled: Interchangeability — Presenter(s):
Title: Dividing the Self: Speculations on the Split Brain Human Computer Interface — Presenter(s):
Title: Electric Prayer Wheel: A Meditation on Genocide — Presenter(s):
Title: Embracing Chaos: A Strategy for the Next Millennium — Presenter(s):
Title: Empathetic Avatar/Surrogate Self — Presenter(s):
Title: Evaluating Young People’s Creative Uses of Digital Technology: Whose Benchmarks and Why? — Presenter(s):
Title: Finding Consensual Times in Digital Music — Presenter(s):
Title: Foldback, On a Transmedia Exhibition and Event Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Australia Network for Art and Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: From Kindergarten to Total Carnage — Presenter(s):
Title: Fugitive: A Machine Driven Interactive Digital Video Space — Presenter(s):
Title: Hybrid Heroes of the Digital Revolution — Presenter(s):
Title: Interactive Arts at Manchester: Creative Futures — Presenter(s):
Title: Ironic: Some Rust-Belt Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Is There a Digital Aesthetic? — Presenter(s):
Title: K-O Counter-Cultures — Presenter(s):
Title: Light Dance: the Twin Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: LIQUID SCRUTINY and NECRO-TECHNO: What’s Wrong with Thinking and Laughing at the Same Time? — Presenter(s):
Title: Low Technology*Digital Revolution — Presenter(s):
Title: MayDay! A Memory of History (Animation) — Presenter(s):
Title: Media Follow Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Metaphor Revolution — Presenter(s):
Title: MMU Student Shows — Presenter(s):
Title: Nothing Temporal Can Be Silent — Presenter(s):
Title: On the Road to Omniana — Presenter(s):
Title: Open Electronic Book — Presenter(s):
Title: Palindrom: Interactive Computer Dance — Presenter(s):
Title: Peeping Tom and Nosey Parker — Presenter(s):
Title: Ship to Shore —
Title: Soapbox — Presenter(s):
Title: Still Silent After All These Years — Presenter(s):
Title: Synthetic Method of Fractal Textures — Presenter(s):
Title: Techno@Fetish.tribe/Techno-gardism~A Time Released Diaspora? — Presenter(s):
Title: Technophobia — Presenter(s):
Title: The Art Mainstream As The Enemy — Presenter(s):
Title: The Bodycoder System: A Wireless Sensor Suit for Real-Time Control and Manipulation of Sound and Images — Presenter(s):
Title: The Survival of Design Education within the I.T. Revolution — Presenter(s):
Title: Touch Screen Interactivity and the Representation of Marginalised Groups in Museums — Presenter(s):
Title: Utility S(h)elves — Presenter(s):
Title: Viet Cong and the Internet — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Migrants: Racist Deportations vs Freedom of Virtual Travel, Electronic Art as Ideology — Presenter(s):
Title: Visual Rhetoric and Computer Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Wider Contexts: Electronic Media as Sites for Public Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Witness to the Future — Presenter(s):
Title: Women, Gender and Technology, Leisure, Pleasure or Penury? — Presenter(s):
Title: Working with Poetics in an Interactive Environment: Mouthplace — Presenter(s):
A Manifesto for Compwriting and Re-Scriptable Information
Visual Languages
A Study of the Changing Role of Typographic Education Within the Context of Hypermedia
Title: Dialogue — Presenter(s):
Title: Five Miles of Liquid Tire: Making Sense of Spectacle, Looking, and Illuminated Art in Blackpool (1879 – 1998) — Presenter(s):
Title: Moving Words of Seduction — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Visual Languages — Presenter(s):
Title: Re: vo-lut(te).ion — Presenter(s):
Title: Reproduction — Presenter(s):
Title: Shorthand-Beaufonts — Presenter(s):
Title: Symbols, Pictures and Signs: Social and Psychological Meaning — Presenter(s):
Title: The Concept of Fortune — Presenter(s):
Virtual Interventions: Digital Avant Gardes
Title: Brownwork/Greenwork — Presenter(s):
Title: Difference and the Virtual — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Virtual Interventions: Digital Avant-Gardes — Presenter(s):
Title: Redefining Terms? ‘Artist’ and ‘Audience’ in New Media Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Surveillance Situationist-Humanistic Intelligence — Presenter(s):
Title: The Disappearance of the Art Object — Presenter(s):
The Art Mainstream as the Enemy
Curators and Collectors
Title: Economies of Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Initiation and the Academy — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: The Art Mainstream as the Enemy — Presenter(s):
Title: The New Establishment — Presenter(s):
Sonic Boom
Improvised Radio
Title: (Humble Under-Minded) Psychic Rumble — Presenter(s):
Title: Bouquets and Backing Tapes: Karaoke Opera — Presenter(s):
Title: Electronic Music Studios (EMS) — Presenter(s):
Title: Genius Loci: Music, Carnality and Contact-Sound —
Title: Mapping Movement to Sound: Recent Sound lnstallation & Dance Projects Using Movement Sensing Systems — Presenter(s):
Title: Natural Systems — Presenter(s):
Title: One Artist, One Art System, The Case of Net.Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Sonic Boom — Presenter(s):
Title: The Interactive Instrument A Brief History — Presenter(s):
Digital Aesthetics
Commedia del Multimedia and Locomotion Pictures Panel Statement
Title: In Search of a Digital Aesthetic — Presenter(s):
Title: Installation Art at the End of Geography — Presenter(s):
Title: Is There an Avant Garde in Digital Arts? — Presenter(s):
Title: MA Multimedia Arts Degree Show 1998, Liverpool Art School — Presenter(s):
Title: MA Multimedia Design Degree Show 1998, Middlesex University — Presenter(s):
Title: My Finger’s Getting Tired: Unencumbered Interactive Installations for the Entire Body — Presenter(s):
Title: Note on Digital Aesthetics — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Digital Aesthetics — Presenter(s):
Title: The Construction of Artistic Truths in Digital Images — Presenter(s):
Title: The Shock of Refinement: Reaestheticizing Life Through a New Technology of Consciousness — Presenter(s):
Title: Time for Sound — Presenter(s):
Title: Towards a Digital Aesthetic — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Reality as a Fine Art Medium Research Unit — Presenter(s):
Art Practice
Title: Anti-Author(ity) Manifesto: Digital World is a Plane — Presenter(s):
Title: Chastity Belts, Voluntary Incarceration, Sexual Politics & Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Grammar-Law-Algorithm — Presenter(s):
Title: Modelling Death to Get Real Death: The Re-construction and Repetition of the Live/Death Ambivalence in Artificial Life — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Work — Presenter(s):
Title: Removing the Goal Post — Presenter(s):
Title: Reproductive Work and the Creation of the Digital Image — Presenter(s):
Title: Revolution in Representation — Presenter(s):
Title: Scuzi — Presenter(s):
Title: The Exploitation of ‘Tangible Ghosts’: Conjectures on Soundscape Recording and its Re-Appropriation in Sound Art — Presenter(s):
Title: The Mutant Offspring of Information Economies — Presenter(s):
Title: The Photographic Image: Revolution / Iteration — Presenter(s):
Title: The Presence of Absence (A-gain) — Presenter(s):
Title: The Touch of Art in the Age of Digital Paintings. Digital Irony? — Presenter(s):
Title: Utopianism: From Cage to Acoustic Ecology — Presenter(s):
St. Petersburg 3.0
Computer Generated Photography and Neoclassical Sensibility
Title: Economy of Holy Energy — Presenter(s):
Title: Films: Party, Love Story, M. Monroe, V. Mayakovsky and Manifesto of Neo-Academism — Presenter(s):
Title: New Composers — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: St. Petersburg 3.0 — Presenter(s):
Title: Virtual Kingdom of Beauty — Presenter(s):
General Panel Presentations
Tongue Twisters
Title: Vision and Power — Presenter(s):
Bio-Architectures Virtual Cities: The Revolutionary Human-Machine Community
After Privacy: Surveillance, Sexuality and the Electronic Self
Title: Bio-Architectures, Virtual Cities: The Revolutionary Human-Machine Community — Presenter(s):
Title: Culture, Technology and Power: Creative Leisure and Social Change — Presenter(s):
Title: Devirtualisation: Toward a Critical, Embodied Interactivity — Presenter(s):
Title: Digitized Bodies Visual Spectacle — Presenter(s):
Title: Does Collective Intelligence Have a Body? — Presenter(s):
Title: Emotions and Cultural Diversity — Presenter(s):
Title: Females Online — Presenter(s):
Title: Integration of Art and Technology for Realising New Communications — Presenter(s):
Title: Positioning the Subject: Surveillance in Digital Mapping — Presenter(s):
Title: Social Control and Imaginary Architecture — Presenter(s):
Title: Tactile Interfaces and Bodily Communication: The Rhetorics of Touch in Virtual Reality — Presenter(s):
Title: Technique in Place and Technology with Reference to Contemporary Fine Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Technological Embodiment of the Female Body and Voice via Radio Transmission — Presenter(s):
Title: The Digital City and the Visceral Brain — Presenter(s):
Title: The Magic Light for Viewing the Inside of Objects: A Supernatural Interactive Display — Presenter(s):
Title: The Revolution of the Digital Bodies — Presenter(s):
Title: The Uptodateograph — Presenter(s):
Computers in Theatre: New Dimensions for Stage, Actors & Audience
Bringing Interactive Animated Characters Out to the User
Title: Computer Theatre — Presenter(s):
Title: Computers in Theatre: New Dimensions for Stage, Actors and Audience — Presenter(s):
Title: Gallery Guide — Presenter(s):
Title: Theatre and Digital Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Why Bring the Virtual World onto a Classic Stage? — Presenter(s):
Evolution 2.0
Generative Systems and Generative Art
Title: Greyworld: Sound Installation — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro Evolution 2.0 — Presenter(s):
Title: Sublime Ecologies and Artistic Endeavours: Artificial Life and Interactivity in the On-line Project Technosphere — Presenter(s):
Title: Synthetic Creatures in Context — Presenter(s):
Title: The Book of Ruins and Desire — Presenter(s):
Digital Divas Present Between the Sheets
Digital Divas Present Between the Sheets
Mediated Nations
A Manifesto for Electric Propagandists
Title: Anticipated Future; Controller and Controlled: Interchangeability — Presenter(s):
Title: Deep Dish Satellite Network — Presenter(s):
Title: Introduction to MED TV — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Mediated Nations — Presenter(s):
Title: Techno-Revolution — Presenter(s):
Paradiso Artificiale Rehearsals for Death: Avators and the Post-Biological Experience
Bad Men, Good Men and the Data Ganger Cometh
Title: Digital Courts — Presenter(s):
Title: Paradiso Artificiale Rehearsals for Death: Avators and the Post-Biological Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: Smell Bytes — Presenter(s):
Title: Trance, Fixation, Serenity and Death: Meaningful Repetition: If There is One Moment Only, Let it Be Here in the Falling Snow. Out on the Wild Grasslands, I am You — Presenter(s):
Revolution of the Public Sphere
...and there was light! Rhetorical Performances in the Digital Realm
Title: Are There Revolutionary Electronic Ethics? — Presenter(s):
Title: Arming the Gallery — Presenter(s):
Title: Partition — Presenter(s):
Title: Pose in the State of Flux — Presenter(s):
Title: Post-Colonial Electronic Media Theory? — Presenter(s):
Title: Revolution of the Public Sphere — Presenter(s):
Title: So What’s New About This Revolution? Rethinking History — Presenter(s):
Title: The Escatological Expectation — Presenter(s):
Title: The Panic Museum: Memory and Digital Alzheimer’s in the Information Age – Exhibition and Conservation in the Digital Arts — Presenter(s):
Title: Time Frames — Presenter(s):
Title: Word-Dialogue-Light-Revolution-Action: Breaking the Glass — Presenter(s):
Sound Government Always Leads to Revolution
Panel Intro: Sound Government Always Lead to Revolution
Title: Revolting Sounds: The Body/Machine with Organs — Presenter(s):
Title: Revolution Sounds Like... — Presenter(s):
Title: RPM: Virtual Bodies Meet Real Sound —
Title: Things That Go Ping — Presenter(s):
Digital Print
Integrating Digital Technology and Autographic Printmaking
Title: Intercreativity — Presenter(s):
Title: Panel Intro: Digital Print — Presenter(s):
Title: Rebelling Against Perfection — Presenter(s):
Title: Towards a Synthesis of Text and Image — Presenter(s):
The Computers and Sculptors Revolution
A Study of the Changing Role of Typographic Education Within the Context of Hypermedia
Round Table Discussions:
Mercurial States Roundtable
Title: State of Emergence — Presenter(s):
Institutional Presentations:
Body, Territory, and New Technologies
Title: Fourth Door — Presenter(s):
Title: Redundant Technology Initiative — Presenter(s):
Title: State/Of/Emegency/ — Presenter(s):
Title: TIMARA: Building a new undergraduate curriculum: Technology in Music and Related Arts at Oberlin Conservatory of Music — Presenter(s):
At Your Service: Latinas in the Global Information Network