CCCB: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona


Venue Function(s):

    Academic Conference, Informal Get-together(s), Keynote Presentation(s), Performance(s), Presentation(s), Screening, and Workshop(s)


Venue Location:

Barcelona, Spain


The CCCB is a multidisciplinary cultural centre that deals with the key challenges of contemporary society through different languages and formats.

It offers an extensive programme that includes major thematic exhibitions, conference series and literary meetups, film screenings and festivals. The CCCB’s activities focus on creative research and knowledge production, implemented through its own major projects and other associated proposals and festivals. The CCCB works in collaboration with international institutions and agents and also maintains ties with artists, creative collectives, curators and independent cultural agents based in and around Barcelona, providing them with support and visibility and leveraging their creative capital. The CCCB researches new educational methods, it employs tools for knowledge and production under constant critical revision and seeks out collaborative and experimental methodologies to generate processes for revitalisation and mediation.

Venue Art Events:

Venue Presentations:

Venue Workshops: