ISEA2020 Presentation Overview
ISEA2020: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
A Sharpening of the Already Present: Five Analytical Vignettes on Apocalypse, Hope, Death, and Life
Title: From Planetary Sensing to Becoming Planetary — Presenter(s):
Title: Proustian Memory and Dreams in Brains and Machines — Presenter(s):
Title: shxwelí li te shxwelítemelh xíts’etáwtxw / The Incarceration of Indigenous Life by Museums — Presenter(s):
Paper Presentations:
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Code, AI & Performance
Cyborg Encounters: The Abilizing Capabilities of Embodying Disabling Avatars
Title: Sentience and the Virtual Body, from Dual Subjectivity to the Eros Effect — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Cyborgs and Virtual Bodies
Dance and Code with Empathy: A Reading of Joana Chicau and Merce Cunningham
Title: Open-source Sentience: the Proof is in the Performance — Presenter(s):
Title: The Mattering of Algorithms: Reading the Media Performance of Erica Scourti through Originary Technicity — Presenter(s):
Politics of Sentience: Devices for Social Justice
Data Pollution Devices: Artistic Strategies Against Behavior Capture
Title: NEO//QAB: Creating a World Through Speculative Play — Presenter(s):
Title: Social Justice and Artificial Intelligence — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Dispositifs of Sensory Augmentation
Archive or Alive: The Experimental VR Digital Collection of Shou-You LIU’s Shapde 5.5
Title: Experimenting with Robotic Softness — Presenter(s):
Title: git show: Musical Creativity, Ideation, and GitHub — Presenter(s):
Politics of Sentience: Activism and Labor
Fake Publishing as Art and Activism
Title: Revaluing Women’s Labor through Material Engagement with Musical Instruments Built from Domestic Tools — Presenter(s):
Title: UNMASK: Digital Thinking with Brutalism — Presenter(s):
Title: “I try to stay neutral”: Digital Assistants and their Stance towards Gender — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Sensing Spaces and Places
Aural Soilscapes: Sensory Challenges in a Subterranean World
Title: AURALROOTS: Learning about Sentience though Embodiment and Simulation in Three Sonic Environments — Presenter(s):
Title: Constructing Xenological Encounters — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensing Contemporary Mexican Art: Ariel Guzik’s Sonic Machines — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Machine Aesthetic Agency
Chatterbox: an Interactive System of Gibberish Agents
Title: Exploring AI Ethics Through Intelligent Everyday Objects — Presenter(s):
Title: Machine Generated ‘Portraits’ as Impersonal Gestures — Presenter(s):
Title: Machine-Enacted Modes of Creative Exploration — Presenter(s):
Matters Mattering: Visualization and Materialization
Pixels in the Material World: Making Marching Cubes
Title: The Art of Trajectory: Celestial Mechanics V — Presenter(s):
Title: TwttrGraph: I Wish to Speak with You. A Telegraphic Sound Installation — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Dispositifs of Sensory Augmentation II
Aeon Performance System for Visual Music
Title: Blimpy: an Artistic Framework for Creating a Spatial Augmented Reality Experience with Helium Blimps — Presenter(s):
Title: Physicality and Spatialization in Sound Art — Presenter(s):
Matters Mattering: (Public) Place Making
Creative Audio Design for a Massively Multipoint Sound and Light System
Title: Sensing the Reality: Reflections on Artistic Actions to Defocus the Real — Presenter(s):
Title: Sentience and Place: Towards More-than-Human Cultures — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Immediations
A Taxonomy for the Contiguous Spectrum: Corporeal Computing Futures and the Performance of Signal Transmission
Title: Seeing is Sensing: Three Strategies for Multisensory Experience in Mixed Reality Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Shifting Immediations: Fields of Experience across Media Art and Design — Presenter(s):
Sentience Difference: Human Body Sensory Modalities
Art and the Broken Mirror: a Technogenetic Perspective on Digitally Expanded Realities
Title: Qualia Formation through Sensory Substitution in Artistic Laboratories in Russia — Presenter(s):
Title: Schizomachine: a Wearable Schizo-interface for a Schizo-body — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Spatial, Interactive, Sensory Media
After the Tunnel: on Shifting Ontology and Ethology of the Emerging Art-subject
Title: Aesthetic Qualities of Thermal and Vibrotactile Materials for Somatic Contemplation — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensory and Spatial Koans — Presenter(s):
The Ecosophic World: Inhaling Consciousness
Inhaling Consciousness: Ecological Sentience at Molecular Level
Title: Odorama V2: Prototyping Touch-Smell Synesthesia to Promote Neurocognitive Empathy — Presenter(s):
Title: Risonanze Di Vino: Tuning Wine with Sound through the Senses and Culture — Presenter(s):
Matters Mattering: Collective Interactions and Play
Any One, AnyWare: Perceiving Sentience and Embodiment in a Distributed Sculpture
Title: In Pieces VR: Micronarrative and Abstraction in the Design and Conceptualization of a VR-based Experimental Documentary — Presenter(s):
Title: Sleeping Eyes: VR Narcolepsy Storytelling through the Duality of Presence — Presenter(s):
Title: Tactile Potentials: a Mixed Reality Project for Live Performance — Presenter(s):
The Ecosphic World: Expanded Encounters
Enchanting Materialities: E-textiles Installations for an Ecosophic World
Title: Indigenous Sentience: Fernando Palma’s Electronic Divinities — Presenter(s):
Title: Stonemaps: a Slow Intentional Network for Collective Sentience — Presenter(s):
Matters Mattering: Collective Interactions and Play [cont.]
Beyond the Turn and Towards the Event: Analyzing the Curatorial as a Material-discursive Practice
Title: Data, Sense, Resonance: an Art of Diabetic Self-Tracking — Presenter(s):
Title: Playing with Emotions: Biosignal-based Control in Virtual Reality Game Project H.E.A.R.T. — Presenter(s):
Title: Reclaiming and Commemorating Difficult Felt Experiences — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Embodied Cognition
Embodied Cognition, Digital Cultures and Sensorimotor Debility
Title: Glowing Lichen: Visually Sensing Social Spaces — Presenter(s):
Title: The Barbican Totem: Lighting Up the Brain, Zoning in on Synapses, Redistributing Sentience — Presenter(s):
The Ecosophic World: Explorations of Natural Sentient Environments
Designing Technology for a Symbiosis Between Natural Systems and Information Infrastructure
Title: Sentience as The Antidote to Our Frenzied Mediated Selves — Presenter(s):
Title: Underground Sensings — Presenter(s):
The Ecosophic World: Plants and Microbial Agencies
PlantConnect and Microbial Sonorities: Exploring the Intersection of Plant, Microbial and Machine Agencies
Title: Seeing Plants through Botanical Illustration — Presenter(s):
Title: The Dinoflagellate (Pyrocystis) Bioluminesce According To Their Own DNA — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Expressive AI
AIBO: an Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligent Brainwave Opera, Part 2, or the Making of a “Sicko” AI
Title: Liminal Scape, an Interactive Visual Installation with Expressive AI — Presenter(s):
Title: Neosentience. Definition; a New Combinatoric N-dimensional Bio-algorithm; Authorship of the Insight Engine 2.0 and Database; Recruitment of Transdisciplinary Researchers; Ethics Surrounding the Generation of a New, Self-aware Autonomous Techno-species — Presenter(s):
The Ecosophic World: Plants and Biophilic Architectures
Expanding Sensitivity in Immersive Media Environments
Title: Mycorrhizal Curation: Minimal Cognition for Maximal Cooperation — Presenter(s):
Title: Open Waters [Northwest Passage | Open Polar Sea | Arctic + Great Lakes Plastic] — Presenter(s):
Title: Using Biophilic Design and the Orienting Reflex to Develop Generative Ambient Public Displays — Presenter(s):
Interdisciplinary Collaborations for Better Understandings of Sentience
Can Art Contribute to the Research on Multisensory Processes?
Title: On Places, Spaces and Objects of Interdisciplinary Scholarship: The Case of Useful Fictions — Presenter(s):
Title: Translating Disciplinary Practices for Trans-sentient Collaboration — Presenter(s):
The Planetary: Water Ways
Art and Science Intra-action of Collecting Water from Fog: Ethical Response-ability in Karen Barad’s Mattering
Title: Beneath the Surface and Into the Planetary: Listening to/for Coexistence in Contemporary Sound Installations — Presenter(s):
Title: WaterWays Visualization Computational Reflexivity for Sustainability Action — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: Interaction and Embodiment
An Invitation to DANCE: Making Sense of Viewer Interaction in Installation Art
Title: Gestural Metaphor and Emergent Human/Machine Agency in Two Contrasting Interactive Dance/Music Pieces — Presenter(s):
Title: Physical Grainclouds: Granular Sound Art in the Physical World — Presenter(s):
Title: The Revisit of Sentience: Nam June Paik’s Big Sleep in Interactive Art — Presenter(s):
Machinic Sense & Sensibility: The Problem with Immersion
Expanded Notes on the Exhibitionary Conditions of Virtual Reality
Title: Intercultural Dialogue in Museums through Mixed Reality — Presenter(s):
Title: Post-immersion: Towards a Discursive Situation in Media Arts — Presenter(s):
Title: The Problem with Immersion — Presenter(s):
Other Presentations
A Little Better: Emotions in the Age of Cryptocurrency
Title: Cyborg and Prosthesis: The Body of Subjective Motivation Extension — Presenter(s):
Title: Sentience and High Fidelity Haptics: the New Frontier in Content Creation — Presenter(s):
Cyborg Encounters: The Abilizing Capabilities of Embodying Disabling Avatars
Aesthetic and User Experience in Biofeedback Art
Title: Agency and Autonomy: Intersections of Artificial Intelligence and Creative Practice — Presenter(s):
Title: Beyond Anthropocentrism: Art Practices to Expand Human Experience, Understanding, and Creativity — Presenter(s):
Title: Boundary Crossing(s): Multi-scalar Entanglements in Art, Science and Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: Breeding Sentience: Queering Lineage and Voguing Enhancement — Presenter(s):
Title: Human Collaboration and Machine Generation Across Media — Presenter(s):
Title: ISEA International Annual General Meeting — Presenter(s):- Ernest Edmonds
- Sue Gollifer
- Ricardo Dal Farra
- Mike Phillips
- Anne Nigten
- Pat Badani
- Rob La Frenais
- Roger F. Malina
Title: Kinship and Disembodiment in Mediated Cloud Spaces — Presenter(s):
Title: Life, A Sensorium: Perspectives from the Sensorium Exhibition at ISEA2020 — Presenter(s):
Title: Machine Learning as Material: Research-Creation Approaches to Behavior and Imagination — Presenter(s):
Title: Mental Ecologies: Consciousness as an Emergent Phenomena — Presenter(s):
Title: Microscopic Otherness and Signs of Sub-molecular Sentience — Presenter(s):
Title: Queering Infrastructure: the System Through the Erotic — Presenter(s):
Title: Scaling Sentience: the Earth, the Sky, and Outer Space — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensory Cosmologies Group — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensory Entanglements: Decolonizing the Senses — Presenter(s):
Title: Sentience and Trans-Species Collaboration: Considering the Aims, Desires and Perceptual Landscapes of the Non-Human — Presenter(s):
Title: Sentience in the Context of Operative Images — Presenter(s):
Title: Some Provocations from Skeptical Inquirers about Animal Sentience — Presenter(s):
Title: The Ocean that Keeps Us Apart also Joins Us: Charting Knowledge and Practice in the Anthropocene — Presenter(s):
Title: Who is Speaking? Artscience Stagings of Nonhuman Sentience — Presenter(s):
Round Table Discussions:
Mimesis: A New Laboratory for Immersion, Interaction and Previsualisation
Title: The Practice of New Media Art: Sentience, Perception, Cognition, and Consciousness? — Presenter(s):
Exploring Social Coordination through Computationally Augmented Artifacts using Auditory Feedback
Title: Immersive Dreams: a Shared VR Experience — Presenter(s):
Title: Preserving the Past: ISEA and SIGGRAPH Archives Research and Development — Presenter(s):
Title: The Primary Experience of Sentience: Exhibitions of Art and Media as a Parkour for Participative Visitors. Field Report and Critical Reflection — Presenter(s):
Title: Towards a Postcolonial Ontology of Sentience — Presenter(s):
Title: VVV: Volumetric Video in Videogames —
Title: When We Touch — Presenter(s):
Artist Talks:
An Artist Talk: The Power of the Spill
Title: Art for Machines — Presenter(s):
Title: Blasey Ford V Kavanaugh & the Split Brain Interface — Presenter(s):
Title: Captured by an Algorithm — Presenter(s):
Title: Computational Serendipity in Generative Art — Presenter(s):
Title: Connectivity Café: Prototyping the Dining Event — Presenter(s):
Title: Digital Anatomical Theater — Presenter(s):
Title: Digital Hybrid — Presenter(s):
Title: Divergent Design Lab: Towards Invisibility and Social Engineering — Presenter(s):
Title: Everyday Voices and Voids: Reclaiming and Transcoding Voice Interaction Data as Performance — Presenter(s):
Title: Flâneuse>La Caminanta — Presenter(s):
Title: Foresta Inclusive: Work-In-Progress — Presenter(s):
Title: Gambiologia. A Brazilian Approach on Critical Making — Presenter(s):
Title: Immersive Cine-installation and Embodied Perception — Presenter(s):
Title: In the Time of Clouds: Materializing Data for a Speculative Future — Presenter(s):
Title: Intimate Encounters with Ducks — Presenter(s):
Title: Lost City of Mer — Presenter(s):
Title: Machine Biography — Presenter(s):
Title: Monument Public Address System — Presenter(s):
Title: Native Composition: Metaprocess as a Unifying Factor in a Diverse Body of Artwork — Presenter(s):
Title: neighboring|towns — Presenter(s):
Title: Networked Art Practice after Digital Preservation — Presenter(s):
Title: Pasochoa — Presenter(s):
Title: ReRites & ReLobo — Presenter(s):
Title: Riot Walk — Presenter(s):
Title: Rural Noise Ensemble: Notweed (2019) — Presenter(s):
Title: SAD Home. Developing an Alexa with Depression — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensing Across Entities: Global Urban Wilds and Environmental Storytelling — Presenter(s):
Title: Sensiqwerty: Work-In-Progress — Presenter(s):
Title: Shanawdithit VR: Exploration of Indigenous Opera in Immersive Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Social Homelessness on US Campuses — Presenter(s):
Title: Sono-lumínica-mano-morse: Pulsating Study for Narrating Hands — Presenter(s):
Title: Telematic Awakening: Participating in the 2019 Chilean Uprising Through a Live Gestural Interface — Presenter(s):
Title: The Algae Society Bio Art Design Lab presents: Entanglements — Presenter(s):- Gene A. Felice II
- Jennifer Parker
- José Carlos Espinel Velasco
- Juniper Harrower
- Fiona Hillary
- David Harris
- Tiare Ribeaux
Title: The City Island — Presenter(s):
Title: The Millennial Toolkit — Presenter(s):
Title: Training Machines to Detect Suspicious Behaviour — Presenter(s):
Title: Transaction “Trance-actions”: Immersive Prototypes for Extreme Experiences of Ephemeral Values in Flow — Presenter(s):
Title: Unauthorized: Live Generative Dance Theatre with Musebots — Presenter(s):
Title: Unnatural Language — Presenter(s):
Title: Using Metaphor and Naturalistic Geometry to Visualize Quantified Self Data — Presenter(s):
Title: Xeno-Terra: Migrant Ecosystems — Presenter(s):
Title: “Being Human is in Focus" of Biometric Data - the Body is the Event — Presenter(s):
Institutional Presentations:
ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community
Title: ANAT on Country — Presenter(s):
Title: Centres for Doctoral Training in Media and Arts Technology & AI and Music at Queen Mary University of London — Presenter(s):
Title: Cyberdelia Mexicana x — Presenter(s):
Title: EUR ArTeC: Networking for Art, Science, Technology, and Humanities through Hydrology of Media — Presenter(s):
Title: Experimenta Life Form — Presenter(s):
Title: FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletronica — Presenter(s):
Title: Gambiologia — Presenter(s):
Title: Image Fest 2020 — Presenter(s):
Title: Immersive Arts Space — Presenter(s):
Title: Interaccess — Presenter(s):
Title: ISEA Symposium Archives: Innovative Archive Development and Content Acquisition — Presenter(s):
Title: Manifestations: Art & Technology — Presenter(s):
Title: Molior - An International Exhibition Producer — Presenter(s):
Title: SIGGRAPH Archive Research and Development: a Creative and Innovative Approach to Historical Digital Art Documentation — Presenter(s):
Title: Transforming Paradigms (Art-Environment) — Presenter(s):
Title: UQAT Research & Creation in New Media — Presenter(s):
Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Break Out Sessions
Break Out Session 1: Connecting New Media Art Archives
Title: Break Out Session 2: Creating Ties to Musea — Presenter(s):
Title: Break Out Session 3: Funding for New Media Art Archives — Presenter(s):
Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Keynote
Museum Network for Digital Arts: a Concerted Collection, Documentation, and Conservation Strategy
Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Papers
A Brief History of STARTS
Title: A Database of Interdisciplinary Art in Russia — Presenter(s):
Title: A History of the Internet through MoMA’s Exhibition Sites: Web-Archiving Art Content at NYARC — Presenter(s):
Title: Archiving and Researching Media Art in Israel: Challenges, Innovative Solutions, and Potential International Collaborations — Presenter(s):
Title: Archiving Australian Media Arts: Towards a Method and a National Collection — Presenter(s):
Title: Archiving Interactive Art for Art Practitioners and Theorists — Presenter(s):
Title: Carving out a Path: Building Research and Knowledge Environments (RKE) in a Digital Culture — Presenter(s):
Title: Digital Art Festival, Biennial Of Digital Art and Labcult (UFMG/PPGCI) — Presenter(s):
Title: ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base — Presenter(s):
Title: ePPA Project: Telling Peru’s Video Art Histories Through a Unified Platform — Presenter(s):
Title: Preservation Begins at Creation: Integrating an Embedded Digital Archivist Within an Academic Media Art Program — Presenter(s):
Title: VR as a Preservation and Simulation Tool for Media Art Installations — Presenter(s):
Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Short Presentations
The ISEA Symposium Archives
Title: The SIGGRAPH Digital Art Show Archives — Presenter(s):
Title: The Ars Electronica Archives — Presenter(s):
Break Out Session 1: Connecting New Media Art Archives
A Sharpening of the Already Present: Five Analytical Vignettes on Apocalypse, Hope, Death, and Life